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By the way, its spelled Treacherous, you dick.

All of you assholes who spend hours on the loser message board arguing about djs REALLY need to get a hobby.

Bad Boy Bill is probably one of the best djs around right now---his shit is just too off the hook for trance-loving losers like you to appreciate...

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i dunno if i can hang anymore, i think im getting carpel tunnel...ha ha ha!

Ok here goes...

1. I know most of the track listing from he played in london at Home last time and it was very very similiar to what he plays here, it was alot of what he played at the winter music conference and also stuff from his upcoming global underground cd...tracks he rocks in NY...so very similiar here and abroad...In Montreal he just plain and simple turned it out, and played every track you could possibly hear from him, i posted an entire listing so just search for my name or montreal and im sure it will come up...all tracks he plays in ny

2. Right on, but again we were talking about his production skills not the work he's done on his albums.

3. Yeah ive been on this board since it's inception almost

4.Read 1...You should def go to montreal when you can.

5. I understand of course they sound different, but the route they take is the same, therefore i feel that the production technique is similiar in style, not that the final product is the same...i'd hope they sound different

6. yeah because it is home, agreed

7. I like Eric he's a good guy and I liked the stuff subliminal was putting out UNTIL it became really monotonous and all started sounding the same, my god is real and believe are two tracks that i absolutley love, pianoheadz - distortion is another...I love Todd's stuff but his recent drum n bass project really wasn't for me...and he has put out a lot of monotonous remixes also...MAW I love them, unfortunately I don't listen to Louie spin much anymore and Roger Sanchez hasn't done anything recently i've liked that much...Now Junior has fallen into the whole NY sound, a sound I consider to be cheesy, because the sounds are being used over and over and over, and the build ups and more build ups and it all sounds the same...since gomi isn't doing his engineering anymore i think the level of his productions has gone down...I do like his new mary j blige remix though...and his stronger remix is good, but more of relax song than song id like to hear in a club...I think and most people would agree that Jr remix wise has fallen off, and DJing he turns it out maybe 3 times a year, i mean really turns it out...where danny works it every single week...Jr's and Danny's sound now are very very different...And I guess up until recently probably like a year to two years they were the only big DJ's around, now with Sound Factory & Exit and influx of bad music and DJ's you have other DJ's who are making their kind of money and have different followings as large as or even bigger but only ny/nj based...Danny's fans span the globe, Jr's I think also, not as much now though...JP is really the only other big resident, everyone else comes and goes...

it's always good to give a shot at what you love...if you don't you'll probably regret it when your smoking a pipe in your rocking chair at 75...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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TRK the reason it's called a forum is because that is where discussion's are held...aright DICK at least the 2nd half of this debate was intelligent, the first half was abuse...Bad Boy Bill is a poser, and is garbage...my opinion, id rather listen to trains passing through a subway station..."trance-loving losers" last time i checked Danny Tenaglia wasn't a trance dj...good one DICK Any other thought out comments?


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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By the way, its spelled Treacherous, you dick.

All of you assholes who spend hours on the loser message board arguing about djs REALLY need to get a hobby.

Bad Boy Bill is probably one of the best djs around right now---his shit is just too off the hook for trance-loving losers like you to appreciate...

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1. Danny frequently drops Elements, Music Is The Answer, Baby Do You Feel Me & Turn Me On...If I heard any of the above at a club I'd be happy. So now with that in hand the contradiction stands. He often plays music of the same style and tempo that you find on tourism.

2. This discussion is not about Tourism which you have made it into. It was about his production skills.

3. I was just abusing, thats all, Im retired and I don't post that much.

4. I realise the mistake I made but I think you know what I was getting at...I meant to say "is a certain type and often a lot of it sounds similar in style therefore it is very hard to belive you like the music he spins but not the music he produces/remixes" His sets are not typically like some of the music on tourism, although he remixed most of the tracks which he will play, and as i said above he has dropped those tracks the originals. So I feel as an artist that does make him diverse because he is getting away from a style he is typically known for...it's like metallica producing a ballad with an orchestra, it wasn't exactly expected and was something different than you'd expect from them. For the most part a lot of music he plays here in ny @ his residency is the same abroad. I went to Montreal to hear him and his style was the same...He was completely amazing in Montreal. He plays to the crowd yes, but he does not change his stlye, people go to see him because of who he is, these people know him mostly from his remixes and his cd's which is the way he plays in ny, the same style...the same music he pushes when he is abroad...so i think that nullify's your point. Armand's DJing skills lack a fair amount, only opinion based, i love his stuff, and he's a good guy but listening to him dj is not something i enjoy.

