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YOUR DAILY HOROSCOPE - Friday, January 26, 2001

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"Influences For Your Sun Sign Element" by Zsuzsana

Friday, January 26, 2001


EARTH ELEMENT: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Some disappointment and concern may be clouding your mood.

Someone may suffer a small injury. Watch out for people,

including you, bumping or banging their heads today. Someone

will turn to you for comfort. The nicest part is that you

are able to smooth everything over.

FIRE ELEMENT: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Listen to your heart - and trust your intuition today. Enjoy

your inner wisdom and trust that it comes from a deep well

of knowledge and truth. Men: that feminine intuition is not

just for women, you know!

AIR ELEMENT: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

It's time for some R and R - in fact, you are long overdue

to take some time out for yourself. Sure, physically you can

go, go, go - but what is your spirit running on? You may be

visiting friends who are ill or convalescing today -

encourage them to try to find an inner stillness too - it

will re-energize them.

WATER ELEMENT: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You've learned about a situation that has shaken your

confidence. It's okay. This will pass and you'll come out

on top. Don't let your emotions get the best of you.

Breathe and calm yourself -- it will all blow over.



(Mar. 21- April 20)

Curb extravagant spending today as you have a long, and possibly

expensive, weekend coming up. Don't be surprised if you are hit

with some out of town visitors which you have to spend time

entertaining. Children will make you proud this weekend over a

moral accomplishment.


(Apr. 21- may 21)

Today your travel should be for romantic reasons as you go to

join a loved one or to get acquainted with some in-laws to be.

An unusual opportunity should come your way soon so be ready

to act on it as it will be fleeting. An after work party will

keep you up very late tonight if you let it.


(May 22-June 21)

You can be very charming while asserting yourself so pour it on

today to keep down the jealousy and resentments at work. You

will be doing a lot of socializing now and you may just meet up

with the "right" kind of people to help your career along.


(June 22-July 22)

A crisis move in progress may have you worn to a frazzle, but try

to keep your nerves and your temper under control as others are

feeling pretty bad about everything too. Others will find this a

good day to chuck the job, just for today, and take the boat out

for a fishing trip.


(July 23-Aug 22)

You may be having some problems with an assignment or with a

problem at work. But someone explains a key part to you and

you grasp it in no time. As a couple, you and your spouse

make an ideal pair, don't forget to tell him/her how much

you are still in love.


(Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Until you become more seasoned at what you are doing you should

try to save your other sources of income as a cushion to fall

back on...don't sell out and take a chance on hitting rock bot-

tom. This would be a good time to start a "don't touch" savings



(Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

You may need to treat a sensitive relative very gently today for

if this person thinks you are trying to force or trick him into

doing something he will balk...loudly. Even if what you want him

to do is for his own welfare. This is a good day to go out bar-

gain hunting.


(Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Don't get frustrated on the job today as that can only make more

things go wrong and lead to more frustration, etc, etc.. Take a

long coffee break and clear your head and the problem will

quickly solve itself, or you will know what to do with it.


(Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You can do yourself in, money wise, at an auction today if you

do not follow the bidding very carefully. Others will find that

not keeping a close watch over their finances could bring some

losses their way, losses you can ill afford at this time.


(Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Researching for a small enterprise that you are interested in

investing in is a good idea today. Try to focus on what can

happen in the future since personnel has been revamped. You

may have an unfinished project that keeps tugging at you so

there is no time like the present to get it done and out of

the way.


(Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Delays and mixups could be your middle name as you come within

hailing distance of Murpheys law. Afternoon gets better and you

can actually feel the tension as it lifts off your neck and

back. Evening promises a quiet time to relax and refresh your-

self for the coming weekend.


(Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

You may ignore your talk with a financial advisor today but it

will be to your benefit not to. After all, you pay that person

for good advice so why not take it and save yourself some grief.

Treat authority figures with respect today and you will see your

popularity increase.


These interpretations are based on the aspects and positions of

the planets in relation to each Sun-sign. They are intended to

indicate the general mood and issues of the day as you experience

them. Be creative in applying your forecast to the actual

circumstances of your life. ---

By Michael Thiessen - Professional Astrologer, Astrology Online




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