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Trannies & cheetahs @ Miss MoneyP's

The queens of glam Brit clubbing, Miss Moneypenny's, hosted GBH @ Club Cheetah last week in New York. James Fierce played a cocktail of US/UK sounds and the club bar was free from 10:00pm until 2:00 am.

As one might expect of Miss MP's, the outfits are reported to have been adventurous and glam ... plenty of feather boa's, diamante studs and lipgloss, no doubt. But the glam prize of the night could go to no other but 'Raphael's Madonna' ... a notorious US trannie that has had the surgical works to transform hiself into a Madonna clone ... a true 'material girl' if there ever was one (!)

Following the reported success of the night, Miss Moneypenny's have announced a monthly residency @ Cheetah Club. There are also plans to carry out TV coverage of the Miss MP's in NY events.


Birds Behaving Badly: Women & Ecstasy

I once saw a girl in the Ladies at a club, peering into the mirror, pupils like saucers, whining to her mate 'Oh my God Gina ... my pupils are massive ... you can't even see the colour of my eyes ... I'm only wearing this dress cos it matches my eyes ... ' 'Your dress matching the colour of your eyes is the least of your worries love', I remember thinking, 'you're completely trollied and you look a bloody sight'. It struck me then, that even in states of dire drug-dom, chicks somehow wanted to maintain that posey pouty-ness that distinguished them from the undignified, sweaty, gurning bloke brigade on the dancefloor. But it looks like the times might be changing ...

New research shows that women forego 'ladylike' behavoir when taking ecstasy. A researcher @ Sheffield University, Sharon Hinchcliff, who studied a group of young female ecstasy users said ' It is clear they use drugs in ways attributed to men ... they reject 'ladylike' behavoir.' Other findings in the study conclude that:

women start taking ecstasy @ a younger age than men.

women consume just as much ecstasy as their pill-popping male counterparts.

Womens main objective in taking ecstasy is fun (surprise surprise). Studies show that women are largely undetered by negative side effects such as hallucinations or even convulsions


Amsterdam Dance Event

The Amsterdam Dance Event Seminar takes place on 19th-21st of October.

It will be of interest to anyone in the music/clubbing industry and will provide the opportunity for promotors etc. to talk to others about their business ventures. The event also includes an internet section, in which attendees will be able to surf the net and share ideas with others.

The daytime events of this annual international conference are expected to be followed with clubbing events during the evening. For details, call: + 31 35 621 8748.


Drugs: Secret War On Crops

The UK is playing a key part in the the development of a substance that will be used to destroy cocaine, cannabis and opium crops.

Opposers to the use of the lethal fungi have likened it to biological warfare - they argue that the substance will kill food crops, pose a threat to human life and take a devastating toll on the environment. Furthermore, even with the serious effects that this lethal fungi will have on the environment, it is unlikely that it will have a large effect on global drug trading - opposers say that drug trade will merely move elsewhere.

Facts about the drug crop spray project:

A British scientist has been named as a key member of the project.

The fungus is called fusarium oxysporum

Plans exist to spray the rainforests of Columbia with the fungus ... the rainforests are home to about 80% of the global cocaine supply.

Mo Mowlam recently spoke in Colombia of her opposition to the plans.

The fungus will also be used to target cannabis and heroin crops.

The £multi million project is being largely initiated by the UK and the US.


It must be something in their water. Judge Jules took a swing at an Eden dancer earlier in the season and now his villa-mate, John Kelly, was spotted snarling and squaring up to Brandon Block in the Garden of Eden. Luckily Alex P was on hand to break it up. John and Jules will be hosting further sessions of their Fight Club in the not-too-distant future.

Timo Maas was hassling Alex P to guess the tune on his mobile. To Peasy's barely disguised disinterest it turned out to be the theme music to Sesame Street. Cool as a cucumber, Alex raised an eyebrow slightly, slipped his phone from his pocket à and out came the theme tune to The Sweeney. Geezer. Join us for the final Mixmag Sunday Roast on Radio Cadena 89.1fm this Sunday. DJ Stan and Danny Whitehead will be serving up a special old skool selection from 9-11pm, and you can bring your own drink.

Clubbers went into shock when the rozzers burst in at the locals' favourite club, dc10, was raided and closed this week during one of the now legendary Monday morning sessions. Clubbers were told that the raid was Òbecause of the noise levelsÓ, despite the fact that there are no houses within the immediate vicinity and the venue is situated right by that noise-free zone, the airport. Perhaps an EasyJet was disturbed by a snare-roll while trying to take it Easy. Or maybe the planes got a bit over-excited and necked a couple of cheeky halves when Spiller's ÔGroovejet' came on. Whatever, police have confirmed that the club will be allowed to continue as normal. n


Come Down Queen

Graduating From The University Of Strife

And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain. Regrets? I've had a few (like getting out of bed and doing liquid acid on a Tuesday evening), but then again, too few to moan about. But being over here for four months has taught me a number of things. Such as: Of the masses of men who have chatted me up this season (three), all of them looked like Benny Hill.

Itaca Bar has the best toilets in San An. Some of my friends would suck off a donkey for a million quid. Seven goats with women's faces and nun's tits from Es Vedra own a Renault Megane with Bill Gate's partner's baguette and Tom Cruise's mate, who's friends with the Sultan of Brunei's son, who invented the boat-rubbing crack piece for ages four to eight.

No one else in the house is going to buy any toilet roll. Ever. Trying to get into a hammock looking glamorous is impossible. Sitting in the mudbath at Es Palmador was one of the freakiest experiences of my life.

Wasps and mosquitos are just rude. Pissed pedestrians rolling on your car bonnet outside the supermarket is one of life's little hazards. Flatmates are a taste of Hades on earth.

You can't always get what you want. Especially if it's blonde with blue eyes and not interested. Being stuck on a boat in the dark with a storm brewing, when the captain has just double-dropped, is 'quite scary'. It's hard to look pretty dressed as a beaver.

Hanging on to the back of the tractor that cleans the beach at Bora Bora should be made an Olympic event. Acid is the new ecstasy. Be careful.

Being on the dancefloor at Amnesia at 6-8am is like being in the twilight zone. Dressing to look gay when you're straight featured prominently in men's fashion this season.

Sweating like a long-tailed cat in a room of rocking chairs is unavoidable. Pegging yourself to a washing line by your toes is ridiculous, Andy Corrin. Sniffing too much poppers makes your sock shoot out the top of your trainer. No one could get through a sentence without uttering the words 'fuck it!', 'offensive' funny is that?'

80% of Home flyers were 'wanged' and 45% of Manumission flyers were 'whut-chu'd' (chucked at) minging (and unsuspecting) tourists. Being sick through your nose after caning absinthe is not attractive. Sleep is for wimps. When Ibiza's good, it's very, very good - but when it's bad, it's fucking awful. See you next year, then.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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