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Relationship question


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yes i was in a long term relationship i was with the guy two years and it was my last relationship i tought i was going to get married with this guy after we break up i realise so many things one of them was that i wasent happy when i was with him and we were so difrent and we didnt have the comunication that i would want it to have.

we got to apoint where he would never tell me if i look good or beautifful we got to apoint where he wouldnt say i love u "anymore" i guess we got to a rutine there was nothing left to say frown.gif ....



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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can you say stale......been there



Next total solar eclipse:

21 June 2001 Zimbabwe

(look for live web broadcast)

"Are there really Angels? ... Or are they just in our mind?"

RIP - Mota20 ... your gentle words of ncouragement will be remembered

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refer to the soulmates thread for my view on the soulmates definition......the term "soul mates" is different for me....

....you can still be connected, on a certain level, to someone and still grow apart.....people change... so do their dreams and ideas of life ... this can be the hardest, cuz then it's even harder to let go .... you get this feeling like your almost obligated to stay and force working it out, because you feel this connection .... sometimes it's better to let go and give each other enough room to grow ... you never no what is in your path ahead. Maybe be together again with fresh new perspectives on each other ... or maybe you were meant to be together to help learn and grow together during a brief time period, to get you both ready for the next stages of your lifes, whatever that maybe....

....life and relationships...in simple terms...can be looked at like a garden....

you need to work hard at nuturing the plants you have and in the long run they will make you happy..... but along the way you need to weed out the bad plants to give more room for the better ones ... some plants need more room to grow than others..... and some need more attention ... and some just don't like growing in the soil you got smile.gif.... the trick is to figure out what works best for you and ultimatly what honestly makes you happy......

.....things that cause you pain aren't worthy of being in your life .... your life is special...treat it that way, and so will others!!



Next total solar eclipse:

21 June 2001 Zimbabwe

(look for live web broadcast)

"Are there really Angels? ... Or are they just in our mind?"

RIP - Mota20 ... your gentle words of ncouragement will be remembered

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but sometimes you just grow into different people.....that aren't compatible anymore..



Next total solar eclipse:

21 June 2001 Zimbabwe

(look for live web broadcast)

"Are there really Angels? ... Or are they just in our mind?"

RIP - Mota20 ... your gentle words of ncouragement will be remembered

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