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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

An open letter to the clubbing community.


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Below is a letter I have written in lieu of recent negative media coverage concerning Ecstasy and our club scene. Please read and post any thoughts.

Ladies & Gentleman,

I address you as such because sometimes we have to be reminded that we are adults in every aspect of the word. Yes, we all like to become kids again from 9-5 on Friday and Saturday night, but we must start caring about what goes on in our local Government from 9-5 Monday through Friday. Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage of our club scene here in South Florida and across the Country. Unfortunately, the majority of the coverage, especially on the “Corporate” Network’s has been negative. Do not underestimate the power of the media in this day and age. With nothing but negative media coverage, anyone 30 years old or older who isn’t involved in the club scene will begin to take action. Because that’s what you do in this Country when you are unhappy about something. You complain to City Hall about it until they push for legislature that gets voted on at a meeting attended by the affected community and now no one under 21 can party in Ft. Lauderdale. I hope my point has been made. These laws aren’t drawn up randomly people. We have the same opportunities as those enacting these laws against us. I guarantee you that had I known about the proposed Under 21 Ban in Ft. Lauderdale, I would have shown up to a meeting to at least speak my peace. And hey, maybe I would have brought a few friends along to strengthen my presence. Maybe if a committee had been formed prior to the vote, we could have filled City Hall with more people against the ban, rather than for it. We need to wake up people and begin to take responsibility for our future. Trust me, the retirement community knows this more any other group. I recently read an article written by Eloy Velazquez of Madsounds.com. Here is a portion of that article.

“…the only people who care about the elderly are the politicians. “Why?” He exclaimed, “Well, that answer is simple. They vote! They vote in large numbers. In case you haven’t notice, none of the issues that are being debated today have anything to do with us, young people. Instead, it is about tax reform, Medicare, and social security.” When he asked several elderly people at a home he recently visited, “Why do you vote when all you do is stay in a nursing home?” The reply they gave was equivocal and immediate. “We vote because it is our right and our privilege.” When he asked one elderly man in particular why he voted, he said, “Never again will I make the same mistake twice. I lived in Germany when the elections were held in 1932. Most of the people didn’t vote and just stayed home. That is why Hitler came to power.”

We cannot afford to just sit back and expect the system to keep running without us interacting with it. That seemed fine when I was 18, 19 20 years old, but in 20 years…we will be that system. It’s up to us to decide who is going to speak for us. The only positive media coverage you will find concerning our club scene is on local cable access channels. Think about it. Anything on TV nowadays is “brought to you by Corporate America.” As I am writing this, CBS is airing a segment on 48hrs concerning Ecstasy. Following on the heels of Wednesday nights (ABC) Channel 10 News’ self proclaimed, “objective” hidden camera expose on our club scene (Space) and ecstasy, that aforementioned demographic will be reached in massive numbers. You can bet they’ll be taking action. Will we? We have all enjoyed going out every weekend for years and having many options to choose from. Of course, now if you’re under 21 in Ft. Lauderdale, you have no options. If you think our options are safe, think again. There are organizations that are trying to help, Dancesafe.Org being one of them. Dancesafe provides free pill testing at numerous events across the country thanks to the help of local volunteer chapters. Unfortunately, media coverage of these kinds of groups is never presented in a positive light if they are presented at all. Think about it. Ecstasy (MDMA), whether you are for it or against it, in it’s purest form, when used safely and in moderation, has not shown to be a dangerous drug. Can the same be said of tobacco? Of course not, tobacco is PROVEN to be addictive AND cause cancer. Are we being told that we can’t smoke tobacco? Not at all. Why? Big Tobacco & Big Government make billions of dollars annually, with thousands of new consumers every day. Yet Phillip Morris, one of Big Tobacco’s largest companies, can launch AD campaigns that promote Youth Smoking Prevention. That’s like a prostitute promoting abstinence. It’s perverse. Let’s talk about another legal option, Alcohol. Government doesn’t mind us consuming large amounts of this stuff on a regular basis. Why? It gets taxed and they make a lot of money. And nothing bad happens from drinking too much alcohol, right? Apparently not if programs like “Know when to say when” and “Think before you drink” are needed. Why then is Dancesafe so criticized for their program? We need to organize as clubbers, drug-users or not, in an effort to be recognized as the educated and large numbered group that we are. Think about it, Miami, NY, LA, Chicago, D.C. and every other buzzing metropolis around our Country. There is strength in numbers. Let’s show everyone just how strong we are.

Stan Syversin




"Great art comes from great passion"


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i know exactly what you're talking about, and i feel that in our american society and even european society people in power never give the opposing side of the arguement and many other things as well,but mainly because of that elderly people always shut us down and will continue to because they are so maniupulated by the government that they dont see our issues and our lives. they also think that as our generation ages we dont understand what the issues are and what the government is all about, and you know, if we actually stood up and take our stand people will recognize that. oh and as for people our age that go into politics, the people i met at least, aren't doing anything they are just prosticating and they dont even care about our issues and us...anyway thats only my opppinion in a vague and broad point of view...yeah we should diffinetly do something about this stuff


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Not only am I active in the club life here in DC, but 9-5 MF I work everyday trying to educate voters and "Get out the vote". It's ironic that this e-mail/letter should be posted almost 4 weeks after YOUR vote really counted. The fear of a 21+ club scene, though may be a reason to get younger voters to the polls, is really pitiful reason to get people to the polls. There are plenty of issues facing people our age, and the parties differ greatly...only the uneducated would believe otherwise. Whether it's your city council or POTUS, your vote counts, so vote and be proud that you had a voice.

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