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PVD Reviews-Thurs and Fri

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What a weekend!! Saw PVD twice in two nights-can't beat that.

Let's start w/ Philly. He made his first ever trip to the city of brotherly love which isn't surprising considering the club scene in philly sucks ass. He played at this club called Space (the same place Oakey played last year when he made his 1st and last trip to Philly). The club has some potential but there are so many little kids there, it makes me (i'm 21) feel a little old. Also clubs usu. close in philly by 2 so he only played from 11-2. But boy did PVD make the most of his 3 hours. His set was fantastic. Filled w/ nonstop energy beginning to end. He played a bunch of pretty sick songs-including a really funky version of For an Angel, Another Way, Tell me Why, Alive and a bunch of songs I couldn't ID. The crowd got really into it, and for the first time ever, I had a good time at a club in Philly. The one cool thing about space is that the dj is up on stage which is pain b/c you can't go hang out near the booth, but you can see what he's doing from anywhere in the club. The best thing for me was listening to the comments by all these people who were seeing van dyk for the first time. Most were blown away. At 2:00 it was all over, but fortunately I knew I had 6+ more hours of PVD the next night.

The only word to describe Twilo was INSANE!!! Van Dyk's set was the best set I have EVER heard by ANY dj. The first half hour was a little slow but after that, it just took off. I couldn't id most of the songs b/c i had never heard them b/f. He played this one song about 1 1/2 hrs in that just had the most amazing bass beats. And, contrary to what I had read about or heard, PVD's style, while a little harder, is still pretty trancey. Just about every song he played all night had unreal buildups and huge climaxes. The crowd was so into it too. Everyone was moving in sync, it was just amazing. It was pretty packed but not terrible-still some room to dance. So about 2 hours in, my only thought was...there's no way he can keep up this pace, or if he does, I don't think I'll make it until 8:30. Fortunately I was wrong on both counts. PVD didn't let up at all. And interestingly, he didn't play too many of his own songs. He played Tell me Why (a couple of times) and Another Way but no Words, Angel, etc. One highlight for me was when he played Xpander. Xpander isn't my fav. but the way he played it...it just sounded so good. Sasha never played it like he did.

Besides the music being great, van dyk was totally into the whole set. He usually doesn't dance too much in the booth, but on Fri. he was really getting down. I think he felt how special his set was and how much the crowd was enjoying it.

So it's like 6 and I'm waiting for the crowd to clear out a little bit, but it never happened. Until the end the place was packed-more so than I've ever seen (except for some of the special S&D nights). I think everyone just felt like they could not leave...the music was too good.

At 8:30 (after 6 1/2 hours of nonstop amazing music) PVD finished up w/ that song Alive, which has these great female vocals. He seemed in kind of a hurry to get out of there-i'm guessing he had to catch a plane to LA. B/c no one wanted him to stop-i'm sure he would have kept going if he could.

The way I saw the night, it was PVD's message to all those people who keep talking about trance being dead and everyone changing styles, that it's as good as ever. That being said, his style of trance is definitely different than it used to be-not as dreamy and melodic.

This proved to me once and for all that PVD is the best dj in the world. Oakey is good, but I don't think he could have done what van dyk did the other night. I mean he only plays 3 hours.

Hands down the best time I've ever had at twilo. Even security wasn't annoying.

Fortunately I don't have to wait to long to see PVD again. I'm going to London in the middle of june and I'll catch him at the Gallery and then the following night at Gatecrasher-should be good.

What did eveyrone else think?


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pvd is the motherfuckin man! you should've checked his last show at twilos, the anniversary one. off the fuckin hook. and he's getting better and better. he used to play that cheesy trance, that pop type cheesy synth shit, but now he's all hardcore. his buildups are amazing, and when he finally explodes from those buildups, foget it! he's taken over as my favorite, as s&d are playing a different style of music. i don't even bother clubbing anymore except for the montlhly s&d pilgrimage and van dyke. i wish they could lock him up for a monthly appreance. he's not even on contract for bimonthly anymore, so who knows when he'll pop up. all i know is that trance aint dead for shit, and for those who believe its becoming pop or mainstream or whatever, go check out a 6-8 hour vandyk set and check yourself!


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PvD is abosultely amazing! He was the shit! I didn't leave until they closed!

Oh btw, the high point of the night: when he played his Avenue/Another Way song...simply awesome!


[This message has been edited by nycx (edited 05-18-2000).]

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i caught pvd last time at twilo..and maaannnnnn was it gggrreeeaaat, i ussual prefer the latter half of his set, but last fri i felt it from beggining to end(with the amber exception), even though twilo was packed to its maximum capacity as usual, there was a great vibe thoughout the entire night, the crowd was still bumpin but unfortunatly i had to leave around8, limpin out with a hunch back.


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