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So, Friday night being my last party of the summer,,I wanted to make this night my best. A lot of buildup, drugs, and excitement went into this one. I am not saying it was a bad night, because being at Twilo listening to some "good" music hardly ever is. But for being my last party of the summer, well I was a little disapointed.

This was the fourth time I had seen S&d. The first two times were at London's Heaven and Fabric, two clubs which I feel are a notch above Twilo. But this review is definitly no knock on Twilo. I always appreciated S&d because they were two of the few dj's that could take trance and succesfully mold it into progressive house to create an uplifting, creative and original beat. In london they rarely let the crowd down or lost energy. Digs would always warm up the crowd and get the beat going. You definitly knew that Sasha would tear it up once he hit the tables.

Even two months ago, when S&d hit twilo, they were getting a little darker but still carrying the crowd and moving them very well. But I have to say that this past Friday night was a little strange. Digs definitly went more housey, his sounds were very similar to that of communicate. A steady beat laid over with a couple other uinteresting sounds. Nothing I fell to in love with. When Sasha finally came on, the crowd reacted, and the energy level rose, but not enough to transcend the night into greatness.

But as the saying goes, "good things come to those who wait." Well I made it all the way past 9. Not sure how much past, but definitly past, and let me tell you a empty dancefloor surely gets s and d playing some serious grooves. My energy level hit full blast around 8 and I have never moved like that. The tracks were slamming and the peaks were reminicent of earlier stuff they had laid down earlier this year.

In all I would give this night a 7 of 10. It definitly wasnt bad. The crowd was decent, very crowded and hot, but sweat is good for you,,ya know? I am not sure what direction these two dj's are goin in. Wondering where they want to take their music. Do they want to seperate themselves from trance? Do they want to design a new genre? Are they ahead of their time and we are just left back in their old tracks? I dont know. I know they are incredibly talented, and I know that they can read a crowd pretty well, but at this time I just dont get them to well. A fun night, met great people, eventually had room to groove and well if I had to go out like this, well it aint too bad?

There is always danny for an encore....



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I stayed til the end, I think it was 10:15 or so, and I would say it was well worth it. I love when space opens up on the floor, and I felt that in that last hour or hour and a half the remaining crowd had a ton of energy. I thought it was nice having the new DJ booth in the middle of the floor like that too, so that you can see S&D reacting to the music they play. Of course, it probably makes the crowding problems worse by cutting off a passageway from one side to the other, but like you said, if you wait long enough things open up.

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I really don't get it. This is the second month in a row that I heard this happen. Why does S&D wait til the last two hours of their set to rip up the dance floor? I don't get it?



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A lot of other reviews on this messageboard regarding S&D's performance are quite negative. Personally, I had one of the best times this Friday (and I've been to every S&D this year except Feb). I have to agree that the music started off slowly, and carried on with a rolling trancy vibe for most of the night. However, around 8:30am, as the dance floor cleared, they stopped holding back and let go pounding track after pounding track with exceptionally brilliant peaks. Of course, music is a personal preference, and I, for one, love hard progressive house (as well as the dark vibe).

From my experience Sasha has never been one to work the crowd with hand gestures or body language. However, this time, I was amazed to see him bouncing and dancing in the DJ booth the last half an hour, urging the crowd onto an euphoric climax.

An additional bonus for me that night was when I spotted Sasha at the bar near the DJ booth (around 9am) and shook hands with him - I took this opportunity to thank him personally for churning out a tapestry of music that most of us yearn for, month after month.


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Most people on this board who gave negative reviews probably wanted something harder, more pounding.

With Sasha and Diggers, IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN, unless ofcourse you wait until the end of their sets.

It's not about BANGIN', it's about the program and build of their sets. That's what makes them beautiful. If you don't agree, that's why you have other weeks with PvD, etc.

Still can't wait for this friday. OFF THE FIZNAG, as others would put it. lol!

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i'd like to say this, sasha and diggs technical abilities are never questioned by anyone in the world, but their selection lately has not been to my liking. i think this friday was the worst i've ever experienced them though, as even the crowd vibe was suffering through parts of their sets. usually by 8 am everyone left in the joint is totally into the music and dancing, whereas this week i saw tons of people standing around with the same look on their face that i had, WHAT IS GOING ON? WHAT ARE THE PLAYING? oh well, if thats the direction they're going in more power to them, its just that they're moving away from my personal taste. still prolly the best technical djs around.


deez nuts

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And they'll come back next month and do the most amazing set to date. They do it all the time.

Its happened to me plenty of times but I know where they stand in my book.

Maybe if you would of stayed until 1030, you would of had a different opinion. Sometimes its better to come around 6 and hear them close out.

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B2B, you mean a reward for making it through their too dark to handle and way too quirky to dance to night? tongue.gif

But seriously . . . I heard S&D at Space in Ibiza and was blown away by them. I mean REALLY blown away!! It was 8 hours of total bliss! Pure energy. Never once did S&D let you sit down and say, "whew! a minute or two to rest." Nope, they just kept it going and going and going. It was amazing!!

My question is . . . why don't they do that here?? I just don't get it! Another thing . . . whenever my bf talks to Sasha in Twilo (which has been several times) he always seemed to be so cracked out. But when we saw and spoke to him in Ibiza . . . he was so clear and clean. When we spoke to his girlfriend . . . even his girlfriend admits that his stuff in New York are shit! eek.gif

I just don't get it. confused.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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Maybe cuz it's too early in the day to be cracked out.

I was at this after beach fest party in the Shelbourne hotel during WMC, as I walk in I hear this guy yell out in a english accent "Where are the fucking drugs!!!" as I look closer, I should of known. It was Sasha. lol!

Now u relaize what a great time you had at Space... I know what u mean. Now you know why that's my favorite club in the world. Vibe unmatched!

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well i dont' know about space yet...(hopefully if all goes well i shall be there next year) but the vibe at pvd was unreal. The nrg on the floor at 930 when he dropped for an angel for like his 5th encore was ridiculous. I felt like the roof was just gonna explode of the place.

Wrong place to be posting about pvd, but i never posted about it b/c i've had about 0 time on my hands.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

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