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Pretty creative adding me into your sig...you pathetic hindu piece of COW shit... Anyway, please curb your dogs and your hindus and stop them from the following type of behavior:

Filthy Hindu pigs, led by Hindu, Brahmin Mafia RSS strongman, Lal Kishenchand Advani and his hoodlum henchmen created one of the most heinous acts in the history of India. These bastards managed to destroy a dilapidated and unused ancient mosque in a sleepy little town of Ayodhya, thus causing gruesome murdering mayhem rampage that account for nearly five thousand deaths and billions of rupees' worth of property damage, lost time and a permanent terror among the minorities of India.

Surprisingly, the kingpin of this heinous operation, Lal Kishenchand Advani is home minister, in charge of law and order for the whole country. It is like making a fox caretaker of flock of sheep, cat a caretaker of mouse colony, a pedophile in charge of Montessori school, a barracuda in charge of a goldfish bowl. Unthinkable but true.

Filthy Hindus are clamoring over Christian churches' explosions as the government claims that one Muslim confessed to the crimes. Previously, the evidence pointed out to the rabid racists RSS terrorists. No case is filed against the Muslim suspect and they are ready to fry his ass. A mountain of evidence is readily available to gas all those thousands of Hindus who participated in Babri related mayhem and murdering campaigns, not one is behind bars.

Bal Thackeray, another heinous Hindu hoodlum of Bombay deflected all charges against him as he is a Mumbai Marathi Mafia, Shiv Sena boss, fondly called "Supremo." Now after so many years the state government of Congress and former Congress coalition decided to prosecute him. Already Shiv Sena thugs, including Shiv Sena leaders are calling for mass displeasure over this initial decision to sue Bal Thackeray. These same rascals killed one civil servant and removed crucial evidence from his briefcase related to Babri prosecution and police promptly buried the case of a murder. Hindu pigs have very sense of outrageousness that could be very well be called as Demonic. They are raising hell over one single case of Muslim creating mayhem and prepared to press the case against Muslim terrorists thru top diplomatic channels but fail to admit that grievous crimes over Babri cannot be pursued with due diligence and zeal.

Sid Harth..."Filthy Hindu pigs of India are no different than the filthy Hindu pigs of America, Canada, Europe, Australia, Africa or the Great Britain."


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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I've seen you creeping around today trying to make it into the untouchables caste...so I figured I bump this up for your viewing pleasure...







"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

[This message has been edited by gravity (edited 02-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by filthy_slag:

I fail to see what this has to do with hindus or nycdee.

Hindus and many other religions have in their basic philosophy non-violence. In the case of hinduism, this non-violence is extended to animals and so all hindus are strict vegetarians.

There are many incidences or Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and people of other religions doing violence to each other and to non-religious people but I would argue that this does not reflect on the faith, merely on the people involved. The nazis, the crusaders, the romans, the moors, etc, etc.

I'm not sure where your prejudice towards Hindus comes from but I see no basis for it and would ask you to do some research or reflect on the real reasons for your dislike.

I'm not religious but this prejudice seems very unhealthy to me. I hope, regardless of your religious beliefs, that you can learn to accept other faiths and cultures.

Well said. I was going to stay out of this.. but i just had to say...

Gravity you are scum.

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

if you have any balls...you'd tell this shit to NyceDee's face instead of hiding behind a computer...

And the other way around to...btw...who the fuck are you. I am more than happy to INFORM him of these things to his and your face.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Well said. I was going to stay out of this.. but i just had to say...

Gravity you are scum.

Bore me another day you fucking pathetic piece of shit. Its sooooo funny how people are so quick to stick their fucking noses EVERYWHERE...w/out any knowledge of preceding events. Do a quick search...might serve you better than posting all of the boring nonsense you are so fond of...and then get back to me...or better yet, get on your biscuits and cheese and suck my fucking dick.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

And the other way around to...btw...who the fuck are you. I am more than happy to INFORM him of these things to his and your face.

no no...i mean come out of your little white sheets and hood and tell all this shit to his face...

i'm your father and you're my little step child...don't make me bring out the leather straps...


a family full of midgets is not considered kids . . . that's a gang!


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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

i'm your father and you're my little step child...don't make me bring out the leather straps...

You should stay away from leather...because, as we all know, your hindu compadre would not be happy to know that you were killing cows to live out your homosexual S&M/NAMBLA fantasties.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

Bore me another day you fucking pathetic piece of shit. Its sooooo funny how people are so quick to stick their fucking noses EVERYWHERE...w/out any knowledge of preceding events. Do a quick search...might serve you better than posting all of the boring nonsense you are so fond of...and then get back to me...or better yet, get on your biscuits and cheese and suck my fucking dick.

Thankfully your opinions mean little to me.

Well i did you the justice of reading back and your i STILL think your scum.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Well i did you the justice of reading back and your i STILL think your scum.

