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Up and coming DJs.........

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do you feel it's a tough market to crack???

getting gigs??? building a following???

is it like trying to be an actor???

do you feel you'll never get a chance??...

or give up and just keep it to yourself???

what about getting that gig and finally showing your talent?? that must be fun


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Ive been around for a long time and played in some of the hottest spots 5 years ago, but I had a 4 year Hiatus for many reasons, now I'm back and have been playing fairly often, and Im back in the studio working on a new track...It's fairly hard to crack the nyc market because so many of the DJ's in NYC/NJ all play the same exact stuff, so you are competing against large amounts of people who have the same exact music as you...another reason why the NYC scene is so lame because you can go out thurs, fri, sat nights and hear the same exact tracks a ton of venues...

You can catch me at Ohm this Friday night, and appearances at Cheetah Thursday's with Jason Ojeda...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



[This message has been edited by ILL HOUSE YOU (edited 09-13-2000).]

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

Ive been around for a long time and played in some of the hottest spots 5 years ago, but I had a 4 year Hiatus for many reasons, now I'm back and have been playing fairly often, and Im back in the studio working on a new track...It's fairly hard to crack the nyc market because so many of the DJ's in NYC/NJ all play the same exact stuff, so you are competing against large amounts of people who have the same exact music as you...another reason why the NYC scene is so lame because you can go out thurs, fri, sat nights and hear the same exact tracks a ton of venues...

You can catch me at Ohm this Friday night, and appearances at Cheetah Thursday's with Jason Ojeda...

What name you spin under?


Check out http://www.nitefaces.com/mad_productions.htm for club info.

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He's right if they threw a new DJ in there playing the same crap the people would still go, because for the majority people are there to get trashed...as far as hot bodies, I dunno what your talking about, last time I was there, I didn't see much of anything...

To the person who posted about a unique sound hurts you, I've found that people appreciate it, I've been playing spots where typically a commercial crowd comes, and I've played a lot of underground music...It's really how you work it with these crowds, you can't go completely underground on them but if you work it in slowly it works well, you have to educate a lot of these crowds because they don't know about a lot of the other music out there, they only hear the same songs every night of the week on ktu and then thurs, fri, sat at the clubs, and the DJ's are not willing to change their programming because they are afraid of being fired by the promoters or the people having an adverse reaction, either way just like Russ Reign mentioned in another post, he may love deep house but there is no way in hell he could play it, it's not accepted, but I think if you don't educate the crowd, and ease it in on them, then it will never be accepted...education is the key...I'd rather have a unique sound because not only because it is what I love, but you also get more attention for being differetn and distinguishing yourself from other DJ's which have typically the same styles and sets...

As for JP he has been in the NY circuit longer than DT remember JP has been here his whole live, Danny was in Miami for quite some time before coming up to NYC...JP will never be renown outside of NYC it just won't happen...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Thank god a conversation about music.

ILL HOUSE YOU, it's commendable trying to educate the crowd I don't even think some big names bother. I think you have to be a good crowd reader to be able to pull it off, which in my opinion is what it's all about.

I agree it's the only way to do it, other wise you end up having to get yourself a big name before you can experiment and be taken seriously. Maybe not so much with house, but certainly with techno.

It's funny though, I have read comments by DT about promoters being scared by certain songs, not letting them play that kind of sound/record in clubs. If DT has that problem who the hell can play what he wants?

Do any of you guys get shit from promoters if you push it too far?


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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Originally posted by atf104:

Umm... I wasnt disrepsecting peters, I respect him a great deal for pulling off a 12 hour set every saturday, that is a feat in itself. but uh, hes been in the circuit for 15 years... maybe if youd take your head out of his ass youd realize there is life after factory and JP and there are many other good dj's as well. Ive had some great times at factory but people tend to go there for the drugs and for the hot bodies... Id bet $1,000,000 if JP stopped spinning and they got someone else playing the same stuff, attendance wouldnt even change.

Well you fucking jerkoff, my head is so NOT up Peters ass.. He is not my favorite dj, but I do enjoy him.. So STFU.. As for life after SF, ha.. What else is good on saturday nights?? There is no party on saturday night in NYC that is better then the one at Sound Factory..

15 years huh?? Please inform me.. He didnt even blow up untill his residency at Sound Factory.. Thats, what, 3-4 years?? I know where he has spun in the past, and blah,blah,blah, but he has only been big for a few years..