5. How can you say armand does something a little different, it's all manipulation of previously created sounds, regardless if they are looped, effected, or chopped up. If the production is tight and the song is good and sounds good and moves people is what counts, not whether the sound was something 10 years ago.

6. "he is pushing it forward in his sets" the music he plays in his sets quite often includes music of his own...sets which you say you like...im not sure if you are aware but typically danny re-edits a lot of songs for when he dj's, editing an original production which is not his for when he plays...which involves production work, which you probably like but did not know was his...the sound he is pushing forward is his sound, its unique, not many big dj's play his way...and that sound will be found in many of his productions...again this baffles me how you do not see/understand this point because it is very obvious to someone who has heard him dj and listened to his music...

9. I've been around long enough to recognize old sounds, but thanks for the offer, if i wanted to hear them i could dig the songs out of a crate...

the last track i did was a production & remix project of that track some 2 and a bit years ago...in fact the rights to the track were sold to some cheese ny label and remixed by plasmic honey and some other characters...I have a new EP dropping sometime in late august/early sept. I will let you know.

-And...The music danny plays is not ny music, ny music is pretty awful and sloppy production for the most part. Which is why danny's sound appeals to so many globally not just in NY. By the way i never said i didn't like you, it's only a discussion...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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1) Again he I haven't herd him play them, but I haven't herd him play as much or in NY. In Europe when I have herd him he doesn't.

2) Top my knowledge he has only produced 2 albums the latest being tourism.

3) I know, but I may have posted more recently but you have been here longer.

4) Believe me or not I haven't herd him play anything like that and that's at least 3 sets. But when he plays Ibiza or Cream in the UK, the sets will be different. Can't speak for Montreal I haven't been(YET).

5) You have said before that that's what ALL music is about anyway. I agree but his sound is totally different. His new sound is more Hip Hop lastly sound was more disco. Which definitely is not the same as Danny (listen to me calling him by his first name). Every Electronic song is manipulation of previous sounds I know this. But the point was that what Underworld does is different to what lets say Timo Mass does, under your rules they are the same (which they are the way you put it), under mine that are different because they sound different.

6) I knew he did (most top name do) but not to what extent. I think most DJ's give most effort to there residency.

I don't know how you can say most NY music is sloppy. Surely you must respect the huge amount of talent that has come from NY. What about Eric Morrilo( and all of the subliminal crew), Todd Terry, MAW, Junior Vasquez, Roger Sanchez. Who really are the people I am comparing him to. People who are tight, talented, created and have had an input into the sound as well as Danny. There is allot of respect for NY & Chicago & Detroit & that place where wink & deep dish come from ( sorry can't remember) in Europe, which most people over here don't understand because it always seem like them and us.

My impression of the NY sound is based around what i here most people have been out to listen to over the years. The Junior Vasques, and DT sound (I would say they sound a little similar). Not this whole S&D and PvD thing is only in the last 4 years or so, but the sound that originated from there. It's quiet dark, moody, a little soul and a little camp. Then there is the body & soul side of it all, but weren't the big residencies from the last few years JV & DT? Remember this is from an outsider looking in I haven't lived there I only know from the few nights out I have had the UK & US press.

And i have just bought some equipment to try and get some stuff out (Emu sampler, pro tools, 505 etc). I am not saying i could do anything like what DT does, it may all be crap (but that was never the point anyway, which music journalist has made a great tune but we still respect there comments). But if anything good comes out i will send you a copy.

Really must get some work done today, but the second half of this has been educational so for that thank you.

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when i dj i have a vestax unit, i forget the unit #...production wise its all hard disk based sampling and editing...different software tools for editing depending on the sound im looking for or trying to create...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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