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Interesting article on trance in Ibiza

Guest danmoro

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I am getting in touch with Carrie at the moment. They bars and clubs have only just started recruiting so she may not know where she is going to be.

Well she an Ex-Girlfriend so she wont just hand out VIP tickets to everybody I say. There in demand so if your there at the right time (she still has them) and not arsey to her she will sort you out.

These ticket agents make enough money to stay all season, the VIP tickets give them a little extra spending money, they either get them free from the club for selling or get them from the DJ's for more dubious favors. So there are only a certain amount to be obtained and they don't go to the normal Ibiza crowd you have to stand out in some way. These VIP tickets are not the real Ibiza they are nice to smooze with the stars for a bit but as nolimit says the real deal is the hill parties and the best are the Perfecto ones.

As soon as I here from her I will email you where she will be at because I don't want to put it on the message board.

Yeah just waiting to here back about the article, not 100% confident about it, but I thought I would give it ago so I get my expenses paid!! Anything to free load.


We go a little later than labor day, I know some people who know some people who get us into some of the real Ibiza scene parties, and most of the best closing parties tend to be a couple of weeks later. I have been for the earlier parties but the best time is right at the end when all the dancers/ticketers/DJ's/promoters are leaving. It's there time to party and BELIEVE they do.


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Ok, one more thing on the Topic.

Some of the melodic trance like chicane for example creates mood and atmosphere.If the dJ knows what hes doing, he would be able to play some real good, musical, AKA cheesy trance records to break up the night.Its all about creating the mood. Hearing a four four for 9 hours straight.... I dont know..

In conclusion, yes I agree with SASHA but,I dont think its all that cheesy.Tracks like the "Chocolate Track" I think are cheese.I will agree that the bulk of the trance coming in is repetative and is getting boring.


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Awesome!! Yea, I'd really REALLY appreciate it if you could email the info to me. My email address is spoil_n_sexy@hotmail.com.

Thanks a lot, really.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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No probs blue,

I have been asked to supply an "angle" for the article, how about -

Why do New Yorkers still like trance?


Is NY really that far behind London, or do they just have different tastes as Blueangel says?


Just kidding.


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Just keep the beats comming and i will be happy..

I am gona come on a S&D night, not that big a fan of PVD.

Hopefully should get the ok very soon... NY look out, here i come.

Just listening to Lange & Sarah Dwyer "I Beleive" now that is a good trance song.


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Please just because 2 clubs booked hard house does not mean trance is dead. And those aren't even the main clubs.

Trance is far from dead. And as far as hard house goes i'm not into it. Its old and tired and just a faster version of old house from years ago. Hard house is weak compared to the harmony of trance. And trance balances energy with harmony. Hard house on the other hand is sporatic. But thast jsut my 2 cents.

And I saw oakey at the roxy, and all his stuff was cutting edge. The sound was different from anything i had heard before. I have a ton of live shows on hand like blue angel too.

I also went down to whistle3 and i must say dave ralph really didnt do it for me. He was also spinning with oakey that nite. Totally different sound which leads me to believe that oakey was at the helm at the roxy.

Ill be hitting ibiza hopefully late july early august...



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I just have to say that... I now am definitly going to Ibiza next year!!! I've never been... had no one to go with this year.. but will go next year no doubt about it...

hey Blue... have a great time...!! biggrin.gif

And B2B ..... you are the man.. maybe when I go you could give me the 411 as well, if you don't mind.. maybe you could have your own party tour guide... type of package set up... not a bad idea!

To everyone else who's going... defin. post how it went... wink.gif

biggrin.gif Lecy


the best things in life are free


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fcastro: I have to agree with you when you say that trance is definately NOT dead!! However, I have to disagree about Oaky's last performance at Roxy.

There was no vibe that night and people were literally rushing to leave around 4, so they could go catch PVD at Twilo that night. Also, I heard from several, several people that there was nobody in DJ box!! I was there and I have to say that the music was not all that great either. Oaky was mostly definately not at his best that night. Very disappointing.

