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Guys using the "girl voice"


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I was hanging out with one of my best buddies last weekend, and he goes to call this girl he's kinda seeing and he says"Hi, it's ----" in the GIRLIEST VOICE I have ever heard. He sounded SO gay. We were watching the NFL drafts and me and 2 other guys just started cracking up. It was the funniest shit.

So I guess my question is: what's up with the efemminate (sp?) voice some guys put on to talk to girls? Guys, do you know anyone who doess this? Girls, do you think it's a sign that you've got him by the balls?

It was just the strangest damn thing.


*i'm in love with the modern world*

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being a bass baritone, i'd probably rip something trying to do a girly voice..

a lot of girls think my voice is sexy though

<doing the Barry White>

Aaawwlll niigghht laaawnnng




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yeah i think thats when the guy is def. by the balls or at least wants the girl to believe that........or wants to be cute.....i think i use that voice sometimes...it might even work...lol cwm35.gif


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A girl voice or was it baby-talk? And it's a little odd since he only kinda seeing her; most guys in that situation affect that dumb deep-voiced he-man voice.

Anyway it sounds cute but I know my boy wouldn't do it in front of his friends.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by tastyt:

A girl voice or was it baby-talk? And it's a little odd since he only kinda seeing her; most guys in that situation affect that dumb deep-voiced he-man voice.

Anyway it sounds cute but I know my boy wouldn't do it in front of his friends.

No, it wasn't baby talk. It was straight up just a high pitched, effeminate voice! I was kind of shocked.

I always think it's weird when a guy you know acts TOTALLY different around a girl. It's like, bro, do I KNOW you?

I would go so far as to say it's a little condescending, putting on an affected persona. I mean, isn't that the opposite of what you strive for in a relationship? I'm a big fan of the keepin' it real dating style, not that it actually works so well... but still, I think that should be the ideal.


*i'm in love with the modern world*

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Originally posted by roadrunner:

I would go so far as to say it's a little condescending, putting on an affected persona. I mean, isn't that the opposite of what you strive for in a relationship? I'm a big fan of the keepin' it real dating style, not that it actually works so well... but still, I think that should be the ideal.

I know what you're saying but it's only partly true. Just because you act differently when you're alone with (well, usually you do it when you're alone with the person and not in front of all your buddies, lol!) your significant other doesn't mean you're being fake. It just means you feel comfortable sharing with her a side of you that noone else sees.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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