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Is it ok to request the dj a track you really want to hear???

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Originally posted by bmlewis:

So some friends dragged me out to Paul Van Dyk some months ago (I don't remember exactly when, but he was in the old DJ booth). He got into his eventhough the club's still full of people I'm gonna look all uninterested and play shit tracks like Alanis Morissette and not bother to mix beats mode. I stopped by and asked him to spin Forbidden Fruit. He didn't look to happy with me, but screw him anyway. Only time I've ever requested a track.

um i just have to add after this post...^^^

that i happen to think the uninvited track pvd plays.. (not sure who made his verson or if it was even him...) thats a great song.. and usually twilo GOES CRAZYYYYYYYY when he plays it.. i dont understand how you couldnt enjoy that...





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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I think if you request a song that the DJ played before (more than once, meaning that HE likes it), and it fits into the set, it shouldn't be a crazy idea to request it. Don't get upset if he doesn't play it but still, I don't think it's a horrible idea to ask.

I never requested a track from any dj.. I'll have to give it a try just to see what happens. I'll let you know what happens when I do smile.gif

[This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-08-2001).]

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I don't think it's an insult to request a song from a DJ. It's a personal rule that I should never do it, but even I have broken it (hehe - grilled Sharam to play Jaguar).

I think sometimes they enjoy requests especialy when someone is passionate enough about music, to have the cahones to squeek into the booth at Twilo and talk biz.

Take the spirit of the request to heart as well... I think there's several ways to ask for a song:

1) You suck, no one likes what you're doing. Play the song I'm asking for cuz this music really sucks and I know better than you do.

2) I haven't really heard what you're playing and I don't really care. I'm more concerned with myself and I want you to play MY song, cause I'm very important (and could you wish me a happy a birthday on your microphonamabob?)

3) I'm so into this sound and this style. Wouldn't this song be phat tonight too?

It's that rare last style of request that is moft often honoured. Those are the ones that can bring the nod and smile from the DJ.

oops, almost left out a category:

4) Here's $20, play some Bony-M so I can watch my girl dance.

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look at it this way...

have you ever met any (vinyl spinning) DJs who have even remotely hinted/ suggested/ intimated that they like ppl making conversation while they try to do their thing? mixing requires one ear on the incoming music, one ear on the outgoing music, one eye on the crowd, one eye on the decks, both hands on the decks, both feet on the floor, and nearly total concentration on the entire production. where in the process do you see an opportunity to humor some pestering, drugged-out, freak's request?

leave the dj alone. 99% of the time, ppl make requests to hear a song that is very familiar to them. i never understand why somebody says "play this song. let me get my CD out of the car for you." i mean, if you have the CD in your car, you prob listen to it all of the time. argh! (hint to all aspiring turntabalists-- dont bring CD players to party gigs; that way you can avoid playing some of the aweful crap that ppl listen to in their cars.)

its called "keeping it fresh" ppl. its why DJs spend most of their lives in record stores, listening to new tracks, discussing music with other DJs, mixing, etc. its also why the DJ, and not the party goer, was asked to do the gig.

BTW, all you NYC DJs, youve got it easy. up here in new england, the average partier thinks house music was invented last year! mention the word "trance" and they assume you mean new age music.

at a party, the requests all night will be one of the following:

- do you have something *good*, like the spice girls?

- play hip hop.

- do you have the new [whatever compilation] CD? they have some awesome songs on there. have you ever heard the "oompa loompa song?" how about "zombie nation?" what do you mean "played out?" i just got that CD yesterday!

what it sounds like to you:

"i would love to hear a particular track to which i desire to dance."

what it sounds like to the DJ:

"you suck. i dont like the music you play and i know better than you. play what i want to hear or i will bother you all night."


i love music!

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where are you doing this ?? in most clubs isnt the dj booth off limits to most people ..? and i dont think its a good idea to request a song ... kinda retarded .. u think that dj cares that u wanna hear some track ... i'd stop it and save yourself some embaresment prob ... what were the tracks you were requesting /...

if your at a bar you can prob get away with a request , but not in a club ...



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