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Seb Fontaine and the Meetup

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Hey guys,

First let me say how cool it was to go to my first meetup, and finally match a few faces to the names. Jules, Hi! Anyway, that was a definate high point of the night for me. I must admit though, that I was not all that impressed with Seb Fontaine. He was too re-re-re-re-redundant. He opened really strong, and I really thought that he was going to whip some ass. He was good, don't get me wrong, there was no cheesey shit, and the beats were hard.. but he did the same thing all night with each one of his records. He would mix, build it up hard, then totally drop it off, bring in some highs or percussion and then slam the bass. This is an awesome method, but not when it is literally every record. To me there were no surprises cause I could predict the path of each track. Well hey, that is just my humble opinion. But it was an awesome night overall, and once again really cool to meet everybody.I am going to SF tonight for a taste of house, and then heading back to school tomorrow, so everyone have a great spring. Mark my words,.. Tunnel will be back by this summer, and under new ownership...

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Originally posted by bassboy:

. Mark my words,.. Tunnel will be back by this summer, and under new ownership...

Hey bro sorry i didnt meet ya last night. Just curious where youare getting this info from??

Have fun at factory tonight.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Hi sweetie- it was great to meetya last night.

I thought I was the only one that thought Seb coulda/shoulda done better. I agree, his beats were hard, and no cheese, but I kept hearing beats/sounds in my head that could have been layered or teased in. If I can imagine what a DJ could add, then that means the music didn't grab me and kick my ass the way I like it too. He was good, but i NEEEEEEED to get my ass kicked. Hopin LL tonight will leave me with a few cuts and scrapes. If it doesn't, then I'm headin to SF to meet some other friends around 4:30. I'll look for ya if I do. If I don't see ya, good luck in DC and I look foward to chillin again!



"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

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You are dead on right about Fontaine ... you knew EXACTLY what was coming next for most of the night. That's why guys like Digweed or Oakenfold are so special ... they pull beats right out of their asses when you least expect it. But Fontaine was MUCH better than expected .. as said earlier, no cheese and hard danceable beats all night. The crowd (which was much bigger than expected) was into it all night. All in all, a good performance, but not a legendary performance. It was worth the money ...

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I am happy that some people actually agree w/ me... I can't believe how high the crowd was on that guy last night...Anyway, I am still in the process of recovery from last TWILO, and will be dragging my sorry ass into SF tonight. Jewel, hope that I can see you there, if not I will just PM you sometime. I have never been to hear JP afterhours, and I have very high expectations that I hope are met!-eric

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