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its alright to be drug free

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just want to let everyone know out there that if you have a goal to be healthy and do good in school...to be successful in everything you do. dont give up! stay strong and never let anyone get you down. its sad but true that many people who do drugs wind up wasting away their lives...a good portrayal of this based on a TRUE story is requiem for a dream...if you havent seen it i advise you to. you will learn alot! its playing at the quad cinema in the west side village in nyc.

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I think this topic has been discussed about a million times. I'll say what I always said to statements like yours. It's not about drugs, it's about a person's ability to remain in control of their life and not lose focus. I, like many ppl on this board and in all these clubs, have a good job, a college education, a very solid life and a very clear goal. Even if I do drugs (no I'm not a heroin addict), that in no ways affects my daily life. Of course if I let it take over my life and decide to get fucked up every day, then it's a problem. But the majority of ppl only do it for pleasure on weekends when they go out.. So if you touch drugs, that doesn't automatically make you a loser in life.. You just have to be smart and careful about it.

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I know plenty of losers that have been sober their entire lives.

It's not the getting fucked up thing that makes people try drugs, it's the thought processes acquired from a different reality. If you like having only one way of thinking about reality, the choice is yours.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I'll say what I always said to statements like yours. It's not about drugs, it's about a person's ability to remain in control of their life and not lose focus. Even if I do drugs (no I'm not a heroin addict). So if you touch drugs, that doesn't automatically make you a loser in life.. You just have to be smart and careful about it.

Do you really think this is true? Do you not ever feel guilty about gettin fucked up on the weekends? Do you not think there will be any possible repercussions down the road? Do you thing there is such a thing as being smart about doing drugs?

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Originally posted by visions:

Do you really think this is true? Do you not ever feel guilty about gettin fucked up on the weekends? Do you not think there will be any possible repercussions down the road? Do you thing there is such a thing as being smart about doing drugs?

Hmm, if I didn't think it was true, why would I write it? And no, I don't feel guilty getting fucked up (and I don't get THAT fucked up, I'm talking about a pill here and there or a joint..) And of course there will be reprocussions. I'm not stupid and I know drugs are not good for your body. But yes there is such a thing as being smart about drugs. Of course doing drugs is stupid in itself but it's my choice, nobody forces me to do it. What I mean by being smart is not letting drugs take over your life (not become dependant on a drug), not letting drugs interfere with your job or relationships, not getting into dangerous situations or hurting other ppl..

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Originally posted by clubbincutie1:

just want to let everyone know out there that if you have a goal to be healthy and do good in school...to be successful in everything you do. dont give up! stay strong and never let anyone get you down. its sad but true that many people who do drugs wind up wasting away their lives...a good portrayal of this based on a TRUE story is requiem for a dream...if you havent seen it i advise you to. you will learn alot! its playing at the quad cinema in the west side village in nyc.

Wow...you really touched me...I'm never going to do drugs again...

Wait a minute...it's Friday!...Fuck that shit...I'm going out and getting all fucked up tonight...Hells Yea! cwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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If you are a smart Individual, if you have your head screwed on right and you can learn what your limits are then you can be responsible and have a good time w/ drugs. It all depends on that individual. I have found a complete happly-medium in my life. If anything..and this might sound warped, drugs have taught me how to experience and ingest life in so many different perameters. When I see myself over-indulging, I just press the off button and take a break. Self-fucking control...if you have it, more power to you. Ya, I am afraid of the consenquences down the road, but I am also living for today as well.

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That's awesome you have a clear consciouss about gettin wrecked.

I guess I don't I'm 23 and I've been gettin wrecked for about

10 years now, and I can't just go out and chill...we go out

and get stupid, I have a college degree, hold down a

job on wall street as a web designer and sometimes I

think should I be gettin fucked up every weekend? Is it

actually ok to be a weekend crackhead. Where all of sudden

come friday you turn into this person that has to get

fucked up. During the week you'd think I was a health nut

based on my diet and daily excercise routine. Then come

friday and you think I was a grade A crackhead (I don't use crack)

but you know what I'm sayin.

Just wanted some other opinions on the subject, good lookin.

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Originally posted by George Glass:

I know plenty of losers that have been sober their entire lives.

It's not the getting fucked up thing that makes people try drugs, it's the thought processes acquired from a different reality. If you like having only one way of thinking about reality, the choice is yours.

exactly what i was going to say.

(although quite a few people take them just to get f?cked up)


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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Originally posted by visions:

That's awesome you have a clear consciouss about gettin wrecked.

I guess I don't I'm 23 and I've been gettin wrecked for about

10 years now, and I can't just go out and chill...we go out

and get stupid, I have a college degree, hold down a

job on wall street as a web designer and sometimes I

think should I be gettin fucked up every weekend? Is it

actually ok to be a weekend crackhead. Where all of sudden

come friday you turn into this person that has to get

fucked up. During the week you'd think I was a health nut

based on my diet and daily excercise routine. Then come

friday and you think I was a grade A crackhead (I don't use crack)

but you know what I'm sayin.

Just wanted some other opinions on the subject, good lookin.

Hmm.. You're definitely much more of a "hardcore" crackhead than me.. 10 years is a long time especially if you started at 13! I think that's the major diff. First time I tried drugs, I was 21 and was already mature.. I dunno, if you feel guilty, why do you still do it? Don't do something you regret doing 5 minutes later.. There are plenty of other things to enjoy in life that will not bring guilt..

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Mysterious----right on.

Hey, we work full-time, get our shit down during the week, we deserve to cut loose. I've earned it...don't know about anyone else. I turn into a "crackhead" on the weekends too, but its fun. But if you keep finding yourself waking up w/ no recollection of what the hell you did the night before, regretting every minute..you might have a problem......you just have to check yourself every once in a while!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Hmm.. You're definitely much more of a "hardcore" crackhead than me.. 10 years is a long time especially if you started at 13! I think that's the major diff. First time I tried drugs, I was 21 and was already mature.. I dunno, if you feel guilty, why do you still do it? Don't do something you regret doing 5 minutes later.. There are plenty of other things to enjoy in life that will not bring guilt..

I know 10 years is a god damn long time, I grew up in LA

it was a very different childhood atmosphere than most,

and it's not like I feel guilty five minutes after. I just

sometimes wonder what the fuck am I doin. I am always

under control as far as knowing what I'm doing (well at least now I am)

when I was younger well that's a whole nother story in itself.

I definitely wish I was a late bloomer. at 13 I didn't what the fuck I was thinkin

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