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The Trance It Authority fucking sucks. You guys always cry about how people have "un-trained" ears and you losers will bring a different sound into Tunnel. You suck. Who the hell listens to Acid Trance for 6 hours straight? I'm growing bored of the way you come on this board and try to pretend you aren't actualy a DJ for Trance-It-Authority, which btw is a really queer name. Just shut-up and accept the fact, that the Tunnel Management didn't like your stuff. Don't go around ripping on other DJ's just because you didn't get the job. Grow up!!!

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It's pretty sad to see what has become of the tunnel.I used to regular the tunnel back about 4-5 years ago when it was at its peak, but now it's apparent that the whole vibe has changed. I remember when Danny was resident the place used to rock. You'd have to wait 30 minutes in line just for the coat check!!! As you walked in the main floor was filled with deep dark pulsation rhythms and hard tribal drum progressions.What the fuck happened???? Now it seem that they only book wet behind the ears, wanna-be high school djs. what happened to the feeling. Where's the vibe, the groove, the music?????? It seems that now who ever is doing the booking hasn't the slightest clue as to what true talent is. These little kid prommoters only care about making a buck instead of throwing a good party. when will maturity and experience return to this clubbers landmark?????

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Originally posted by laraver:

(I would suggest the following short list: Taylor, BT, Bass Bin Twins, Rabbit In The Moon, Chris Lawrence, Sandra Collins, George Acosta, Kimball Collins.)

man Please, This is NYC, Those Cheesy trance sounds are WEAK, WACK, DEAD ... nuff said

Webster hall plays all that fluffy shit go there, & stay out the Tunnel ...




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Tunnel has so much potential that I don' t know if the staff there realize what they have(or doing). Maybe with all the legal trouble and bad press the place has gotten they have been in dire straights, but letting go of the dress code ? WTF! Who are you asking to come to your club?

I agreee with the laraver that a steady talent is definitly needed. The place has enough space, and if used right can contend with exit, twilo, etc.

I went there when Vicious was spinning and he tore shit down, however i do not think that the crowd appreciated what they were listening to, due to the fact they let anyone in.

The place can be what it once was, all they need is someone to knock some heads around!

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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

Peter Gatien and his wife Alex are the cause of the failures their clubs are undergoing. Close to bankruptcy, both clubs on the auctioning block and what a shame. The two most renowned venues in the states outside of Twilo and these idiots own them. Pay your fucking employees, pay your talent, and it's amazing what can happen. Don't blame the untalented dj's form their music blame the untalented people hiring dj's that take food stamps for pay. Down with Peter Gatien and his whole regime.

ps: Except Andy

Umm, have you forgotten that Peter Gatien is the one resposible for making the Tunnel, Limelight, and former Palladium what they were. Sure after years of authorities breathing down his neck and trying to bust his clubs every chance they get, the man is going to go bankrupt because of the lawyer fees. But if it wasnt for him those clubs might have never had their glory dayz, or even be around today. I for one send a big thanx to Peter for having those clubs for all those years.

The Tunnel is changing in many ways people, it had to, every club eventually has to. Just give it time and give it a chance, shit for all the years of insane time it gave us we owe it to the place. The nature of the music and our scence is dynamic, some of you are acting like my grandma: "Its not like the old days, I wish it would go back to the way it used to be, jv, dt, blah, blah..." I for one dont! Let the place change, let it develop a new atmosphere, vibe. If our clubs never changed, it would be pretty boring.

Welcome back Corbett and Renegade, lets start off fresh and create the new Tunnel.




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Originally posted by nycetouch:

Umm, have you forgotten that Peter Gatien is the one resposible for making the Tunnel, Limelight, and former Palladium what they were. Sure after years of authorities breathing down his neck and trying to bust his clubs every chance they get, the man is going to go bankrupt because of the lawyer fees. But if it wasnt for him those clubs might have never had their glory dayz, or even be around today. I for one send a big thanx to Peter for having those clubs for all those years.

The Tunnel is changing in many ways people, it had to, every club eventually has to. Just give it time and give it a chance, shit for all the years of insane time it gave us we owe it to the place. The nature of the music and our scence is dynamic, some of you are acting like my grandma: "Its not like the old days, I wish it would go back to the way it used to be, jv, dt, blah, blah..." I for one dont! Let the place change, let it develop a new atmosphere, vibe. If our clubs never changed, it would be pretty boring.

Welcome back Corbett and Renegade, lets start off fresh and create the new Tunnel.