And from now on, dont look at me like some Jersey reject that only goes to the Sound Factory and has no idea what he's talking about.. Ok??

Just because I defend him, doesnt mean he's my favorite..



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B2B That is why Danny is at Vinyl now, "Be Yourself" ... He can do what he wants there... Yes it's sad that you can only do such experimentation when you have gotten a big name, but I've been doing it, and I've had a good response, it is all about reading the people, that is sometimes the hardest part...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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the best up and coming dj's are the ones that DONT PLAY KTU MUSIC! And it's not gow good you are, it is who you know, I know of dj that cant keep a flow going, but keep their gigs, and i know dj's that can mix amazing but can't get gigs!! It's the promoter fucking everything up in NY, not the dj's,not the crowd,not the drugs, it's the stupid promoters. The are not needed in the club world. Even if promoters never exsisted, people are still going to go out to clubs.



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Originally posted by sf97:

Pep, yeah I got it converted but now the file is to big to send it. Any suggestions?


I'm confused, i don't remember talking about that with you But I'd be happy to help you out.What exactly is the problem ? where is it your trying to send this file?And what kind of file is it?


dancer-10.gif Put some pep in your step DANCER-11.GIF

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Originally posted by tranza:

There is no party on saturday night in NYC that is better then the one at Sound Factory..

15 years huh?? Please inform me.. He didnt even blow up untill his residency at Sound Factory.. Thats, what, 3-4 years?? I know where he has spun in the past, and blah,blah,blah, but he has only been big for a few years..

And from now on, dont look at me like some Jersey reject that only goes to the Sound Factory and has no idea what he's talking about.. Ok??

Just because I defend him, doesnt mean he's my favorite..

Uh saturday?? well, id pick twilo over the factory any week, Im no junior fan, but junior can at least mix (usually). You guys are so homo phobic...too bad most of the factory people dont know that JP is queerer then a $3 bill, omg! the god himself is gay! omg! Anyway, he is what he is, and Im from PA, i dont look at jersey people or anyone differently. Its the same reasoning behind people not coming to vinyl because they think its gay or something... If you are that insecure and need to go to a place full of steroid and silicon enhanced bodies that do more drugs then a pharmacy to feel "masculine"...then the factory is for you. I go where the music is... and besides twilo, centro fly, vinyl and a few others, there is no where to even go where they dont play cheeze. More power to people that like cheeze...


"Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

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To the person who posted about a unique sound hurts you, I've found that people appreciate it, I've been playing spots where typically a commercial crowd comes, and I've played a lot of underground music...It's really how you work it with these crowds, you can't go completely underground on them but if you work it in slowly it works well, you have to educate a lot of these crowds because they don't know about a lot of the other music out there, they only hear the same songs every night of the week on ktu and then thurs, fri, sat at the clubs, and the DJ's are not willing to change their programming because they are afraid of being fired by the promoters or the people having an adverse reaction, either way just like Russ Reign mentioned in another post, he may love deep house but there is no way in hell he could play it, it's not accepted, but I think if you don't educate the crowd, and ease it in on them, then it will never be accepted...education is the key...I'd rather have a unique sound because not only because it is what I love, but you also get more attention for being differetn and distinguishing yourself from other DJ's which have typically the same styles and sets...


this is exactly what i try to do once a month. people who come to my parties are not music aficianados..some are..but most are not.

rather then drop to that level of playing commerical stuff ala KTU..i throw down older popular tracks from 4-5 years back. it worked then..why not work now???. the first night i did the party i played an hour of old acid house/trance tracks towards the end of the night...and everyone loved it.

if i had worked through promoters they probably would have ripped my head off. thats why i dont deal with them.

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I agree with what everyone is saying but think of it this way, DJ's that are commercial kind of have to be, they need to keep the crowd. Little by little they can start developing their own sound it's hard though because so many people don't appreciate good music anymore,it's a shame. You can start out w/ having your own sound and most likely no one listening, or get the people to listen by playing what they want(which is mostly commercial)than get them to really like the sound that u develop. I give all DJ's respect it's a hard business.

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I agree with what everyone is saying but think of it this way, DJ's that are commercial kind of have to be, they need to keep the crowd. Little by little they can start developing their own sound it's hard though because so many people don't appreciate good music anymore,it's a shame. You can start out w/ having your own sound and most likely no one listening, or get the people to listen by playing what they want(which is mostly commercial)than get them to really like the sound that u develop. I give all DJ's respect it's a hard business.

