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white boy questions hip-hop

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Whooo!! Well said, my friend. I guess we've both gotten our point across and enlightened the board cwm40.gif

Whaddayasay we start our own two part course at NYU? Or maybe we can do seminars across the US? You, Me & Jammy. I think we can make some dough, lol, he he he. (evil laugh) cwm2.gif



"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . . asthanos.gif

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

AIM - Gre1P


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gonna chime back in here again. . .

in general, music has the ability to bring out powerful emotions in people. . . sometimes powerful enough to cause fighting, death, and rape. . . the funny thing about all of this is music and the event that bring us music are there for entertainment. . . isn't it funny what people do and will do to be properly entertained in this country. . . and isn't it sad the extents people are willing to go to, to insure that they are entertained in the manner they want?? btw - if you want to read a good, funny book about more on this subject, pick up _Infinite_Jest_ by David Foster Wallace. . . a bit long, but very enlightening. . .

now i'm not saying the music "made" these people do these things, they have free will (it's a bitch, i know,) and made these actions of their own choice. . . but environment and attitude does play a part in all of this, wouldn't you agree??

the real question with all of this Cheetah business is "where was Puffy??!?"

j/k!! hehehheee cwm35.gif


HARDCORE. . . ya better ask somebody!!

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Originally posted by noiseboy:

gonna chime back in here again. . .

in general, music has the ability to bring out powerful emotions in people. . . sometimes powerful enough to cause fighting, death, and rape. . . the funny thing about all of this is music and the event that bring us music are there for entertainment. . . isn't it funny what people do and will do to be properly entertained in this country. . . and isn't it sad the extents people are willing to go to, to insure that they are entertained in the manner they want?? btw - if you want to read a good, funny book about more on this subject, pick up _Infinite_Jest_ by David Foster Wallace. . . a bit long, but very enlightening. . .

now i'm not saying the music "made" these people do these things, they have free will (it's a bitch, i know,) and made these actions of their own choice. . . but environment and attitude does play a part in all of this, wouldn't you agree??

the real question with all of this Cheetah business is "where was Puffy??!?"

j/k!! hehehheee cwm35.gif

Not with Jennifer Lopez!!! lol, finally.

(Zoning into my own world) Jen, baby? This is Gre', you know your baby, Reg? Remember me? Baby come back home please? I forgive you for leaving me for Puff. I understand you just wanted to get your popularity up, but now it's time to come home so I can love that ass the right way!!! (j/k, lol)



"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . . asthanos.gif

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

AIM - Gre1P


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Word Grapanelli! There are several hip hop artists out there that aren't just rhyming about Bentleys and booty. The media just doesn't cover them as much because it isn't as glamorous to hear about intelligent rappers. Good hip hop is poetry set to a phat beat. Check out Talib Kweli or Mos Def.

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Originally posted by dollfacegirl:

Word Grapanelli! There are several hip hop artists out there that aren't just rhyming about Bentleys and booty. The media just doesn't cover them as much because it isn't as glamorous to hear about intelligent rappers. Good hip hop is poetry set to a phat beat. Check out Talib Kweli or Mos Def.

Wow, You took the words right out of my mouth. Mos Def is one of the most positive artists, never hear him speaking sbout violence or slappin some chick, or shooting someone in the face.

What do you guys think of Eminem's lyrics though, Do you think they are all for shock value, Do you think people really take his lyrics seriously and do you think Stan is a positive song?


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violence occurs in any culture that is primarily made up of teenage boys. look at metal, punk, "moshing", dancehall reggae, mods, rockers, ANY OF IT! there was always violence.

hip hop is not one culture. it is many. it is cypress hill AND freestyle fellowship, its too short AND latyrx, mos def AND jay-z. hip hop's dichotomy reflects that in all of us.

if anyone wants listen to one perfect, soolful hip hop album, get aceyalone's "book of human language"

memorize every lyric and get back to me.

by the way, this is way big and pac were the artists they were. they expressed universal pleasure and pain. i think eminem's got the same stuff. unfortunately he'll probably die too soon, too.


*i'm in love with the modern world

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Originally posted by funkysoulbro:

Will Smith makes alot of money...i rest my case!!

maybe in movies...but sure as hell he ain't doing it in rap...no hit since summer 99!


What Makes a Man Run?

People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents.

The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

- Glenn Cunningham

AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

What do you guys think of Eminem's lyrics though, Do you think they are all for shock value, Do you think people really take his lyrics seriously and do you think Stan is a positive song?


Eminem said a million times that his lyrics are made to piss people off. One thing's certain, his lyrics ARE tight! For people to be pissed of at "Stan" is simply dumb. He talks about fans being "TO" into an artist and that they should concentrate on the other things in their life and not get so caught up in someone who is just a musician. Watch it sometime and read his lyrics - more than meets the eye - my 2 cents!


What Makes a Man Run?

People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents.

The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

- Glenn Cunningham

AIM: Spragga25

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