Actually, my eye does not think that I am scum.


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Originally posted by gravity:

You should stay away from leather...because, as we all know, your hindu compadre would not be happy to know that you were killing cows to live out your homosexual S&M/NAMBLA fantasties.

what's next?

gonna say i have cooties?


a family full of midgets is not considered kids . . . that's a gang!


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Originally posted by gq2727:

That whole thread is definitley a dead issue...btw..if you were Jewish and I made comments about you..we could both laugh over a couple of matzah ball soups..because I am Jewish. Look dude..the whole thread got out of hand...I will be man enough to squash it...if you will too.. Long live the Jews and the Indians.


you are not only a babbling loser, but a hypocrite as well, remember writing this??? man, you are just taking a pounding today. maybe you should come up with a another name, and hide behind that one.

gq, gravity, whatever you call yourself, you are so pathetic. this doesn't stem way back, it never has, you're an idiot and i'm not, thats whats going on here.

as i've told you before, you're outta your league with me, but i'll keep pounding you if you like. I think you should hit up your psychologist, get a perscription and get a grip you dumbass. you're not a day trader anymore??? it's prolly cuz you sucked at it.

you're making a fool out of yourself. i am enjoying it. keep going, you are entertaining me.



I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Originally posted by nycedee:

you're not a day trader anymore??? it's prolly cuz you sucked at it.


I will respond further tomorrow, if need be, as I am leaving from work and find it funny the time you spend thinking you actually bother me...however, I just wanted to clarify your above question. You must be referering to when I said something to the effect of "if youre gonna bash my job, at least know what I do"...I AM A TRADER...HOWEVER, YOU WERE RANTING ON ABOUT HOW I MUST SUCK AND WHY WOULD ANYBODY TRUST ME WITH THEIR MONEY...IF YOU KNEW WHAT A DT WAS...YOU WOULD KNOW IT IS NOT THE SAME THING AS A STOCKBROKER AND WE DEAL WITH OUR OWN MONEY... from now on, I suggest you stock the WSJ in your store, and learn what the fuck you are saying, but for the time being stay where you are and I'll come by for my Twix bar now...

In any event...IT WAS YOUR PATHETIC DRAMA-SEEKING ASS that decided to attack ME on the SACI thread...which is now seemingly unavailable for reference...but I'm glad to see that you are doing your research...now count your HOLY COWS and go the fuck to sleep already...I'm through with your stinky fucking curry dot head covered by a towel bitch ass.

And lastly, how many times do I need to remind you, that I gladly announced my name change...theres nothing worse than a broken record, let alone a hindu one...balalala balalala balalalala..............


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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Whew, I've been away from this board too long...its cuz of dumb-ass mutha fucks like shit eating Gravity that I stick to the Twilo board.

Gravity, you're a pathetic fuck..lol...what, were you raped by some "flilthy Hindu Pigs" as a child. Or was it your own father that stuck his puny dick up your ass!

Yo, num-fuck....how could an entire race of people stink??? That shows your intelligence level, or, lack of, should I say!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by gravity:

I will respond further tomorrow, if need be, as I am leaving from work and find it funny the time you spend thinking you actually bother me...however, I just wanted to clarify your above question. You must be referering to when I said something to the effect of "if youre gonna bash my job, at least know what I do"...I AM A TRADER...HOWEVER, YOU WERE RANTING ON ABOUT HOW I MUST SUCK AND WHY WOULD ANYBODY TRUST ME WITH THEIR MONEY...IF YOU KNEW WHAT A DT WAS...YOU WOULD KNOW IT IS NOT THE SAME THING AS A STOCKBROKER AND WE DEAL WITH OUR OWN MONEY... from now on, I suggest you stock the WSJ in your store, and learn what the fuck you are saying, but for the time being stay where you are and I'll come by for my Twix bar now...

In any event...IT WAS YOUR PATHETIC DRAMA-SEEKING ASS that decided to attack ME on the SACI thread...which is now seemingly unavailable for reference...but I'm glad to see that you are doing your research...now count your HOLY COWS and go the fuck to sleep already...I'm through with your stinky fucking curry dot head covered by a towel bitch ass.

And lastly, how many times do I need to remind you, that I gladly announced my name change...theres nothing worse than a broken record, let alone a hindu one...balalala balalala balalalala..............

what? hypocrite, are you talking????...cuz no one's listening to what you have to say. all people hear are your cries of stupidy, and your pointless ramblings of racist posts. YOU ARE A FOOL. you should stop now before you make yourself look even more stupid.

Go home and think of what you wanna write tomorrow, today was a poor showing, you need to get your act together if you wanna try to get into my league...

i expect more from you tomorrow *yawn*


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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Dee, why do you even bother with this moron? I tried arguing intelligently with him once, but his argumentative skills and maturity level were so off, it was useless ...you'll seriously have better luck teaching a pig how to fly!

