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raves? never again


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I'm at home in lovely Chicago for spring break y'all. I went to the Boogie Tribe party this past Saturday, Live on the Decks 4. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?

First of all, it's at some bunk convention center in bumblefuck w/ $11 parking. Second, policemen up the ass, w/ full body searches and the attitude to go w/ it. Next, I tried to wade my way through all the e-tarded fools lying on the floor. I finally made it to the main decks w/ Armand Van Helden spinning (decent set), it was like a fuckin concert. No one was dancing except for me and the few devoted. Surrounded by unmoved, sullen hoochie mama teeny boppers and their entourages. WTF? People kept pushing, cursing at each other, starting fights, whatever happened to PLUR? (no really! I downloaded your topic creator B2B)

I'm glad I finally got to see Rabbit in the Moon live (crazy sick show, everyone must go see it at least once in their life ) But definately not worth all the shit I saw the rest of the night.

It's been a year since I've been to a rave, A LOT has changed. WTF happened? [sniff, sniff] I think that was my last one.

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I made a point to avoid the show, even though it had Armand. i remember Live on the Decks 3. Or should I say, I remember being stuck outside WITH a ticket for 4 hours in the middle of a riot. A genuine, honest to god f*&%ing riot. Boogie Tribe can burn. They are a bunch of money grubbing fools who couldn't put on a shoe, never mind a show.

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come on now scratch,

it wasnt all that bad.

Since I was all techno'd out from Sven Vath, I decided to check out LOTD4.. luckily I didnt have to pay for tickets.. (or parking!)

Rabbit was great, my first time witnessing them, the visuals were extremely intense, and disturbing..

Armand sucked.

I spent most of my time in the trance room, Paul Anthony, Justin Long, EDO, rocked.. I bought EDO's CD they had for sale, I was impressed.

But as far as the vibe, yeah it sucked, I only met a couple people.

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You have to give it to boogie tribe for the line-up's though.. ok they people may play crap set's but Mr Rodrigeze(sp) put's on some good line-up's.

Anyway about PLUR, just to explain my comments. Yeh it's all very nice but if you take drugs, which many people do at raves, stop to think about all the people who are 7being killed, all the lives that are being ruined to manufacture and import your drugs. That's why PLUR is a false economy IMO.

I get loved up as much as the next guy, but please don't confuse a rush of seratonin with a new world order. It's just fun, and if you want TRUE world peace, don't take drugs because the farmers in cuba and the people who are being killed by the drugs barons (not just in connection with drugs but with terrorism and the arms trade) doesn't constitue Peace, Love, Unity OR Respect.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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scratchapella- I agree with you, I felt that way about three years ago, and then I realized I had to get away from that scene. But I also remember being that re-tard sitting on the floor, were you ever like that when you were younger too, and now you are just growing up? Not to worry, it is a part of growing up, it used to scare me but... Lord help me when I get the feeling I am to old to go to Crobar or something, I have already lost two friends to "oldness"!!

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B2B- You're absolutely right. The PLUR I was talking about, I thought, is the vibe derived from a community of hundreds/thousands/maybe even 58(went to a rave in a tiny room, decks in the middle of it, surrounded by less than 100 people) all enwrapped(?) in the experience of music meant to uplift and move masses single-handedly by these shahmen(sp?) called DJs. Cheesy as it sounds, that's what I believe. I'd even equate it w/the tribal dances(& traces) of the JuWasi in Africa or the pow-wows of Native Americans. (Don't laugh, I'm writing a research paper about it for my Anthro. course) True, both of those example also use some sort of drug substance as a stimulant for these rituals, but I truly think they, and raves, are/should be based on this feeling of community. That's what I always thought PLUR was about.

To those who just had the patience to read all my incoherent babble, congrats.

Really though, I should take a more proactive stance than complain like this on an internet forum. Thanks for listening though.

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