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Originally posted by atf104:

Uh saturday?? well, id pick twilo over the factory any week, Im no junior fan, but junior can at least mix (usually). You guys are so homo phobic...too bad most of the factory people dont know that JP is queerer then a $3 bill, omg! the god himself is gay! omg! Anyway, he is what he is, and Im from PA, i dont look at jersey people or anyone differently. Its the same reasoning behind people not coming to vinyl because they think its gay or something... If you are that insecure and need to go to a place full of steroid and silicon enhanced bodies that do more drugs then a pharmacy to feel "masculine"...then the factory is for you. I go where the music is... and besides twilo, centro fly, vinyl and a few others, there is no where to even go where they dont play cheeze. More power to people that like cheeze...

Bah.. I'd take Peters over Junior anyway.. I'm not a junior fan, and I'm not a Twilo fan.. I cant sit in a club and listen to vocal house and cheesy Junior remixes for 12 hours, sorry..

As for Peters being gay, well, I'm sure you know the truth to that.. Who are you again??

Why am I even bothering.. You dont know me from a hole in the wall.. You can steriotype all you want, I really dont give a fuck..

AND BUDDY, Vinyl is just as much of a crack house as SF, or any other club in NYC.. They dont even have a liquor licence!! Cheap beer at the back bar, thats about it.. I see just as many big eyes at 4 am on Vinyl's dance floor as I do on Sound Factory's.. So you really arent saying much..

Dont think I'm bashing Vinyl, Danny is my favorite dj.. You just make yourself sound stupid by saying " If you are that insecure and need to go to a place full of steroid and silicon enhanced bodies that do more drugs then a pharmacy to feel "masculine"...then the factory is for you. "



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hmmmmm this is a very interesting thread....

I have been spinning in clubs for about 8 yrs now (since I was 15!) and have made many observations along the way.....

As far as what is considered underground, and how to classify it, I guess I personally consider underground to be music that is not consumed and preyed upon by the masses - whether that means KTU, mainstream clubs, etc.....

Ive played for crowds ranging from extremely commercial to extremely underground, in both large and small venues, and along the way I have played the whole sphere of different musical styles... In most situations, as a DJ, you do have to play for the crowd, as they are essentially the ones paying ur salary....does this mean dropping the same tracks every night in the same order? No def not......remember, it's not only what you play, but how you play it.....

As far as breaking new tracks and styles of music goes, we need more help over here in America from the radio stations...In Europe the stations are not regulated as much by stuffy program directors who decide what is politically correct for airplay....

I personally love playing on the radio, because this is where you really have a chance to expose a crowd to some new and different styles.....

This has also worked particularly well for me on out-of-state gigs, for some reason, people outside new york seem to be more open to new things......

anyway sorry this is so long-winded, its just a thought provoking topic....

And as far as the underground goes, i think it's better if fewer people like and appreciate it, that way it will always remain UNDERGROUND for the real headz........

PeAcE smile.gif


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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This is a subject that ive been battleing for some time now...i personally hate playing commercial garbage..id rather not play at all...but most of the time (for the promoters) u have 2...i find that working in an slow transition usually works...some of the best respones i got was when i worked something different in....like people said in earlier posts its all about feeling out the crowd...ud be suprised how some commercial fans get down to the underground tracks...i sometimes try just going different all toghther but again its all up to the crowd...if all they hear is ktu thats all they wanna hear believe me i have had people rip my head off for playing underground sets! IMO its all about where u spin and what kind of crowd comes in...too bad nyc is soo segregated and uneducated when it comes to music...good luck to all i hope we all get to where we wanna be one day....


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This is a subject that ive been battleing for some time now...i personally hate playing commercial garbage..id rather not play at all...but most of the time (for the promoters) u have 2...i find that working in an slow transition usually works...some of the best respones i got was when i worked something different in....like people said in earlier posts its all about feeling out the crowd...ud be suprised how some commercial fans get down to the underground tracks...i sometimes try just going different all toghther but again its all up to the crowd...if all they hear is ktu thats all they wanna hear believe me i have had people rip my head off for playing underground sets! IMO its all about where u spin and what kind of crowd comes in...too bad nyc is soo segregated and uneducated when it comes to music...good luck to all i hope we all get to where we wanna be one day....


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Originally posted by xxbabygirlxx:

Originally posted by enyce2000:

your such a groupy...brian c


you wanan talk about sucking dick.....you dont wanna go there


Check out http://www.nitefaces.com/mad_productions.htm for club info.

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