Thats why I just resorted to name calling...I don't even pretend to take anything he says seriously anymore. And this name calling thing is only a one-time deal.

Are you going for CC/DT? Did you e-mail TwiloBoss at all?

Originally posted by nycedee:

what? hypocrite, are you talking????...cuz no one's listening to what you have to say. all people hear are your cries of stupidy, and your pointless ramblings of racist posts. YOU ARE A FOOL. you should stop now before you make yourself look even more stupid.

Go home and think of what you wanna write tomorrow, today was a poor showing, you need to get your act together if you wanna try to get into my league...

i expect more from you tomorrow *yawn*


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by nycedee:

what? hypocrite, are you talking????...cuz no one's listening to what you have to say. all people hear are your cries of stupidy, and your pointless ramblings of racist posts. YOU ARE A FOOL. you should stop now before you make yourself look even more stupid.

Go home and think of what you wanna write tomorrow, today was a poor showing, you need to get your act together if you wanna try to get into my league...

i expect more from you tomorrow *yawn*

YOUR LEAGUE...LMFAO...you speak of yourself as if you are some kind of master linguist...Ghandi got more raw than you do... I have read nothing from you in any post that can be interpreted as skillful argument or even slightly disturbing put-downs. RIP bitch...


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



nycedee is my bitch

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You don't know anything. Its amazing how your western educated ass has made you believe that everything that the media writes. Are you trying to educate others about the Indian culture when you have never been to India, you're not Hindu, you don't speak the languages, I could go on.

You benchoit.

Originally posted by gravity:

Pretty creative adding me into your sig...you pathetic hindu piece of COW shit... Anyway, please curb your dogs and your hindus and stop them from the following type of behavior:

Filthy Hindu pigs, led by Hindu, Brahmin Mafia RSS strongman, Lal Kishenchand Advani and his hoodlum henchmen created one of the most heinous acts in the history of India. These bastards managed to destroy a dilapidated and unused ancient mosque in a sleepy little town of Ayodhya, thus causing gruesome murdering mayhem rampage that account for nearly five thousand deaths and billions of rupees' worth of property damage, lost time and a permanent terror among the minorities of India.

First of all, read of on your history. That mosque used to be an ancient Hindu temple that the Muslims destroyed. That mosque was built over a holy Hindu site. The destruction of that mosque was from hundred years of frustration felt by Hindus.

Filthy Hindus are clamoring over Christian churches' explosions as the government claims that one Muslim confessed to the crimes. Previously, the evidence pointed out to the rabid racists RSS terrorists. No case is filed against the Muslim suspect and they are ready to fry his ass. A mountain of evidence is readily available to gas all those thousands of Hindus who participated in Babri related mayhem and murdering campaigns, not one is behind bars.

If you know anything about India or Hinduism, and its very apparent that you have just read propaganda and you believe everything you read, you should know that India is extremely secular and Hinduism is the most tolerant religion in the world. Ususally Hindus are extremely non violent, hence ahimsa, which is the method Gandhi used to obtain independence from the British.

By the way, its extremely unoriginal and foolish of you to insult someone by insulting their race and culture. You're not insulting nycedee, you're insulting Indians. I also think you're making a complete fool of yourself.

Just my $0.02


Slowly..slowly..act like you know me...

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what? not enough for ya gq, or gravity, or racist...you want more abuse. once again you are wrong, like everything else you state, you are wrong. how do you wake up in the morning knowing that everything you do is going to be wrong?? how the hell are you a day trader??? who the hell would trust you with any stock? you have to be the dumbest prick in new york.

also, being jewish like you've stated before, how are you so racist? how do you live with yourself being such a fool???? Do you pay off your psychologist asking him to give you a clean bill of health. clearly, you have problems. it probably stems from so many more successful day traders than you being indian.

you bury yourself with your posts, so keep writing, that makes it 3 times.

i have never degrated a nationality and i will not start now with somebody as pathetic as you, you're not worth it, not worth anything really.


I buried gravity twice, and now own him

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I fail to see what this has to do with hindus or nycdee.

Hindus and many other religions have in their basic philosophy non-violence. In the case of hinduism, this non-violence is extended to animals and so all hindus are strict vegetarians.

There are many incidences or Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and people of other religions doing violence to each other and to non-religious people but I would argue that this does not reflect on the faith, merely on the people involved. The nazis, the crusaders, the romans, the moors, etc, etc.

I'm not sure where your prejudice towards Hindus comes from but I see no basis for it and would ask you to do some research or reflect on the real reasons for your dislike.

I'm not religious but this prejudice seems very unhealthy to me. I hope, regardless of your religious beliefs, that you can learn to accept other faiths and cultures.


* i love sex always and forever *

and they tell me that women grow on trees

and if you catch them right they will land upon their knees

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