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A Rainbow of Differences in Gays' Children


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This is a long one, but worth the read I think (from the NY Times). What do ya think about this topic? I'm not really sure what I think. It's kind of messed up for younger kids b/c other children can be so cruel. But otherwise, as long as the homosexual parents raise them un-biased, I don't see a big problem, esp. after reading this article. But should preference be given to heterosexual parents for adoption?? I'm not sure here either. I kind of think so b/c 1) more fair to the children and 2) most heterosexual parents adopt b/c they are physically unable to have children (sterile, etc), while homosexual parents have put themselves in that position. Controversial topic and only going to continue to grow.

---------------------------------------------amie Bergeron listens to hip-hop, cheers at high school football games, brings home A's and B's on her report cards, shoots hoops with her little brother and gossips with her friends about clothes and boys.

She is, in other words, a bright and outgoing teenager, much like other students in her high school in Cortland, N.Y.

But Jamie, who is 16, also sees differences between herself and her peers, differences she attributes to having been raised by two mothers, Lynette Bergeron and her partner, Sharon Trinkl.

For example, she believes she is more tolerant and open-minded than many of her classmates, in part because she herself has experienced taunting and ridicule from the outside world.

She is more apt to speak her mind. And she is more confident of her sexuality, having wondered at an early age if she herself may be lesbian. (She concluded that she was firmly heterosexual.)

But Jamie's conviction that having lesbian parents has made her a different person does not fit neatly with the work of researchers, who over the last two decades have published a host of studies concluding that no important differences exist between children raised by homosexual parents and children raised by heterosexual parents.

In a paper that is stirring both interest and controversy, however, two sociologists now argue that Jamie's perspective on her upbringing is probably closer to the truth.

While there is no evidence that having gay or lesbian parents harms children, the sociologists say, the notion that it has no impact on a child's life is implausible at best. And, after reviewing two decades of research on the topic, the authors conclude that social scientists in fact have found provocative differences, but have played them down for fear that their findings will be misused.

"It doesn't make sense to claim that there are no differences based on the research that's been done so far," said Dr. Judith Stacey, a professor of sociology and gender studies at the University of Southern California and the lead author of the paper, which appeared in The American Sociological Review.

Dr. Stacey and a colleague, Dr. Timothy J. Biblarz, also of U.S.C., reviewed 21 studies of the children of gay or lesbian parents published from 1981 through 1998.

The sociologists noted that the body of research on such children is still small, and that many findings still need to be confirmed. Nevertheless, in many studies, they said, there are suggestions that both the experience of having two parents of the same sex and of growing up in a home accepting of homosexuality influence children's behavior, self-image and life goals.

Some of the distinctions noted by researchers, Dr. Stacey said, had to do with attitudes toward sexuality and sexual behavior. Others involved how flexibly children interpreted gender roles: several studies, for example, found that the sons and daughters of lesbian mothers were less likely to have stereotyped notions of masculine and feminine behavior, and more likely to aspire to occupations that crossed traditional gender lines.

Still other studies, Dr. Stacey and Dr. Biblarz found, charted differences in how children raised by gay or lesbian parents expressed themselves verbally, how close they were to their biological mothers' partners, and how equally their parents divided parenting duties and household chores.

And while many researchers found that the children of homosexual parents often faced teasing and harassment from their peers, the sociologists wrote, the studies also showed that such children "seem to exhibit impressive psychological strength."

Yet in spite of these "provocative" findings, Dr. Stacey and Dr. Biblarz said that many researchers virtually turned their backs on such results.

In one study, for example, the sociologists said they counted "at least 15 intriguing, statistically significant differences in gender behavior and preferences" between children raised by single lesbian mothers and those raised by single heterosexual mothers, though the authors of the study had emphasized in their summary abstract that few differences had been found.

In another study they reviewed, Dr. Stacey and Dr. Biblarz said, the researchers reported a finding that the young adult children of lesbian mothers were more likely to have had, or to have considered having, a homosexual relationship than the children of heterosexual mothers. But the study's authors emphasized data showing that the children of the lesbian mothers were no more likely than other children to identify themselves as gay or lesbian.

"We recognize the political dangers of pointing out that recent studies indicate that a higher proportion of children with lesbigay parents are themselves apt to engage in homosexual activity," Dr. Stacey and Dr. Biblarz wrote in their paper. "Nonetheless, we believe that denying this probability is apt to prove counterproductive in the long run."

In an interview, Dr. Stacey said she was not suggesting that the researchers were actively censoring their results.

Rather, she said, "People are appropriately anxious when the consequences are so weighty, and when your research is going to be so instantly taken up and used in a variety of contexts."

"It's not so much political correctness but political anxiety," Dr. Stacey added.

The sociologists' critique won praise from the representatives of several gay and lesbian organizations, who said its conclusions did not surprise them.