However, I am about the set he did at the home festival and from what I hear . . . it's suppose to be really good. =)



Music is the language of souls . . .

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I'll be arriving into Ibiza at 1:00 p.m. on the 8th. What time are you leaving?? Love to meet up and maybe you might be able to point me to the right direction where all the action is. =)


Originally posted by johnb:


I'm leaving on the 8th. Maybe we could catch up for your first/my last day there.

And Basics,

I know the closing parties are the best, but I am moving back to New York on the 18th, so this is my last chance without a trip across the ocean. If you've got some friends there I would greatly appreciate any hookups. At least I will catch the opening of Home at Space with Danny on my second day! cool.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Blue, if you get a chance listen to the "I Believe" track it's very nice indeed.


last thing on this as I am getting worked up.

Essential guide to the clubs


Giant glass pyramid, totally white inside but for the tree's. Marble everywhere. As the night goes on they fill the main dance floor / swimming pool with water, and open up the roof to let the outside in. You will get more drunken English kids here so pick a good night. Drink prices aren't bad.


Glam, Glam, Glam very popular with the locals. But no Camera's (or glow sticks!!) allowed. Very expensive drinks.


Just beautiful, very glam as well. Nice outside terrace. Expensive drinks.


Hate the layout, but Cream have it again so guaranteed a great night. Gimmick, a liquid ice machine that fills the club in about a second. A very nice garden terrace. Cannot remember what the drinks cost!!


12 hour madness, innerspace is a huge dark room. Outerspace is a covered terrace, it's right on the flight path to the airport so when the planes come into land (400 foot above your head), everybody cheers them in.


A bit dark and dreary, they one of the dance floors but it only reaches your ankles. Not a big fan but usually a cheap night out.


The highlight of every week is Manumission. They really know how to put on a party. This place is massive. As well as hundreds of entertainers you get, a DJ and bar in the main toilets, Restaurants, shops. You cannot see all this club in one night (if you do you wont be enjoying yourself). Tip as you walk in get across the opposite side of the club, down near the front near the DJ platform (on the right hand side of the club), this is where the real people go and you get to keep away from the idiots. Drinks are expensive.

off to expedia.com for me then.


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My e-mail is johnbtravels@yahoo.com. Drop me a line anytime. Any ocal connections would be wicked, VIP tix or no. And I would be happy to blag off some good quotes about my opinion of Twilo, but I have honestly only been once and it was 3 or 4 years ago when Danny Tenaglia was there. I've been living in Budapest for last 3 years and will be moving to New York on July 18th. But I'll definitely go to the S&D party the last Friday in July and maybe PVD the week before if I'm not too jetlagged/burnt from Ibiza and my going away party with Sasha here biggrin.gif and probably on Wednesdays too as I think their Wednesday lineups look really good. Then I'll tell you anything about the place you want to know. wink.gif


I'm leaving on the 8th by boat to Barcelona so we will miss each other. frown.gif But we'll probably run into each other at PVD on the 21st.



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JohnB, awwwwww . . . too bad. frown.gif However, I will be at Twilo for PVD in July!! You can bet your life on it! We could definately meet up and compare notes then. smile.gif

Have a great trip!!



Music is the language of souls . . .

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No doubt about Barcelona. I saw Jeff Mills at the Discotheque in February and it was brilliant. Jeff Mills has always been the only techno DJ I really like and he was wicked as always, but the place was brilliant too. Filled with proper freaks who are really into havin' it. It and Madrid both are two of the most fun cities I've ever been clubbing in. The people go till at least 10 am every weekend chemical-free. The music can be a little on the commercial side, but lots of energy, very friendly, great atmosphere. Really worth checking out.



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Oh yea?

How about . . ..

New York Clubs . . . the clubs of the new millenium.

or . . .

New Yorkers, the TRUE music critics.

Hmmm . . . come to think of it . . I think I like the second one you suggested. "BECAUSE BLUEANGEL SAID SO!!"

Yea, go with that one. hehehe



Music is the language of souls . . .

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