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more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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Rally your the only person who wrote on this post who was happy...lol...

B2B As for you, you must be of the musically inept, because for you to oversee DT's production skills or lack thereof as you seem to think is just simply put retarded, i don't think there is another word for it...Look at his Tourism album all original work, all work that could be considered non house music, music for anyone...I don't see how you look past his talents, unless you've been smoking that bad crack rock they've been selling out by you...funny how you didn't comment on the part about sampling and how you say he is using up old material...For you to say that danny's production skills are sub par you are just being ingnorant...thats what it comes down to...you might as well go and post with plasmichoney or whoever, you can make clueless posts regarding music...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Yeh yeh yeh, just aload more words without substance. $1000 sampler some vocals and a few weeks in the studio = Tourism.

Nothing new, nothing creative, bery basic samples that are not new just taken from CD's. Catchy vocal that were written by the vocalist not DT. Anybody want to name me one concept or anything that hasn't been done 100,000 time before.

Like i said great dj... thats it.

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Ok slappy..All I got to say is this..

The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds

Read My Lips

Blondie - Nothing Is Real But The Girl

Turn Me On



I could go on and on, but those happen to be my favorites..

Why must we keep going on and on?? Different strokes, for different folks..

Watch you hat outside today, the weather channel said it's quite windy Chicago..


Hit My Damn Music...

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Guest bonzai

hey B2B:

you dont know what the fuck ur talking about.

what the fuck has chicago done for this scene but bring dust smoking lowlifes to our parties.BBB= dust smoking crowd...lol

DANNY.T is the most talented dj/producer worldwide, and he is giving respect from the top dj's in the world cause they feel he is one of the best.

As far as his remixes they are fucking insane,lets see a chicago producer make a track like he does.. I can be here all day telling you about DTbut ill leave it as that..

DT # 1 remember that...PEACE!!!!!!

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B2B...Let me ask you a quick question, have you ever produced a track in your life? I'm assuming not, therefore you have no right to say jack shit, considering you do not know the effort it takes to put tracks like danny does together, i strive to be able to 1 day put out tracks that have as much feeling as his, it's one thing to feel something it's another thing to lay it down in the studio...Danny is one of the best people at really pushing feeling out in his music, a real music head, or a real house head even would understand that...the comments you made in your last post go for every house producer, so don't give me that shit, you know it, i know it, everyone knows it...it is how good you do it...and tourism im sorry, but that is not how it works, i know danny and i take personal offense to the comments, i don't care if you don't like is work, hell i could give 2 shits, but don't knock his talent because he has it, a lot of it, more so in my mind than any other dj/producer, you may think my point of view is biased but i don't let that get in the way... you say danny is such a great DJ, the music Danny produces is exactly the style of music he plays, yet you conclude that his productions suck, I guess that goes for the rest of the music he plays also

If there is further schooling of your pin sized ignorant brain let me know, it's morons like you that fucking annoy the shit out of me, trying to come off like your some godamn fucking know it all, when you couldn't tell the fucking difference between a hi hat and a kick when it comes to music...

You praise the music he plays, it is the music he produces...wake up...

Baby Do You Feel Me?



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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So it's a feeling is it.... sorry not feeling anything. Feeling a bit camp, nothing else.

<--- Clasically trained in music.

but you really are getting upset aren't you?

You need to chill a bit, you are the person who attack something you know nothing about first, i defended then you get on you hight horse. You dont know me you dont know anything about me, but you still make sweeping judgments. I dont care who you are what you know, but if you can just draw conclusion out of the air which you have been doing all through your posts then it's not me that has a problem it's you.

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The reason i took it seriously is because you made it quite obvious when you blatantly contradicted yourself that you had no idea what you were talking about, then your comments about what it took to make tourism, this im assuming you know from prior experience working on your own album...

By the way it's spelled classically you dick...

Most people who appreciate music "feel" it not in the literal sense you moron...

no Im not getting upset, pointing out the treachourous attributes of someones personality gives me a kick...even more so when it's actually about something that I care about...

I don't need to know you, your posts say all that needs to be said, there is nothing else for me to judge you, remember you communicate your intelligence or in your case lack thereof through your posts...I comment based on what you say, I tend not to judge people since it is not my place, and I am far from being on a high horse, you are the one who came down with your all high and mighty attitude, proclaiming chicago house...I think the only problem hear is #1 your ignorance when it comes to house music #2 your half assed assesments of one of the best producers in the business and #3 your definite addiction to posting on clubnyc, relaying to most normal people that you may have a little too much time on your hands? what do you say sparky...go another round or what?

old skool legend what a joke...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Yes you do only have my posts to go by, but still continue to make judgements on things that I haven't posted.

Where's the contradiction? The only contradiction you have mentioned is the DT cannot be a bad producer and a good DJ because he plays his own music. Is this what you are talking about? Because he hasn't mad enough tracks to fill 1 4 hour set let alone having an international career.


