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No Sasha Friday......Damnit

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HEy ......the way I see it is this...If you are a true fan of our music.....it won't matter cause you still got one of the best dj's in the world spinning. If you decide to stay home cause Sasha aint spinning...then so be it..MORE ROOM FOR ME AND MY BOYS ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

I think Tomorrow is going to be an Amazing night of music and cant fuckin wait for it.

Dave- I hope whatyou are saying about Sasha isnt true....it would be a damn shame if he let his life getso out of control that he went to rehab..he has so much going for himself right now.Yo if your there tomorrow night look for me...so we can chilllllllllllll.

See ya'll tomorrow.



And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


"The Futures So Bright.......I Gotta Wear Shades"

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Of course, S&D together are amazing, but I was fortunate enough to catch Diggers by his lonesome in Boston, and it was one of the best sets I've ever heard! Dark, sexy, and perfectly crafted - my sober ass felt like it was rollin'! It'd be interesting to see how the Man puts together a 6 hr-plus set. For those who're cancelling plans for Twilo sans Sasha, it'll be different but certainly up to par to your usual S&D night, so give it a shot!

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I had always liked Sasha better and for the most part still do (right now I am listening to the Sasha Bondi Beach essential mix and CANT FUCKEN BELIEVE how good it is). But like some people already said, one of the best sets I've ever heard in my life was Digweeds Halloween set when he was solo.

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Sasha or no Sasha, ChaCha will be there!!

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

"I've been consumed by the quicksand of randomness..." -- Me



ChaCha (Me): You're SURE you wanna live with me next year?

MojoJoJo (Vee): Yes.

ChaCha: We'll get nothing done... complete pigeons all the time... you're SURE?

MojoJoJo: Yes.

... and THAT is why Veronica and I get along...


"It comes and goes... the trick is to figure out how to get it to come more." - Randy James, Choreographer (speaking about focus... what were YOU thinking??)

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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