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how was twilo sunday

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>TWILO was pretty good! Jr. was good he played alot of his new tracks like the new Byron S., Reina, and took it back w/ Pride, Reep, Do it Ptoperly!!! All and all I thought it was a great night energy was good and those shows they put on...the guy in the box, the Dragons, were the best shows I ever seen in my life. It was truely a good night.


Andrew =)

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Twilo Sunday - incredible as expected.

For those of you who have never been to a big night with Junior Vasquez (and I doubt many of you have) you don't know what you're missing. Junior's not the biggest name DJ in New York by accident.

I *love* Danny, Oakenfold, and Cox - but those boys can't even touch the party that Junior created on Monday morning/afternoon at Twilo. From 11:00 AM till I left at 4:00 PM on Monday afternoon Twilo was fucking incredible. I doubt that many parties of any kind in the entire world can compare.

And I was (for the most part) sober!

romulus wink.gif


And I'm gonna be hiiiggghhh, as a kite by then!

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twilo was ENTIRELY too hot for pride.. i'm talking, the k was clogging my bullet. and people were dripping. but it was an entirely good nite with a nice crowd, no major drama.

naughty anthony.. k-holes are only for the truly experienced *points to self*


oh and romulus: Jr spinning is not something new at twilo.. he's been doing that since sound factory (the original) and certainly back at tUnneL and Palladium... *sigh* who remembers the 48-hour marathon weekend at tUnneL??

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Sethboy, you're "preaching to the choir." I followed the man and closed the place every weekend (honestly) from early Arena well into late 1998, then occasionally from there on, but *always* on the big nights. I’m just trying to give the kids a heads-up as to where the real party’s at.

Unfortunately, I didn't move here till late 1996, and missed out on Sound Factory, Tunnel, and the Roseland nights. I LIVE for the late afternoons and evenings when Junior really turns it out for us and everything gets so “spicy.” People leave at 9 or 10 and just don’t know what they’re missing.

It was hot as hell, as expected. That krogeneflex thing cools the room off for the moment, but leaves it WAY too humid in there.

Anthony; sit out the hole with a friend, bump some c, drink a cranberry (or other juice with lots of sugar), or go get some real sugar from the Powerbar – they always have some to the right, by the napkins in a big glass container.

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mmm.. bumps of Tina.. even MORE naughty LoL

Hrmm.. speaking of the powerbar, i decided for the first time to treat myself to something other than tap water and sugar (remember when they used to give us coffee and stuff at tUnneL - i used to gulp down glasses of milk)...

i bought one of those powershakes from the powerbar this past weekend..

*VOMIT* it was like.. take your entire breakfast (bacon, eggs, toast, coffe, juice, cereal with milk; add in some plastic, and some ice.. and blend)

what a waste of $7 dollars. smile.gif

*shrug* but it was refreshing i guess.. and that coolant thing on the dance floor was CUTE.. about 4pm when Jr flooded the place with icey fog.. smile.gif

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