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ok.. well, ive been with this guy for about 5 months... and we have been getting pretty serious. now, more then once, we have come across problems with our ex's, i was still good friends with my ex, and his ex hated me for whatever reason. now, the problems have kinda faded, im still so so friends with my ex, but not very good.. because of my b/f. and his ex is nowhere to be heard of.

the other day, i was talking to who i thought i was my b/f online, and it turns out it was his ex, and she told me all this about how he was with her the whole weekend and they had sex yadda yadda, and all she could say is i love him so much, but he cares about you. yadda yadda.

so i confronted him about this, and all he could do was deny it.. so i was like ok, if ur so sure .. call laura (his ex), and proove it to me, and he was in no rush to proove anything to me, and he kept stalling "i shouldnt have to call her".... yadda yadda.

now as of now, ive never really had a reason not to trust him, and laura has been known to be a bitch. but she kinda be-friended me, so now i dont know who to believe. is she setting him up to get him back? or is helieine to me??

what do you think? any advice?



i wanna see! i wanna see!

:::GRRR be nice:::

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Wow that is weird! How old are you guys! I just think time will tell, If I where you I would just watch my back, and not cause trouble! I wouldnt had even told him that you talked to her! If she come on next time ask her if you can call her and talk about it rather then on AIM! How long did they go out for? How long have you gone out with him?

LAURIE cwm38.gif

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you know - that is funny

a similar situation happened 2 me - but I was the one telling the girl that i was w/ my x the entire weekend

-- and .. i WAS with him the entire weekend - i was NOT lying to her -

and i DID sleep with him - and I let her know all the candid details -

Now i would NEVER go and do something like this just to make someoen look bad - or to blow up someones spot - but --

the girl called me trying to start shit - b/c she saw my number or whatever on his call log in his phone - anyway

she was trying to make me look like i was on his ass and questioning me as to "why dont u just get over it already - he is withn ME now" --- in the mean time he was the one who came to my house that friday and begged me while hysterical crying to stay w/ him for the weekend to "make things up to me" - by fulfilling my whole romantic candle light soft music strawberry and champagne fantasy that us girls have--took me shopping spent a cool thou on me (Clothes and shoes) - i made out like a bandit that weekend..

any whooooo

call the girl - call her w/ him on the phone

let him argue it out with her

if he refuses to do that

he fucked her -- -- if he calls her and argues it out w. her - and she some how still makes him out to be a liar --- he fucked her -

i mean - u should be able to tell by his reaction and his attitude toward her on the phone -.. if i was you - id have a 3 way convo - and get to the bottom of it that way.


Religion is for those who fear going to hell-

Spirituality is for those who have already been there!


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ok well, i took ur advice, and i tried to do the 3-way call... and he refused.. saying he has nothing to proove to me.. and he doesnt want to start anything with her now..

as to ur questions.. im 19, hes 23, and shes 22. they went out for a little over a year and a half. and we have been going out for a little under a year...

today i went over to where he was, but not to talk to him.. just to chill.. and we didnt speak all day. this makes me think he fucked her even more? i mean if hes in no rush to proove me wrong.. then he must have done it.. and even if he didnt, hes giving me more stress then i need from any relationship? right? so i guess this is it. i think. im confused. cwm34.gifcwm33.gif


i wanna see! i wanna see!

:::GRRR be nice:::

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hate to tell you.. but.. he fucked her..



Originally posted by swiswi:

ok well, i took ur advice, and i tried to do the 3-way call... and he refused.. saying he has nothing to proove to me.. and he doesnt want to start anything with her now..

as to ur questions.. im 19, hes 23, and shes 22. they went out for a little over a year and a half. and we have been going out for a little under a year...

today i went over to where he was, but not to talk to him.. just to chill.. and we didnt speak all day. this makes me think he fucked her even more? i mean if hes in no rush to proove me wrong.. then he must have done it.. and even if he didnt, hes giving me more stress then i need from any relationship? right? so i guess this is it. i think. im confused. cwm34.gifcwm33.gif


AIM: morph10010

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and probably will again..

take it from "the other woman" -- they fuK on the reGZ


Religion is for those who fear going to hell-

Spirituality is for those who have already been there!


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I'm sorry sweetie. But it's true.

Even the most iron-willed person can fuck up. So even if she WERE lying- you'd still have every right to be skeptical of him. And HE should have been the one to offer to speak to the girl. Trust has nothing to do with it.

Be strong- he's not worth it.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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