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the Man with the white glove.

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For those people that doesn't know why people wear white gloves in clubs and raves then read on cause it's not use to perform surgery...

Okay, most of us have seen people liquid dance. for those of you that

haven't, it's basically coordinating both hands in a liquid motion so that

you'll get a virtual image of liquid. Some people use white gloves to help

us see the virtual image, and some people use glowsticks to liquid.

We're imitating water. But have you

ever wondered why?

First of all, the obvious observations. most of our body is made up of

water. Water is the drink of life.

But what would happen if you saw someone liquid dancing and took a picture

of them? If you can see a still image of anyone doing the liquid dance, you

will see that in order to create the virtual image of liquid with your

hands, you need to form a half upper arc (or semi-circle) with one hand and

a half bottom arc (or semi-circle) with the other hand. So when the 2 hands

are joined, it'll give you the virtual image of water running. but that same

virtual image you see is also a cycle.

Next time you see someone liquid dance, stop and ask yourself, what is it

they're really imitating?

i guess the next thing you might ask is what the whistle is use for..


"Party now, Worry later"


[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-06-2001).]

[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-06-2001).]

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Originally posted by mustang2g1:

acually we liquid because it's cool..

and nice to watch, so enjoy

LOL, well yeah that's better. But all this shit about imitating what we are made of? Do you think that the average Jo on E thinks, ok when I am dancing I need to act like the substance that builds up 95% of the body?

Sorry to be cynical, but I think your reading far too much into a simple concept... there is a very simple precedence to explain it.

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Originally posted by mustang2g1:

We're imitating water. But have you

ever wondered why?

First of all, the obvious observations. most of our body is made up of

water. Water is the drink of life.

Next time you see someone liquid dance, stop and ask yourself, what is it

they're really imitating?

Well after reading your pathetic psycho-babble, one thing comes to mind...RETARD CHILLS!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell are you talking about, do you really think anyone gives a crap about your pathetic "liquid dance?" "Does anyone feel like an E-tard?"

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just got in from SF and i saw one of those fools with white gloves on. 1st exit went down the drain and now even the crowd at sf sucks. richard grant should tell paris to get stricter on who gets in. thankfully i only go to hear jp spin.

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Originally posted by wakeup:

just got in from SF and i saw one of those fools with white gloves on. 1st exit went down the drain and now even the crowd at sf sucks. richard grant should tell paris to get stricter on who gets in. thankfully i only go to hear jp spin.

you know what, i realized you guys are amateur to the white gloves thing. in reality, you know that who puts on the glove could dance and those wannabes please sit down. you could look around next time to see if i'm right.. i read a post about a guy that doesn't know what ufo pants is, please stop posting it's just lower your credibility as a party goer and as a person. then i guess i'll have to bring the rave cultures into the nyc clubs. from now on, we will be hitting all the nyc clubs with the white gloves. my white gloves crew will show you how to dance the raver styles.

this person is complaining about how suck the clubs are. in reality it is not the clubs it is YOU.. i advise just put on a pair of white gloves, maybe it will enhance your enjoyment. so there you have it, stop being a player hater and deal with the truth that you can't groove to the music.. i guess the only part of your body that is moving is your mouth.. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.. maybe if you spot one of my white gloves crew next time, i advice you to stop him/her and ask him/her to teach you some moves.. if not then sit back and enjoy the show...


"Party now, Worry later"


[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-07-2001).]

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Guys...people all enjoy themselves in their own ways. No one is hurting you or harming your enjoyment of the party by doing so.

Enjoy the diversity and variety in behavior. If this form of dance moves this guy, then let it. Why judge? It's a waste of YOUR damn time more so then anything. And if you don't like what he has to say...don't read it.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Mustang2g1> Keep doing what your doing. I for one appreciate liquid dancing. The white gloves are a very cool element. I dance with glow sticks and photon lights, and find that it helps me get deeper into the music. Diversity is what makes a club exciting..




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Originally posted by sobeton:

Mustang2g1> Keep doing what your doing. I for one appreciate liquid dancing. The white gloves are a very cool element. I dance with glow sticks and photon lights, and find that it helps me get deeper into the music. Diversity is what makes a club exciting..

thanks Sobeton..

and for rest of you.. enjoy our show..


"Party now, Worry later"


[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-07-2001).]

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okay guys, give repect to my white gloves crew..







"Party now, Worry later"

-dcproduction- dancing_raver_smaller.gif


<IMG SRC="http://raveparty.hypermart.net/laser.gif">">

[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by glowsticks:

Just wondering...So then how do you all feel about those of us who dance with glowsticks..Not the people who just wavem around, the people who really know how to dance with them...just curious to hear what people think....

if you could use them then i give you all the props.. it's all about the appreciation coming from people.. if people like what they see they watch for a while and probably think to themselves or aloud that he/she got skills and give a few compliments, if not eye catching then he/she will walk away.. right??

the reason i go to raves, clubs or parties, is the music.. it's all about the MUSIC as i said to all my friends.. without that you can't move shit.. i read on some posting that some of you agree with me, stating that you would go to exit, twilo, SF or whereever just because DJ so and so is performing..

if you got the right groove to the music, then more power to you..

to be honest, i enjoy the light show you guys do..

when the glowsticks first started in nyc clubs, i bet there were alot criticism coming from the sideline.. such as "look at that freak with the sticks" and now look how popular it has became.. all i want to say is that everything needs to start somewhere, and the WHITE GLOVES will be the year of 2001.. MARK MY WORDS.. nyc clubs will go down in history this year with the full effect coming from the white gloves crew..

enough said..


"Party now, Worry later"

-dcproduction- dancing_raver_smaller.gif

<IMG SRC="http://raveparty.hypermart.net/laser.gif"">

[This message has been edited by mustang2g1 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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