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How To Get Your Girlfriend to Ditch Her Friends...

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Sure most of her pals are acceptable, or at least unobstrusive. But there's always one who's secretly or not so secretly trying to sabotage your relationship...

Enemy#1: The Sad Single

the proflie: She's been a hopless wreck ever sincer her boyfriend of five years left her that 18 year old tennis sensation.

the problem: she needs constant consolation, and now your girlfriend's always playing nurse to her instead of playing doctor with you.

the solution: tell your girlfriend, "it's great that you're so supportive of your friend, but there comes a time when every adult must go through this alone."

Enemy #2 : The Feminazi

the profile: she practices yoga, hasn't shaved since jerry garcia died, replies to your polite hellos, "quit staring at my breasts".

the problem: she tries to persuade your girlfreind that men are evil beings. Goodbye poker night, hello couple's counseling.

the solution: tell your girlfriend the Feminazi's reminds you of a freind who was ina cult. Exaggerate her eccentricities and punctuate your own chivalry by saying. " I hope I'm not repressing your spirituality." Her friend wil start to seem like a freak and you'll be home free.

Enemy #3: The Commiment Junkie:

the profile: she's alaways discussing babies, rings, and real estate. She says things like, "if he hasn't asked yet, maybe he's too immature."

the problem: She'll land you squarely on the fast track to diaper duty.

the solution: explain to your girlfriend that your relationship can't be subjected to the usual rules. Tell her you want to move forward. but no one besides the two of you can determine your timetable. Warning: Don't compromise by setting a tenative date.

Enemy #4: The Flirt

the profile: her favorite game is stip poker, she comes to brunch in a bikini and her hugs are way too familiar.

the problem: she's just so tempting.

the solution: you're kidding right?


got drama?

[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 01-17-2001).]

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