I have worked for the Gatien family for about a decade! Don't tell me! I'm not a player hater, but even Babe Ruth knew when to retire. I will guarentee you that if Peter Gatien would fade into obscurity and a new regime were to take on the same valiant task you are under going, the results would be sure and fast. I was a resident Dj from 92-94the peak of the hay day. Jeff Mills resident on the main floor, rotating guests Sven Vath, Lenny dee, Prodigy, 808 State, Moby, The orb, do you remember this. Were you there. That was Gatien at his best. The man is defeated the myth is gone, and soon so will the legend if the torch isn't pasted. I hope you love the clubs you support, if you realized I didn't bash the club, the DJ's just the owners. Oh and by the way to make you happy, Thank you Peter For giving me my start, but wheres the fucking money you owe me!

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Originally posted by eddiedreamer:

bro i have to disagree with you there, actually it ws quite the oppostie, the crowd loved what vicious was playing towards the end ofr his residency there, the hard ass high bpm's is what the tunnel loves and the crowd was feeling it. when he first started there he was playing a lot of vocals and trance but he adjusted to the crowd and blew the roof off of that place with the sets he was banging in there.

I went there when Vicious was spinning and he tore shit down, however i do not think that the crowd appreciated what they were listening to, due to the fact they let anyone in.

The place can be what it once was, all they need is someone to knock some heads around!


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by eddiedreamer:

I went there when Vicious was spinning and he tore shit down, however i do not think that the crowd appreciated what they were listening to, due to the fact they let anyone in.

The place can be what it once was, all they need is someone to knock some heads around!

] bro i have to disagree with you there, actually it ws quite the oppostie, the crowd loved what vicious was playing towards the end ofr his residency there, the hard ass high bpm's is what the tunnel loves and the crowd was feeling it. when he first started there he was playing a lot of vocals and trance but he adjusted to the crowd and blew the roof off of that place with the sets he was banging in there.

sorry this is the way the post was soppose to look like


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by msoprano13:

Originally posted by eddiedreamer:

I went there when Vicious was spinning and he tore shit down, however i do not think that the crowd appreciated what they were listening to, due to the fact they let anyone in.

The place can be what it once was, all they need is someone to knock some heads around!

] bro i have to disagree with you there, actually it ws quite the oppostie, the crowd loved what vicious was playing towards the end ofr his residency there, the hard ass high bpm's is what the tunnel loves and the crowd was feeling it. when he first started there he was playing a lot of vocals and trance but he adjusted to the crowd and blew the roof off of that place with the sets he was banging in there.

sorry this is the way the post was soppose to look like

i gotta agree, the crowd loved jv, i mean when he was spinnin the crowd went crazy, the hard ass beats is what tunnel is made of, the tunnel crowd doesnt like trance stuff, imo, they love the hard ass beats, and theres nothing wrong with the dress code at tunnel, thats how tunnel is, love the ufo's.

When i go to tunnel i expect hard ass beats on the main dance floor, if not then i will be dissapointed and imo thats what the crowd wants. I loved jm, dj nero, dj scott henry and dj elevate. I hated when dj. heaven was there, and so did the crowd, too slow for the tunnel, it was dead on the dance floor with her, and dj corbett was alright, didnt make me wanna dance, sorry but i wanna hear hard ass beats, dont take offense corbett. cwm7.gif


aim: amafrk1


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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by msoprano13:


well actually mike, most tunnel rats are DT heads..


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"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by laraver:

If you really want to pack the place out A)Book some real talent (I would suggest the following short list: Taylor, BT, Bass Bin Twins, Rabbit In The Moon, Chris Lawrence, Sandra Collins, George Acosta, Kimball Collins.)

they must have heard you .. sandra collins is playing tunnel on feb 18th

and i think ur are more in to PAs than dj sets ... since BT , Bass Bin & Rabbit are all live acts ... this isnt LA NY doesnt have big out door raves with huge ass line ups .. not in the winter anyway ...



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Peter Gatien and his wife Alex are the cause of the failures their clubs are undergoing. Close to bankruptcy, both clubs on the auctioning block and what a shame. The two most renowned venues in the states outside of Twilo and these idiots own them. Pay your fucking employees, pay your talent, and it's amazing what can happen. Don't blame the untalented dj's form their music blame the untalented people hiring dj's that take food stamps for pay. Down with Peter Gatien and his whole regime.

ps: Except Andy

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Hey LaRaver...!SUCK MY DICK!...DJ Nero tore it up there a few weeks ago, he will rip u a new asshole, then penetrate it...Just my "2 fuckin cents"...everyone is a critic...let's see u spin at ANY NYC club and do a half way decent job...


Sound Factory Fridays are BACK~!. . .Level 4 is open, New 300 speaker digital system on the main floor. . .STRENGTH GUEST LIST FOR REDUCED ADMISSON. . .for info call Mike at 201-883-4242 or 201-488-5305

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