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What's Paris problem

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After leaving the Roxy early Sunday morning around 2:30,I decided to head over to the Factory,got to the front door and miss thing is like no jeans and tank top allowed,step off the line.My response,Your a Fucking Ass hole.So I left for Twilo.Really wanted to hear JP,was not feeling JV at all,wanted to do a different club for a change.However before I left one of the security knew me from back in the days at SF and he was going to let me in but I was too damm upset.Paris that velvet rope shit was cool back in the 80's.This is the 21th century HONEY!You need to treat people with respect and not be so nasty.


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Yeah, Paris is a complete bitch, but that is her job. I don't really like Factory and haven't gone in a while, but she does what she is paid to do and to be honest it does help to keep people out that look like they just rolled out of bed. Some people like to get dressed up for the city - certain clubs try to keep up an image. Although I do think she picks and chooses who to let in sometimes because I have seen some people in some skanky gear in there.


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