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Question about Celestine Prophecy

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So I just finished reading the book and I have a technical question to ask. The insights were written in Aramaic, and it is a dead language. So how did they translate the 9th insight so fast??????? Didnt make too much sense to me... On the other hand, I am really glad that i read the book...it definately has great ideas..though at times i was really annoyed at the way it is written. Anyways, please answer my question. Thank you. cwm12.gif



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Hmm, i read it 4 years ago or something.

Can't remeber how they translated the 9th insight fast or slow.

The book was great though and unique as well, one of the first philosophical and insightful books that i've read.

I had those ideas and insights crawling through my head for several weeks after i finished reading.

IF you liked it and want to read more, there is a sequal to the book. I can't remeber what it's called and cant tell you how it compares to the original, because i haven't read it yet frown.gif

If noone else posts the title, i'll find out tomorrow and post it.





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Several weeks afterward? The book is like detailing my experinces now and for most of my life... it's really weird. I haven't finished it yet. As for the translation I dunno... the book is a work of fiction so I guess they can do what they want. But, I'm sure there are people in this world that have studied aramaic enough to beable to read it like english.

Anyway... are there any other people who find corilations with this book in there past/present daiy life? It's strange how much I relate to the things written about... I've been telling friends of mine for years that there is a energy (unseen) flowing between everyone and though I can't see it I have gut feelings about it. Thouse gut feelings help me know when people are happy, sad, disterbed... or any feelings really. It's a change in sensations for me.

I dunno... can anyone relate?




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i don't think you are supposed to ask about the translation and just accept it. i always thought of the story of the book the adventure part ot be an allergory. God knows if i am righ. Well Redfield knows i would bet, but anyways. the sequel The tenth insight is absolute shite, and is nothing more than Redfield's attempt to make more money.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

i don't think you are supposed to ask about the translation and just accept it.

that reminds me, i ran across some scrolls the other day. they're the ultimate word of God. they're written in a dead language but i took the liberty of translating them myself

pm me for my translation of the ultimate word of God


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