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the spinning guy at juniorverse

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Has anybody seen the guy who spins around on the dancefloor for hours and hours like a top? Hours and hours and hours, twirling and twirling and twirling. And spinning. And twirling. And twirling and spinning. For hours. Is he okay? Why does he do this? It scares me. Also: who is that man who jumps up and down in a pair of shorts and a big hairy belly and a glowstick? Is he out to get me? Who are the other usual suspects at Twilo? Should they be avoided? Should they be befriended? Are they all witches? What is up with the spinning guy, though? Hey, spinning guy, are you okay? Why do you spin? Why must you twirl, my little one?

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That is toooo funny. I haven't seen him but I see people doing wack shit like that all the time. I think to myself 'awww look at them having a good time in their own little world just like me, then I think, wait a minute, maybe I should be scared.....'

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