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LOL yeh dirty slapper has a ring to it icon12.gif

Thats cool. I am waiting for my green card to come through so i can do the same. I want to get arround the US and check out places like San Fran, Boston, Canada (it's going off up there big time) and probably spend a few years in NY and spend some time in Asia before going back to blighty.

It's great being able to travel with you job, and cheeper!

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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:

so do you ever do any work, or is the clubplanet.com star status the top of your list of achievements on your CV??? I've done bugger all since I started getting into this. Totally addictive... smile.gif

414 ...haha



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Well no it's been a while! No i do actually get a little bit of work done a day.

The people who i work with have totally stupid time scales so it's a case of leave it for a few months then do a couple of day work.

It's funny the time i was posting most i got a performance bonus... so i dont want to ruin a good thing!!

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Nice one!

I just noticed you mentioned Boston - they have some good clubs there, but the bummer is they all (and I mean ALL) close at 2am... and don't go in the winter - it's bloody freezing. Oh, but you live in Chicago so you're probably used to that. there are a lot of fun people in Boston though - and of course loads and loads of irish & brits......

we're off to South Beach again for Labor (sic) Day this year - now THAT's a place to party.... try it!

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Yeh i have herd about Boston they aparently really go for it because of the early closing times.

A freind is moving there from Bermuda so i will check it out first. I think it was oakenfold that put Boston as his 3 top night in the states... there again NY wasn't even on it and it is Oakey.

South Beach Miami?

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Well were going to WMC so i will get chance to check out south beach (and do some people watching) then.

There again i have herd the WMC is just full of British people!

Dont know what it is but everybody in the Miami forum is just slagging the scene at the moement, but aparently the summer is a bad time for them.

You cought me!! Nah dont know everywhere but every holliday for the last 10 years has been club related!

Have you booked the place? I am looking at the moment for a house with a pool on south beach. Got a few places on the list but some of the places are like a bid dream. There is this one place that has suits of armor everywhere (ceasor's palace or something)... it's horrible!! Do people have no taste?

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 07-21-2000).]

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well don't forget where you are.... we're hoping to stay in an apartment on the beach w. pool - the best that has to offer is some rather charming 80's black lacquered furniture and a balcony overlooking a building site. We dream of tasteless suits of armour... so if you've got any contacts down there with nice places to stay let me know.....

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OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. I have to call them RIGHT NOW biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

I would just die to be able to stay in this place......... LOVE the mirror above the bed, and as for those gold-plated suits of armour... (or is it gold lame? maybe that guy Martin wotsisface from ABC (the 80s group not the network) owns this place.

are you doing any work today at all?? I've done absolutely nothing....

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I know it's about $7000 a week i think. But they have stuff cheeper thats cool too.

Wait till you see the rest of it, there are mirrors everywhwre for some reason!!

Nah no work at all. Having a meetup with the Chicago board tonight so just sorting stuff out.

Gota keep myself in with a chance for another performance bonus so i dont dare do any work. icon12.gif


Back2basic used to be a dirtyslapper till he had his heart broken.

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all the more reason to be a dirtyslapper all over again. can't recommend it more....

$7k a week is a bit excessive, even for the obvious taste and thought that has been put into the decor, although can you imagine the party you could throw in that place....??? hee hee hee

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I know it's a bit much but between a few people it's not bad.

There is a place called the waterfront which i think we are going to get. The decor isn't up to the high standards of the palace but it's ripe for a PARTY. Lots of pool space.

ask for Jeri she has been very good with us.

Role on March & watch out miami.

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yep, sunny south beach miami - a great place to party. Loads of clubs all along one strip. plenty of entertainment watching the steroided men (for the girls (and boys)) and fake titted women (for the boys) during the day too.....

[This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 07-21-2000).]

oh just realised that you probably know everything there is to know about south beach as you seem to know everything there is to know about everywhere else too. we're 2 brits, 1 aussie, 3 americans - from DC and San Francisco - getting a place down there for 4 nights - should be a bit of fun...

[This message has been edited by dirtyslapper (edited 07-21-2000).]

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