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Your lifetime achievement acceptance speech?


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Ok so your picking up your life time achievement award for __________ who would you 'like to thank'?

Mine would go a little something like this.

I would like to thank,

Technics, for getting me laid. Most people think Technics have the quickest pickup time and this I can confirm. Watch out for the new bitch control slider in the MKIV's.

Andy Benge, for many a party organized and the best after club in Leeds. Much coke, smoke and the odd joke. And for you amazing bad look with women that has kept me amused over the years.

Cleveland Henry for the use of your bath, your sofa and your kitchen floor for my infidelities.

Michael Toulon, my career long clubbing and drugging partner. Many a night you teeth have chattered in the back of my car. Special thanks for all those time I had to show you to the toilet after Acid, Pills and speed in one session.

Cristian, for 8 years you delivered the highest quality pharmaceuticals and the lowest prices direct to my door. Service with a smile.

Richard Wilson, thanks for sharing the driving round the clubs of England with me.

God, for making me funky.

The guy who invented the birth control pill, great idea fella.

Late night garages, for supplying the rolling papers and munchies.

Nicolas Saunders, for supplying my education.

For all the people who knocked off school with me, I still believe there is a big difference between education and learning.

Dave Beer for opening one of the best clubs i have ever been to and filling it with the coolest people.

Danny Rampling for telling the world about Ibiza.

MAW, Sasha, Hawtin, Knuckles, Tenaglia for supplying the sound track.

<---- cut down to spare you the bordom--->

And last but not least my mother and father for copulating and bringing the biological miracle of a baby in to this world.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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