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Vamptrix or Kathy or whatever

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I wrote this on that other post...but I need you to read this one way or the other:

Look I really dont understand why you are trying to stalk me on this message board. I told you at EXIT that both me and AJ have girlfriends and that we were really only looking to try and have a threesome that night because our girls were away...but you werent really interested in putting out other than touching my ass a few times. Anyway...I gave you the muffled email address thinking that you would realize it was fake and then you would leave me alone...but i guess that i was wrong. Anyway, my friends told me that you were asking for me soooo much on a stupid message board that I had to join and set the record straight...I hope this message gets through to you...and that YOU STOP FUCKING STALKING ME. You know that I am always at EXIT, but please dont be annoying if you come say hi to me this weekend or any weekend after that...its annoying...and you have to start learning how to take a clue. Me and AJ would still be interested in a threesome with you, but thats about it...

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Originally posted by shugabooga:

if you really didn't want any attention from her, you wouldn't be making a public spectacle of yourself by posting this.

Listen you intrusive fucking whore...take a look back...this bitch has done nothing but post shit looking for ME for the past few days and I've had enough. What makes you think I'd waste my time here if not to end this stupidity...there are peeps on this board that know me, my boys and my GIRLFRIEND and this shit is getting out of hand... Obiously the 3some things was a joke...but I guess you were too busy butting into other peep's business to even know what the fuck was going on.

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Okay let me get this straight. You have a girlfriend, but you won't mind having a threesome with her, BUT you don't want her to stalk you so you come onto a public board to announce this??

Ay vey! cwm25.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by blueangel:

Okay let me get this straight. You have a girlfriend, but you won't mind having a threesome with her, BUT you don't want her to stalk you so you come onto a public board to announce this??

Ay vey! cwm25.gif


Reread what i just wrote...alright...another intrusive, pathetic slut with nothing to better to do...if you have trouble understanding what is meant by "reread"...I said above that THE 3SOME comment was a joke.

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Originally posted by chrisfromsi:

Reread what i just wrote...alright...another intrusive, pathetic slut with nothing to better to do...if you have trouble understanding what is meant by "reread"...I said above that THE 3SOME comment was a joke.

hmmmm...Blue, does he sound like Bastardino to you????

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you should be flattered that someone has a crush on you instead of being abusive to her by offering a threesome and calling her a bitch. if you have a girlfriend, what are you doing trying to have sex with other women? saying now that it was just a joke doesn't quite cover your ass like you hope it does. her posting on this board isn't like she's been calling your house or following you around town. you can hardly call it stalking. check your ego next time you go out to a club and don't lead young women on - and you won't have anything to explain to your girlfriend or your peeps.

Originally posted by chrisfromsi:

Listen you intrusive fucking whore...take a look back...this bitch has done nothing but post shit looking for ME for the past few days and I've had enough. What makes you think I'd waste my time here if not to end this stupidity...there are peeps on this board that know me, my boys and my GIRLFRIEND and this shit is getting out of hand... Obiously the 3some things was a joke...but I guess you were too busy butting into other peep's business to even know what the fuck was going on.

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Originally posted by chrisfromsi:

Reread what i just wrote...alright...another intrusive, pathetic slut with nothing to better to do...if you have trouble understanding what is meant by "reread"...I said above that THE 3SOME comment was a joke.

When you post something on a public forum there is nothing intrusive about it.



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by risa06:

hmmmm...Blue, does he sound like Bastardino to you????

Risa, he sounds like Bastardino and all the other pathetic imposters out there. so sad that their life is so meaningless that have to resort to making up fake names and posting shit like this on a public message board. So sad. cwm1.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by blueangel:

When you post something on a public forum there is nothing intrusive about it.


If I were walking down the street (which as far as I know is a public place)...and you were walking next to me while I was talking to someone else or on a cell phone or whatever...would you come over and give me your stupid fucking opinion...I doubt it. Just because its in a public place doesnt mean a fucking thing.

This is the last time I will write on here...I have said my piece...and I'm sure kathy will understand. Sorry for INTRUDING on your stupid little mesasage board.

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Originally posted by chrisfromsi:

Sorry for INTRUDING on your stupid little mesasage board.

Ohhh don't worry about it. You're not the first idiot here and won't be the last. Drop by anytime. It is a PUBLIC BOARD after all! wink.gif



"Dreams come true; without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them." -John Updike


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Originally posted by chrisfromsi:

would you come over and give me your stupid fucking opinion...

Here's my opinion asswipe... another ASSHOLE (YOU) has arrived on this board.

Shove your brains up your ass, you'll think better that way...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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