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Day 7 update...DrinkOff tonight...Noiseboy Vs SMFD

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Yes I know yesterday said day 5 but I forgotI went to No limits party on Sat and then to Exit (thanks for reminding me Parish) cwm23.gif LOL

Anyways, my voice is a little broken still but I'm getting better, didn't run a fever this morning which was good.

-------Now on to tonight--------

Since Vinyl is not happening tonight, we decided to have the DrinkOff 2001 tonight,

Noiseboy versus SMFD

going beer for beer the entire night

Here's the gameplan

7-7:30 ish people are meeting up at my studio, Myself and SpoonyD will be supplying the tunes, then over to Cheetah for the after work party..Dave...check your email...Parish will also be spinning there...just reply to this thread and you will be put on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> it's only $5 before 10pm

Then from Cheetah after these two can barely walk we're off to some other party.

So who's with us? This will be quality entertainment...we only ask for donations of beer at the clubs for these two, after all 2 beers to give up is definately worth the price of admission to watch these two get mangled!!!

---The marathon run will continue---

Sat - SF (where I will be spinning downstairs with the rest of the KOP Project...Ali and myself start off at 12 then Mac takes it over before Cleveland comes on) then maybe over to Twilo

Sun - back at Hatch (Cheetah) 2-step party

Mon - Guernica for Fankie Bones and Adam X

Who's down?

- Pete





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Originally posted by smfd:

If that's the case, Mike will do the finger down the throat thang on purpose.

oh yeah?? well. . .

ok, maybe you have a point. . . it's on in a few!!! cwm35.gif


women are my favorite drug. . . they're the ones that fuck you up the most!!

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Ooo yeah....

That should be nice and messy.

The way it should be.



-beat slacker mac-

AIM= thomaskm1/ Parish@clubplanet.com

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pac-Man

affected us as kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music."

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The rules for Drink Fight (if I can remember from last night) are;

1. You don't talk about Drink Fight

2. You don't talk about Drink Fight

3. If this is your first time at Drink Fight...you WILL drink!

Each person will drink together, if one person finishes their beer first, they may choose to wait for the other or implement the 5 minute rule whereas the person must finish their beer in the next five minutes.

The throw-up clause, we're talking the holding the hair back throwing up in the bathroom. Only 3 incidents are allowed in the coarse of the evening...The person also must start drinking within 15 minutes of their "movement"

Under no circumstances will any "artificial" sweetners be allowed to enhance your drinking capabilities, ie NO you cannot to lines of blow all night to make you invincible.

I think thats it, we tried to keep the rules simple.

Oh yeah and the first one that turns to someone and says "I Love You Man" gets a smack from me!

- Pete





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I think there's a hidden crack clause in paragraph 3 page 6 of the OFFICIAL DRINK FIGHT RULE BOOK, which allows one bowl after your second throw up. However, by implementing the Crack Clause, you forfiet your 15 minute grace period and the 5 minute rule comes back into effect.

A bit of a trade-off for sure, but in some cirumstances it may well pay off to hit the bowl.

It's most prominent use was in DRINK FIGHT 1973 when Tito Verde, a real dark horse in the competition, spooned two yacks right out of the box and hit a monster bowl of what he called at the time "Argentinian Gold - Drinking Crack". In his armored state he went on to drink the famed Yogoslavian drinking great Kristoff "Pappa" Chernkoff under the table and out the door. It raised great debate and would likely have been overturned in Drink Court, except when two days later, Verde died in his sleep from a cardio-explosion. This is the reason for the now mandatory physical exam.


Voted one of the top 3 dj's - Clubplanet Awards 2001

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Originally posted by spoonyd:

I think there's a hidden crack clause in paragraph 3 page 6 of the OFFICIAL DRINK FIGHT RULE BOOK, which allows one bowl after your second throw up. However, by implementing the Crack Clause, you forfiet your 15 minute grace period and the 5 minute rule comes back into effect.

A bit of a trade-off for sure, but in some cirumstances it may well pay off to hit the bowl.

It's most prominent use was in DRINK FIGHT 1973 when Tito Verde, a real dark horse in the competition, spooned two yacks right out of the box and hit a monster bowl of what he called at the time "Argentinian Gold - Drinking Crack". In his armored state he went on to drink the famed Yogoslavian drinking great Kristoff "Pappa" Chernkoff under the table and out the door. It raised great debate and would likely have been overturned in Drink Court, except when two days later, Verde died in his sleep from a cardio-explosion. This is the reason for the now mandatory physical exam.

That was such a dark day in the sport, it crippled an entire nation and saddend a generation.






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Originally posted by spoonyd:

I think there's a hidden crack clause in paragraph 3 page 6 of the OFFICIAL DRINK FIGHT RULE BOOK, which allows one bowl after your second throw up. However, by implementing the Crack Clause, you forfiet your 15 minute grace period and the 5 minute rule comes back into effect.

A bit of a trade-off for sure, but in some cirumstances it may well pay off to hit the bowl.

If that's the case, Mike will do the finger down the throat thang on purpose.

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I'd take up the challenge (10 beers in 2hrs 2wks ago, 63 non-full-sized drinks in Vegas over the course of 48hrs), but a friend's having a pink slip party tonight and I've already committed.

Best of luck to the contestants, and may your hangovers be non-existant.....



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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