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Flamboyant....(offtopic) great book to read...

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i just started reading this book.. ITS AMAZING its a book i think anyone on this LIST WOULD LOVE TO READ! i just wanted to quote a paragraph from this novel by Elizabeth Sivados

"But you were fascinated,too. you'd say.'how can you be so cold? su cruel to your own body? you think love is a catalog from sears?' I didn't challenge your shockedness. What could i expect from a twenty-eight-year-old virgin? For your benefit, Chana Landau, I have converted the regular street rates into biblical metaphors. I read that sucker untill the verses got set to house music in my head. Proverbs12:15:'By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone.' I could get ten dollars for a half hour of that; twenty dollars for an hour. Proverbs 27:5:'open rebuke is better then secret love/' Forty minutes, fifteen dollars with accessories and no costume,twenty-five for costume. And so on. We called it survival sex, and the idea is that if you survive it, it provides survival. Most of the kids at Harvey Milk could rely on a little survival sex if we needed a place to crash and had to pay. If we were hungry. Or if we had to subdue our parents' dealers. I pretty much worked daily nine pm to fiveam. I worked for food sundries and evertually to put myself though beautician school.. It wasn't the worst. I read lots of recyclable magazines in between tricks. I was a certified Abraham Lincoln."

GREATTTTTT GO OUT AND READ IT TODAY! Its basically about kids growin up gay in manhattan, and got turned away from reg schools for being wierd.. I believe its taking place in the early to mid 90's...





"A good man is hard to find, A hard man is Good to find"


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