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it's not even or that, its just so the promoters can get your name and address to put you on their mailing lists... ever wonder why you keep getting all those flyers in the mail? and the miserable part is, there is someone that actually has to watch that whole video and write down all the names and addresses! aggghhhhh!

too bad half of them are probably fake ids lol

Originally posted by bcre3306:

That is the biggest mith. All that does is if anything ever happens inside they know who is in there. There is a vcr hooked up to the machine to record everything that goes in there. Also they use that for mailing lists


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC

12/6 - Arena, ALbany NY

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/19 - NAMM, Los Angeles

Sat Jan. 20th - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Originally posted by russ reign:

and the miserable part is, there is someone that actually has to watch that whole video and write down all the names and addresses! aggghhhhh!

too bad half of them are probably fake ids lol

oh you have no clue how long that takes . . . especially b/c the bouncers like to not put NJ ids in straight, so then you have to look up the zip codes . . . ridiculous . . . and i've never seen so many "republic of wherever" licenses in my life . . and a couple out of states like minnesota, etc . . . weird.

the place that i work now is def. the toughest i've ever seen . . . your id gets checked, then they put in into the scanner but while you're standing there waiting for it to be recorded, they also take a picture of your face with a camera above of the door - that way when they check the tapes later, if your face doesn't match the id, they put a block on your id.

they also use it to prevent calls from mommy saying, my daughter got drunk and was raped and was at YOUR club, she's not even 18 . . . then we can go back, look at the tapes and say, well your lil daughter used a fake id, etc - that makes it HER fault.

the only reason that sometimes people w/ fakes don't get in is because when the "scanner" is used, the licrnse information that shoulddd be used for the mailing list won't be recorded.





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

[This message has been edited by brandie (edited 01-09-2001).]

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Be careful young whippersnapperz:. cwm24.gif

Check this out and judge for yourself. www.intellicheck.com

A scanning device which reads encoded information on your ID to determine whether it's fake or not. And it also can be used to generate mailing lists. Some clubs are getting tired of underage drinking. cwm11.gif


"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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