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Getting CD's signed by DJ at Zei / Glow ...possible?


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Just curious if any of you have successfully done this...now granted in my personal tastes, Zei and its promotions have never brought in a DJ where i'd care enuff to do this but my man DJ TIESTO is coming this coming SATURDAY NIGHT... i'd like to get him to sign 2 of my cd's...

p.s. can u take cameras in?

(can u tell i dont goto zei/glow often)

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I don't know about the camera, but the only way you could get your CDs signed would be up in the VIP area. Depending on when his set's going to be (I don't know, who do you think is really headlining this one, Kimball Collins or Tiesto? Well, whoever is headlining will go on at 1am.) After their set's over, they've got this roped off booth for the guest DJs. (next to the semi-dancefloor, on your left from the stairs)

It's possible. My friend left her jacket in that booth earlier in the night and got it handed back to her by ATB himself, he was really chill about it.

NO, I'm not a big fan of Glow/Zei club. I've got issues with the Panorama folk. But I like going for the big events, like when they bring in Acosta, Taucher, or Christopher Lawrence - but I'm definitely down for Tiesto.

Hope you get your wish. If VIP's a problem, hit me up w/ a pm. Good luck.

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Trae, you must be the one who wrote on the Panorama board....they should answer and be able to tell you the real, so keep checking the board. If you get into VIP, you shouldn't have a problem unless their managers' (of whoever is spinning) has a problem with it. Most dj's are awesome and enjoy pics,autographs,etc. But look really good, and if you come with hot girls, you should be ok. Ask a promoter also, about getting into VIP, but remember look good, no raver wear, or bagginess, pure sleek,trendyness is what they want upstairs and if you see other going up the stairs, it's b/c they know someone.Hope I helped(?). cwm38.gif

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I have 2 friends trying to get me VIP for me and my friend that night, but its iffy...i will be coming with others but honestly I only want VIP to meet Tiesto if possible and or get my CD's signed. I dont really care for chilling up in that area (well ok ive been up there a few times before a while back but never for glow and it was kinda nice smile.gif) Im perfectly content with chilling in the crowded main area with my common peeps. Yes i posted in the panorama message board and i even got a response from antonis, i think the head promoter ...but honestly i think it will be too packed and CRAZY for a non regular like me to get a hold of him to get my cd signed. Hopefully ill be proven wrong. Either way I appreciate Panorama productions for bringing someone as great as DJ Tiesto to DC or United states for that matter... he doesnt make too many appearances here in the states... he's usually spinning at one of those European superclubs..hehe...

[This message has been edited by trae (edited 04-16-2001).]

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Actaully I don't work for any promoting team...I have freinds on Panorama, but enough said. Check out www.panoramai.com

for a taste of what they're about and GLOW is their Saturday night party (some don't know). There is no list that night, so there is no way you can in for free.But getting into VIP, all I can advise is talk to Antonis,or a promoter and look REAL good. cwm17.gif

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Is it possible? Yes. Is it easy? Not necessarily. Like others here told you, look good, if you can get in touch with Antonis or a promoter that would be to your advantage (you can call direct at 202-271-1171) and tell them beforehand you are from clubplanet and you'd like to be up in VIP, I'm sure they'll hook you up if you show up looking like class. BTW, I'm the one that promotes for ECI -- I don't have a direct affil. with Panorama but thru ECI I'm pretty well hooked up cwm1.gif And don't worry, I'm not easily offended. I may get irritated sometimes, but not offended -- there's too many styles and tastes out there to try to pretend there's only one way to party, that would just be missing out on a LOT cwm30.gif


"EVERYBODY wants to be ME!" ~Goldie Hawn, Overboard

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