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Question 'bout E!!!!!


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E has a half life of 6 hours. After the first 6 hours, you have 50% of one pill left in you, 6 hours after that another 50% is gone. Not sure if it shows up in hair ir not. But be sure a few days before the test you drink lots of water, but not too much cause you might have to take the test again becuase your piss may become to diluted.



" THiS iS mY HoUsE AnD My hOuSE MuSiC, BuT iF yOu cOmE hErE iT bEcOmEs

OuR hOuSE aNd oUr HoUsE MuSiC, YoU mAy BE BlAcK, YoU mAy bE WhiTE, YoU

MaY bE JEw You mAY bE GEnTiLE. iN oUr HoUsE ThEiR iS nO cOlOr tHErE iS nO crEEd, JuSt HoUsE MuSiC. yOuR HousE muSiC, mY hoUsE MuSic, OuR hOusE



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Post this question in the "Substances" forum and you'll get more info. I think e can be detected with a piss test from 72 - 96 hours of ingestion.


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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