"What I think it's done is, It's opened up a whole new area of inquiry about whether there's a positive lesson that anyone interested in parenting can learn from gay and lesbian parents," said Lisa Bennett, the deputy director of FamilyNet, a Web site for gay, lesbian and transgender families sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay and lesbian advocacy group.

But the article was also lauded by Lynn D. Wardle, a law professor at Brigham Young University, who has argued that the custody of children should be presumptively awarded to heterosexual parents. "I was quite pleased to see the writers actually saying `Yeah, the studies just don't show what they purport to show,' " Mr. Wardle said. "The science that has been done is simply unreliable."

At the same time, the claim that researchers have played down differences when they have found them was greeted with some skepticism by Dr. Susan Golombok, whose 1996 study of the children of lesbian couples was among those mentioned in the review paper.

Dr. Golombok, a professor of psychology at the City University in London, said she found the Stacey- Biblarz analysis of her work "a bit disingenuous."

"The implication is that we have somehow distorted or misrepresented our findings, and I feel it's rather unfair," Dr. Golombok said. "We've always been very straightforward about our findings."

Homosexual parenting remains a politically charged issue, even as the number of children with openly gay mothers or fathers has increased.

The findings of researchers are often cited in custody disputes involving gay or lesbian parents and swept up into larger societal debates over a variety of gay rights issues, including same-sex marriage and gay adoption.

Most studies have focused almost exclusively on the question of whether homosexual parenting harms children, using a variety of methods including interviews with children, parents and teachers; batteries of psychological tests; and observation.

A vast majority of these studies have concluded that the sons and daughters of gays and lesbians are no more anxious, depressed, insecure or prone to other emotional troubles than the children of heterosexuals. And most researchers, including Dr. Stacey and Dr. Biblarz, find these results convincing, because they have remained consistent across studies carried out under a variety of conditions.

But conservative critics, among them Mr. Wardle, have criticized the methods of many studies and charged that research on gay parenting is tainted by researchers' ideological bias in favor of gay rights.

On the other side, many researchers assert that the critics are often themselves biased, and that they distort and misrepresent scientists' work.

In this polarized climate, any finding of "difference" in the children of homosexual parents has often been equated with "deficit." And scientists who study sexual development in such children have found the path perilous.

"The politics in this area are very paralyzing," said Dr. John Michael Bailey, an associate professor of psychology at Northwestern University, who studies sexual development. "Every camp wants to use the results to further the result they want."

Dr. Bailey and other scientists said that the field had also been plagued by a dearth of financing for studies of the children of gays and lesbians, a subject considered politically volatile by many agencies that award government grants.

And only in the last two decades, in part as a result of what has been called the "gayby boom," has it been possible to study children raised from birth by homosexual couples, as a result of artificial insemination or adoption. In earlier studies, the children were often born to couples who later divorced, clouding the picture for researchers.

Still, even the small differences that scientists have reported are noteworthy, Dr. Stacey said.

And in new studies, some researchers are beginning to emphasize the distinctions they find.

In a recently completed study comparing 16 boys, ages 5 through 9, raised from birth by lesbian parents with 16 boys raised by heterosexual parents, for example, Dr. Peggy F. Drexler, a psychologist in San Francisco, found that the sons of the lesbian couples were more willing "to entertain discussion about a broader range of sexual orientation," and more "fluid" in their definitions of masculine behavior.

"They went outside and threw the ball around," Dr. Drexler said, "but they also did cooking with their mother. They were kind of redefining gender roles because they have to deal with the complexities of their own families."

Still, she added: "These were very boyish boys. They were very confident about their boyishness. And the parents valued their maleness and encouraged it and admired it, which goes against the sort of myth that lesbians hate men and might undermine their sons' masculinity."

Jamie Bergeron, for her part, has no question that both her parents' sex and their sexual orientation have played a role in her development.

One result, she believes, is that she is more open to different ways of living and thinking. And although she defines herself as heterosexual, she said she would not be upset to discover that she was attracted to women instead.

"To me," Jamie said, "love is love."

Lynette Bergeron, Jamie's biological mother, who conceived her through artificial insemination, said that she told her daughter "I hope to God you're not gay, but if you are, look how easy you'll have it."

Ms. Bergeron said she hoped Jamie was not gay "because it's not easy and it's a minority and who the heck wants to be teased?"

In fact, Jamie has already had her share of teasing. In elementary school, for example, she was teased by classmates, who called her "test tube baby" and taunted her for having two mothers.

"It was really hard," she said. "Some of my friends' parents didn't want me to be at their houses and I didn't understand why."

But ultimately, she believes, the experience made her stronger.

"I've had to really identify who I was and what my opinions were," Jamie said, "because I've had to do a lot of defending myself and defending my family."


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