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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Wednesday, September 6, 2000

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(Mar. 21- April 20)

You may be offered financial backing for your new business for

a piece of the action; it's your baby, so be sure to keep the

controlling interest. A friend from the past may reenter your

life with a bang today; just don't forget the past.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

Collaborating with someone today on work of a creative nature

will be very rewarding for you. This is a good day to be skep-

tical of rumors as everything you hear today may not be the

truth. Check out a good deal, or a great offer carefully be-

fore investing your hard earned money.


(May 22-June 21)

Your work of a creative twist will be greatly inspired today

as almost everything you see seems to form a new idea until

you are brimming over with them. Put them to use and they

could earn you a raise. Take no financial risks today and

watch luxury spending.


(June 22-July 22)

This is not a good time for loaning large amounts of money

or taking any financial risks. There are some reversals for

you on the horizon. Family affairs are favorable today and

you will be able to reach an understanding with a child.

Not a good night for a party.


(July 23-Aug 22)

A chance statement by someone who is always careless about

their speech will hurt your pride today but you do not blow

it out of proportion and lose your temper...consider the

source. This is a good evening to begin a creative new hobby

that you have been meaning to start.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Take pride in what you accomplish at work today as you are

good at what you do and today everyone else knows it to.

Keep yourself well grounded in relationships and matters

of the heart. This could be a lucky day for you in the

romance department if you play it cool.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Today you should go along with your instincts as an inspired

hunch is right on target and you hit the bullseye to success.

A fantastic new job offer or a new position at your present

place is in the stars for you. Success is assured. Spend a

quiet time at home in the evening.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

A co-worker gets on your nerves today but you wisely let it

pass as arguing is frowned on in the establishment. Talks

with business people are favored and you will get that loan

that you need to buy the home your family has always wanted.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You are unusually moody and distracted today as you have 'one

of those days'. Happy about one thing, glad about another,

pleased with one person, and boiling mad at someone else!

This would be a good day to pack in and stay at home until

you regain control.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

A serious marital dispute that arises today will not be solv-

able in one day but you will have a handle on it before the

sun goes down. For clues look for: he saids, and she saids.

Be sure you dump all your troubles outside when you start

for work as you don't need to lose your job as well as your

peace of mind.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Don't overload yourself with extra jobs today, and don't

volunteer for things if you really don't have the time

to do them; slapdash through your work will not earn any

credits with the boss, and all that volunteering will

only make you look over anxious.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Having talks with business higher ups and financial advisors

will be highlighted for today. A disappointment with a family

member may have you feeling down but this will work out and

by tonight all will be forgiven while love reigns supreme.


These original horoscopes are based on planetary aspects and

configurations for each sun sign. Though everyone is unique,

and we are not stereotyped into 12 classes, the general mood

and theme of your horoscope tends to apply to your daily life.

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