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The Agony Of Ecstasy

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An article on the web I saw this morning for all you crackhedas out there!!! All about the E and its effect on the body, downsides etc...check it out...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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ok, the article was pretty informed...EXCEPT that not everyone who does E takes 8 pills in 4 days!

a little common sense goes a long way - and there's a big difference between doing E once in a while and doing it 4 times a night. duh.

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Guest crystalmethodny

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"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Aliox if you read the article, the dosage they gave the rats which was 8 in 2 days says it is a dosage similiar to how it effects humans...it may take more to produce the same effects in rat or monkeys whatever they used, considering their brain are that much smaller may have something to do with producing the chemical...anyway...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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not sure if you guys read the erowid studies or not, the problems with testing for fried brains, flashbacks and neurotoxicity and memory loss is the fact that long term effect, like most of us will have, is not tested. the studies make users go sober for about 2 weeks or 4weeks, it is the opininnons of peopledoing real studies that at least 6-8 months should pass between the study and the last use of MDMA to acheieve accurate results..i dont know..just some ramblings i have....

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I am not trying to bash anyone or anything and I am CERTAINLY not a "crackhead" or even close to that. I have my preferences and will stick to them in my moderate fashion, but the way I think about things that are "bad" is this way...EVERYTHING IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU!! You turn on the television and they'll tell you that vegetables are not good for you, chicken is not good for you...THE F****ING AIR YOU BREATHE is not good for you!!! Now "they" are even saying that talking on cell phones may cause brain cancer! I just feel now that I am going to leave this world with "something" that I got from "something" that wasn't good for me, therefore I am not going to stop anything that I do, whether I know it is bad for me or not. And I am tired of hearing about side effects to this and that because there are side effects for everything! For instance, my eyesight is diminishing right now from looking at this computer screen (hehe). There are risks with every single think you do. Each and everyone of us take many risks every day of our lives, like driving, flying, etc. So I say live life while you can and enjoy it with or without substance! By the way, sorry if you took this negatively, but do you not agree?

Whew..I need a drink!!


"Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away, not close any doors."

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there is no way that you could take 9 pills of x a day every day and be fucked up all of the time.

the seritonin in your body runs out at about 3 or 4 pills after that - all a pill will give you is a headache. even a whole week is not enough for your seritonin level to recover.

dont get me wrong i dont think is is good for you. but i think that there is enough bad shit about ecstacy that there is no need to make shit up.

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yeah that article pretty much sucks....

theres a few inaccurate statements...very, very, very few pills ever have mesc, almost none have rat posion(urban legend), dennis sounds completely made up, since e is fairly, physically non addictive, and if you ever take that much in that short period of a time, you would not feel any of the effects since your seratonin level is so low, at regular doses its not a hallucinogen, you dont loose a desire to drink, theres probably a few other things wrong in the article, just too lazy ot point htem all out..

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