Back to the feeling emotion. Well that's what music is about I will agree portraying emotions or trying to set a feeling, I agree with you there. My point was I don't feel anything from the album because there are very few subtleties. Most of the songs are mainly stripped back quite minimal with the vocal being the hook.

I do like music is the answer (but I guess you wont).

How you can say I don't give a shit about the music is beyond me. The last 12 years of my life has been devoted to Electronic and 4 years before that @ college.

You see this is a post that puts points forward without attacking , without the unnecessary use of personal attack. You should try it.

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Is there really a need for me to rehash the points i already made? your contradiction are blatantly obvious, i just wrote this long post and decided to delete it, not because it's a waste of time but i don't think you get it...1 it took longer than a few weeks in the studio and a $1000 sampler to do tourism, thats 1 comment that you made id consider as a subtle attack, and is just plain ridiculous...Number 2 the contradiction you claim i stated is not so...it is the fact you state that you praise him as a dj, therefore you enjoy the music he plays, now granted you won't like every track...BUT...the music danny plays is a certain type and often a lot of it sounds similar in style therefore it is very hard to believe you like the music he spins but not the music he plays...why because you think he sampled/stole/ripped it from an old song and filtered it with that $1000 dollar sampler of his? Notice how 100's of dj's rip stuff from tracks and do it in an even more blatant manner...and the people from chicago tend to feel his music so much because they feel it is so to the roots of house music...which it is...i don't give a rats ass how long you've been in music i've been in it for 11 years, woop dee do...just because you've been around doesn't make you any less ignorant...or maybe you don't realise that? I love music is the answer, if find it amazing you say you do, because several of his tracks have the same "feel" and style to them...but you probably think they are garbage because they are just re used sounds from 10 years ago, right? isn't that the case? When Danny works in the studio you can see he pours his heart and soul into his music...you can "feel" it...he doesn't just put out a track to put it out and make a quick buck, not like a lot of other people in this industry...he doesn't cut studio time to save money and make an extra buck or two for himself he'd rather turn out a top notch production...not like people for example, robbie rivera who do a big name remix and spend 4 hours in the studio so they can make extra $$...

You made your attacks just not out in the open like i do...would you rather i beat around the bush and just make insulting comments like you do?

Im not sure what your comment/sentence about having an international career has anything to do with it...the discussion is about his music production...Why you feel it's untalented and im assuming since it takes no talent to do it, that you'll be dropping your new album soon, or be doing a remix that will head to #1 on the charts and be played across the world...let me know when you do cause i'd love to hear it...it's not like im the only one with this opinion, hundreds of thousands of people love his music, why? i guess it's because of the recycled sounds and shitty studio work it took to put these tracks together...and people just happen to love garbage music, i guess thats why chicago house all of a sudden is making a breakthrough...anyone who appreciates real house music appreciates danny tenaglia, any dj or producer will tell you that, anyone who has been around for 5 years,10 years, 12 years whatever...and none of them will say what you have said...like i said just because you've been around for 12 years and you went to school for 4, doesn't mean your not ignorant or unappreciative, you wouldn't know if a good song if it hit you in the face...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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It's not about the last word...it's a discussion, if you don't feel you can finish it out it's ok, you've got to get tired someday man, you've got 615 odd posts, at least you got one thing out of this post, your getting higher to bbs graceland bro, your alsmost there only a few hundred more posts, that is if your fingers don't fall of first...HA HA HA...But on a serious note, it's not about the last word, if i were you i wouldn't withdraw from this discussion, only cause it makes me look write and that i own you, which is pretty near to the truth...besides I'd like to see your response, maybe i can get a few more posts to get closer to being a legend much like yourself...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Yeah it is about discussion It's just getting too personal.

But I am quiet enjoying myself, and anything to help you with your posts... just trying to get some work done this week.

Right here we go again. icon12.gif

point 1, yeah your probably right I am sure it did, my the thing is for somebody who has such a history in music, somebody who didn't write the lyrics and worked with the lyricist on the album so they could feed in. What has he done?

2, Most of the sets I have herd have not been like tourism, but that could be because I have only herd him in Europe and most DJ's will play a different set across there. But I do know how he builds and I can see (maybe you can tell me if this is true) how some of those songs would work really well during his residency sets (which I have always assumed). But that's not what I am arguing.

Now no matter what you think of me, I do know that 99% of samples are ripped filtered, put through effects units etc. But my definition of a good producer is somebody who pushes the sound forward. I gave you some examples of some people I think have pushed things forward. Staying still is easy but the word Creative means that you come up with something new. I don't see anything new.

I bought the album on the strength of Music is the answer, love it and I think nearly all have the same sound and feel as you say.... that's another point it's an album not a collection of very similar songs. Again the people I respect as producers (not remixers which obviously you know is a whole different ball game) have produced a diverse collection of songs.

This is much more like it, discussion.

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1. You completely avoided the part about what i stated about your contradiction.

2. Not to be an asshole but with 600 odd posts how do you find the time to do work

3.Feed In? If you notice that probably 70% of the time the artist does not write the song. In Danny's case he's not exactly a lyricist, he produces and remixes, hence that point has no validity in my eyes. Because it has nothing to do with his production or remixing of a track.

