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....to those ClubNYC members who have just one the Cheesiest asshole award!!!

Thank you very much Racheal and gang for posting those results, now you all have successfully turned a public messageboard into a fucking CLIQUE!!!

I'm sure we are all happy that you guys have all met eachother and fuck eachother and have secret jokes and god only knows what else (judging from your posts you are all a bunch of little crackheads)but the rest of us who don't participate in your reigndeer games don't care to see it!!! Oh and Ujinx or however you spell it "your first kiss with a girl?" thanks for informing the rest of us that your drug addiction is not only frying your brain but also turning you into a lesbian. (the point here is we don't care)Look I'm going to speak for myself here, if anyone wants to back me up cool, but I don't appriciate seeing all of your stupid personal kiddy bullshit posted all over the place. For those of us who have friends and don't need the Web as a lifeline/loveline I think its safe to say that it gets really annoying....Use your PM's for that crap.

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I could personally could care less about this whole award thing...although I did win best drama starter... I'm just curious as to why the fuck you are hiding behind a different alias...if you got some real beef with certain peeps on here...why dont you step the fuck out from behind your "mask" and rock this shit out like a real man/woman...if not, you're no more valid than the bullshit that is already on this board, whether it be from the awards or whatever. And for your info...I've only met 3 peeps from this board for about 3 minutes...so you can save that whole argumenet for someone who gives a fuck.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



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LOL, did Nikki have her first lady kiss!! Shit, i missed that smile.gif

Thanks for letting me know....as for the rest of your post... same old crappy argument... always ends in people saying they have as much right to post what they want as you have posting this.

So you may not like it, but it wasn't as much of a waste of space as this... thank you.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

I can STILL resist ANYTHING but temptation.


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Originally posted by trevor69:


congratulations on mispelling the word cwm27.gif

congraTulations on misspelling MISSPELL!!!

See, mine was a typo your just an asshole, why don't you check all you ends before you try and check someone else. Ha Ha just made yourself look like a dummy

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Originally posted by gravity:


Whoops, I thought you called me on the misspell too, I didn't see your reply, but now that I did....I do have the juice thanks, infact got myself an OJ right next to me...good call!!

Seriously though, I'm not starting drama, it's just that the stupid clubnyc polls or whatever the fuck they were really strung a cord with me.

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Originally posted by unbelievable:

Damn gravity, you did it too!!!

Sorry I have to make you look like an ass as well MISSPELL -- look it up

what are you, our own personal dictionary? thanks focker. and also, don't be jealous that you didn't win anything...i know you were hoping you would win something to compensate for your geekiness in high school but too bad.

peace in the middle east

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Originally posted by keshiki:

what are you, our own personal dictionary? thanks focker. and also, don't be jealous that you didn't win anything...i know you were hoping you would win something to compensate for your geekiness in high school but too bad.

peace in the middle east

With this statement you have just proved my point, what are you 12? If you even for one second thought this statement was true I'd say that you were almost 10, if you just said it to try and look cool in front of your little friends on the board then I'd say you were 13...wich is it?


[This message has been edited by unbelievable (edited 01-16-2001).]

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