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Just a little thought for the day.


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OK I was thinking:

All day people are bitching-about all sorts of things.

People walk around stressed and too busy to enjoy life.

It seems sometimes that nobody is happy.

It seems as if all I see sometimes are unhappy people-at work, on the street, in the store.

Complaints everywhere

I think it is time this stops!

Everyone should take a miniute or two to appreciate the life they have, and enjoy each day.

So I am taking a step...

I LOVE life, my life-I love who I am, my friends, my family, MYSELF.

I am glad I am here to experience everything life has to offer no matter what.

So what if sometimes you have a bad day, or your broke-or whatever. It really means nothing!!!

I DON'T CARE about all that petty shit.

Does anyone feel this way-please share with me.

Why can't everyone just be happy?




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You are so right....People walk around with such a chip on their shoulders....I run into a lot of them every morning on the train to work and on the same train home.. Some people are jsut ahppy being miserable.. I on the other hand am grateful for everything I have and have learned to be appreciative of what I have in life.....Whil eit may not seem like much to some it means a hell of a lot to me and that is all that matters.

I can honestly say that I have had alot of pitfulls, but I believe that they are just stepping stones to greater things.

There are some dreadful things that we unfortunately have to experience in life,but you know what???? It is times like these when we have to take what is left and use that negative energy and create something positive from it..we truly learn from these instances.

I think I have said enough for now... cwm5.gif



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Guest crystalmethodny

Really sweet Nikki...

Hey Sick - That cracked me up.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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I totally agree. If u guys have AOL...look up my profile....its trippintrance64@aol.com....one day i was thinkin about life, and i came up with the quote that is in my profile.

It states: A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look around and see what u have, before you say that u've had a horrible day. Look at what u have and realize that there are people out there that wish they had that much. Live life, and LOVE IT!

guys, enjoy everything...i love you all cwm1.gif

PS mr.sick....funny as hell!! cwm27.gifcwm16.gif

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i agree. . .

i have slept 2 hours since Friday night. . . wasn't too happy about that at 7am this morning on the 7 train, but in retrospect, i had such a GREAT TIME since Saturday. . .

i wouldn't change a damn thing.



"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

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ok, my turn-

i love my baby and am so happy i have her in my life smlove2.gif


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-18-2000).]

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