4.His sets generally do not reflect his work on Tourism, that is what makes him diverse and gave him a leg up on most other producers, because he is versatile.

5.Once a sound has been ripped, filltered, chopped up, and effected to the umpteenth proportion it is no longer the original sound it is a new sound. If it was not a new sound they'd be paying royalties out the ass or there would be a lot of unreleased tracks because the samples didn't clear. Case and Point...Armand Van Helden, a great producer, takes a lot of other peoples sounds and makes them into his own, creating new sounds. He has stated that in many an interview. I don't view that as Ripping someone off.

6.If you don't believe Danny is pushing the sound of house forward you are gravely mistaken, he has been pioneering a specific type of house for a while, that is why he is so respected around the industry and world, my music enthusiasts and producers/dj's regardless of taste. Most NYC DJ's who produce or spin hard house, would probably tell you they'd rather hear Danny over any DJ anyday. Armand Van Helden is an example of someone who created new areas in house and pushed new sounds forward, do you disagree? If you agree with me, you'd be contradicting yourself.

7.I still fail to see how you don't see anything new in his music, it honestly baffles me.

8. I'm not exactly sure of Danny's intent with Tourism I never asked him, but it was a different style of sound than most people were used to from him, I think it is a great album, just because things tend to sound the same doesn't mean they are not good or well produced. It's like listening to a classical album, general it is collection of very similar songs. But I think you would agree that it doesn't mean they are bad.

9.Yes Production and Remixer are totally different ball games, Remixing is a lot easier, but that does not take away from the fact that you have to create something entirely new, your taking some and putting your mark on it, welding something new.


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Nolimit, you will notice that very few of the insults have come from me.

1 ) I didn't avoid it, "Number 2 the contradiction you claim I stated is not so...it is the fact you state that you praise him as a DJ, therefore you enjoy the music he plays, now granted you won't like every track...BUT...the music Danny plays is a certain type and often a lot of it sounds similar in style therefore it is very hard to believe you like the music he spins but not the music he plays...why because you think he sampled/stole/ripped it from an old song and filtered it with that $1000 dollar sampler of his? Notice how 100's of DJ's rip stuff from tracks and do it in an even more blatant manner" - Was answered by my number 2 the fact that the sets I have herd him play have not been at all like tourism so I can like his dj'ing but not his production. Let me ask you something if he just put tourism on in a night club would you be happy? No I have never herd most of the (original versions) of the songs on Tourism being played out (except music is the answer). It's not a contradiction because A) I don't have 2 opinions about the same thing because his sets are not tourism.

2) that's my business and has nothing to do with this.. but just for the record, I have a job that enables me to do it. I have had a month or so without much to do because I am extremely good at what I do.

3) Feed in, I have read an interview with Cevin Fisher, who was saying he went into the studio with the lyrics and helped out with the track etc. Which may be all self promotion etc. Let me say this again, I know he is not a lyricist and few do there own. We know the Sound Engineer does the levels etc (a sound engineer was used on the album, some people don't need one). And I know that most people rip sounds and if there changed and sound good that's great. But there isn't much of that on tourism It's just drums and a base line and lyrics (Apart from that really nice horn type sound in music is the answer).

4) here's a great one, you say my contradiction is (and read what you put again) that the music he plays in his sets "is a certain type and often a lot of it sounds similar in style therefore it is very hard to believe you like the music he spins but not the music he plays". And now your saying his sets "generally do not reflect his work on Tourism, that is what makes him diverse"... come on now that is a contradiction. Once again, the sets I have herd him play (3 in the last 2 years non in NY), are deep (sometimes dark house) but are songs that work in clubs that he was playing and not songs that would work @ his residency, which is what makes him a good DJ (Unlike armand who doesn't play to the crowd, Danny does). So in short I agree with your second statement.

5) Well Armand does something a little different. I haven't herd his new album (it got terrible reviews so I didn't bother), but before that (the disco stuff), was loops rather than instrument based. He did a great popular album that took old disco loops and he beefed them up to sound modern. Fat boy slim did the same thing along with Daft Punk etc all these albums were out around the same time with Daft Punk and the French crew releasing first, even Pete heller and "big love". Nothing really new there, but it was very, very well produced and the genius there was the choice of loops. (by the way I have a tape I compiled with all the old tune they ripped the loops from if you don't believe me. But he did create speed garage and i love absolutley loads of things he has done.

6) I think he is pushing it forward in his sets.

7) Sorry I don't.

8) agreed.

I am off record shopping this weekend, now I am not trying to be funny at all but, I would be interested in hearing some of your stuff if you could give me some tracks/labels to look for. It's all good for sale even if you don't like the guy buying icon12.gif

Oh final little thing then I better get some work done!

The NY sound is there for a reason, I believe social circumstances mold the music (most other people do too). So what works in NY may not work else where because they want a different thing. In the UK they just want party music more up beat etc. Which may be why I don't get it, because it has to be subtleties that make it good.

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