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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Wednesday, January 3, 2001

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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Wednesday, January 3, 2001


(Mar. 21- April 20)

You are able to be more at ease with members of the opposite

sex. It is also a time to experience a greater balance be-

tween your egotistical senses and emotional feelings. As you

are more at ease, the opportunity is greater for making new

friends that have quite an impact on you.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

Today you are devoted to fulfilling obligations and accepting

responsibility. This puts you in a position to enthusiastically

take on the tasks which you usually try to avoid. This will

earn you recognition from your boss and others, even if you

don't try to call attention to yourself.


(May 22-June 21)

This is a time when you may discuss and explore the deeper

emotional needs of you and your partner. This may occur due

to a variety of reasons, from a desire to be closer or

because of some conflict. The overall goal here is essentially

to enhance the balance in a relationship.


(June 22-July 22)

Your desires and conscious will are more in harmony at this time,

so you should be able to work well with other people. Although

your assertiveness will be strong, it is unlikely that you want

to become aggressive or agitated. This is also a time to re-

assert any position of authority that you have, both personally

and/or with others.


(July 23-Aug 22)

Problems or challenges at this time can force you to examine your

motive and involvement within certain groups. Even if you general-

ly prefer to work in isolation, you may be forced to work in

cooperation with others during this period. Being open minded

will help significantly.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Today you sense a desire for recognition and want to be treated

well by others. Even when you are the center of attention, you

aren't sure how you should express your affection because you

prefer to take. It would be good to relax today and find your

own way to initiate creative activities.


(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Personality traits which you dislike may come to the surface.

Don't try to suppress them but learn to accept this part of

yourself. When you manage this you will return to a state of

inner harmony. Almost everyone has had unpleasant emotions

which just won't disappear, but talking to other people

about it will quickly confirm that it is part of being



(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Contact with members of the opposite sex are in favor today.

This is because you are more at ease, and therefore it is

also a good time to engage in social activities, particularly

in your home. This is also a good time to work on any unresolv-

ed area of your emotional life.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Today you will sense a deep longing to confront other people's

problems and concerns. Being able to hold Neptune's overcast

temperament in check, you will have no need to seek escape in

reverie. Because this time favors activities with others,

today others may ask for your assistance and you will react

as though you had been waiting for just that.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

At times, certain unconscious feelings may surface that causes

you to act in a more secretive manner, in order to hide such

feelings from others. This occurs if you sense that others

will not accept you if they found out. Try to balance your

conscious feelings with those of your sub-conscious feelings.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

You may be confronted by people who challenge your objectives

in the outer world. Conflicts with others may arise, especial-

ly with managers or those in authority. If conflicts do arise,

try to learn from the situation, and don't be too demoralized.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

You should try to be aware of any inconsistency in the way

you present your feelings towards others. If this is the

case, meditate on a greater balance between your emotional

feelings and the surface conscious mind. Try to be aware

as to whether you possess sufficient humility.


These interpretations are based on the aspects and positions of

the planets in relation to each Sun-sign. They are intended to

indicate the general mood and issues of the day as you experience

them. Be creative in applying your forecast to the actual

circumstances of your life. ---

By Michael Thiessen - Professional Astrologer, Astrology Online



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