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How To Become A Pimp!

A Pimp...

* keeps his emotions to himself.

* is his own best company.

* doesn't get paid for screwing. He gets his pay from always having

the right thing to say to his females.

* with sense never lets a female go who still has some trick in her.

* is really a bitch who has reversed the game.

* should be prince charming to the females. They should think you're


* should always have one thought in his head, Pimp Or Die!!!

* should control the whole female, be the boss of her life, even her


* should always be determined in any and everything.

* should always recognize and respect other pimps.

* should never accept anything but his money.

* must be serious!!!

* has to be married, married to the pimp game!!!

* could cut his dick off and still pimp his ass off!!!

* is the lonliest person in the world.

* wants any female who can make him money.

* cannot feel like a pimp with one female, raise a stable.

* loves it when his women love him.

* has to use great pressure.


* A pimp with a fine female has to keep his game tight.

* Females always try to find a weakness in a pimp.

* A female will always leave you if she has money. Keep them broke.

* A pretty black female and a white female are alike. They will try

destroy your stable and leave you broke.

* The way you start with a female is the way you end with her. Pimp

hard from the start.

* If you chase a female you get a weak one, if you stalk her you get

a strong one.

* Don't give a trife broke female a second chance.

* Taking their money is an excellent way to keep women.

* Have your women give you your money every time you see them.

* Always keep your women on mental file.

* There is nothing more important than what makes a new female tick

and why. Make her tell you her life story.

* Tell your women they can go down on a price, never up.

* Tell her to recruit for you.

* The tougher you are, the more she will love you.

* Make her convince you, that she should be your girl.

* It's better to have no female than half of a female.

* If your women act up, put them in check quick.

* Never put two new females together, they will plot on you.

* Have your main girl loyal to you because if she leaves the stable

leaves. Keep your game the tighest on her.

* Team your women up and have them competing to see who can bring you

the most money.

* It thrills women when their pimp makes a mistake. Don't make any.

* Never let your women break your rules.

* Protecting your women is protecting your money.

* Never let your women get loud with you.

* Never neglect your women.

* If your women gets stolen the reason why is because your game was

not tight enough.

* A female in strange surroundings is more dependent on her pimp.

* A girl from a small town has to be moved fast.

* It is bad for a pimp to keep his stable on their ass.

* Women think twice about leaving a rich pimp.

* For every girl that leaves you, get two.

* It's a good thing when you can trust your main girl with you women

and your money.

* A pimp should always tell his women something new everyday to hold


* Always get your money up front from your women before you have sex

with them. Treat them just like tricks.

* Make them work hard and fast.

* Run your women like a business.

* Keep your women well maintained.


* there isn't a female you can't do without.

* pimping isn't a game of love. Your women should fear you.

* just like drugs, don't get high off your own supply and what you

supply is women.

* if you keep your money right, Ms. Justice will smile on you.

* the world is nothing but a bitch, and you are her pimp!!!!

* earn your pimping degree in whorology.

* you are not a gentleman, you are a pimp!!!

* you only get great by pimping by the rules.

* pimps are like cars. The best known may not be the real yardstick

to the best one.

* you don't have to pimp, you got to pimp.

* it's a violation of the pimp laws to quit a female who is bringing

you money.

* money over women.

* the pimp game is not for kids.

* never confide in your women, keep your thoughts a secret.

* never count your money until it is in your hand.

* pimping isn't a sex game, it's a mind game.

* just like a company, downsize and upgrade if you have to.

* to a pimp to only thing more important than getting money is

getting women.

* true friends mean more than any female.

* in a pimp's life, yesterday means nothing, today is everything!!!

* the game of pimping is like a chess game, you must think before you move.


* find ways to keep your women without kissing their ass.

* seek knowledge about the pimp game.

* be positive in everything you do, especially the pimp game.

* take care of the little things and if the female is qualified make

her take care of the big things.

* keep your mind on your money!!!

* live by the rules you set down on your women.

* keep the pimp / bitch relationship well defined.

* be a puzzle to your women, that's a way how to keep them.

* remember what you are, a pimp!!!

* remember, the only heaven for a pimp is one filled with women and


* remember a pimp's wardrobe has to be neat and clean, his ride must

be eye catching.

A playa only plays for so long, then he's played out. A hustler only

hustles for so long, then he's hustled out. A whore only whores for so

long before she's whored out. A PIMP only pimps for so long and that's

for life! From all the PIMPS I've known it's been PIMP or die! Put

that on the lifestyle. To play this game on the field of life is a

hard game to play. Pimping, somebody has to do it because a girl can

give up the ass for free for only so long then she is called a whore.

She might as well get paid for it, and she might as well bring the pay

to me! Somebody has to win at it because the game in never going to

stop, champaign bottles are still going to get popped by the PIMPS at

the top of their game.



yo knock yourself a pro slick, gray matter live performas down now take TCB'in man...


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