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PVD was off the hook, but....

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...what's up with the crowed. I must say that a lot of people seemed like this was not a party for them, I've noticed that a lot of (not all!)Asians were standing around in their own groups. (To me!) it seemed they were not having fun/enjoying the party. Also I have noticed they were alienating themselves from the rest of the crowed (WHY?).

IN addition A lot of OTHER! people had fuckin attitude for no reason. Fucking up the good vibe.

For example I went in 1997 for a Love Parade in Berlin and I must say there was more energy in the crowed there, people were nicer, and ready to party.

I was open to anyone and I met some nice people yestarday, but some people just shouldn't be there becouse they simply were fucking up a good vibe. (OTHER than that everything was Spic and Spanky)

Any thoughts on that?

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-12-2001).]

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It's a dangerous thing to label a particular 'group of people.


Some people are just very hard to read.. no 'external' signs of emotion.. Someone who "looks" like they're not having fun might be having an incredible time - they're just not used to showing it externally.

Motto: Assume everyone is having a kick-ass time and do your own thing.

[This message has been edited by tranceaction (edited 02-11-2001).]

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dude, did you ever think that maybe it's not the asians with the cultural problem? maybe it's the white people with the cultural problem of having to be all smiley and nosy and chatty and WALKING INTO MY DANCE SPACE all the time

yo, props to the guys i met who i could chill and dance with for a few minutes without them getting all nosy and annoying


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

dude, did you ever think that maybe it's not the asians with the cultural problem? maybe it's the white people with the cultural problem of having to be all smiley and nosy and chatty and WALKING INTO MY DANCE SPACE all the time

yo, props to the guys i met who i could chill and dance with for a few minutes without them getting all nosy and annoying

LOL....you go girl!


B L O W G O A T S !!!!

Coming Soon....

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I actually came to the same conclusion, still I believe that since we live in this country which is amixture of different cultures, one should make an effort to open up to that. To learn from others, to experience new things. I believe that asian women are mostt beautiful and exotic, no doubt. Still I think that if you cannot, do not try to mingle with the others, you indirectly manifest your superiority over others. Are they too good for me to share a smile, to respond, to say somethig, to shake hands. I am sorry, I respect Asian culture for it is one of the oldest, one of the greatest, but I don't respect peoole think their better than everyone else, and that is the vibe that was hanging in the air last nite. I am Polish I came to this country 10 yrs ago, I amake all the efforts to blend in, to understand others that live here, yeah it is hard but I keep my mind open, So if I go to a place like Twilo and expect to meet different people there and I wnat to have fun with everyone, not just with my kind.

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deanna Look girl if it bothers you that people come up to you and talk to you than maybe you shouldn't come to a club at all, after all it is a social gathering. I assume you are anice girl so obviously people are going to hit on you, I do not criticize Asian culture, I criticize the "I am better than you, so leave me alone" attitude of some people, and I am not talking about Asians only, don't get me wrong, simply they were numbers of people in this club who have had the bad attitude. If I go to Twilo my attitude is to go have fun with others, maybe meet someone, talk to someone, and in general bring a good vibe to a place. I am sorry but yesterday when I looked at some people that were there, their faces, man they looked like mummies, shit was scary.

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i'm asian and yeah i think without a doubt that asians somewhat ostracize themselves from others.. but for you to say your comment that certain people looked like the didn't belong there at Twilo is fuckt up... did you ever go when it was Sound Factory? first of all it was predominantly GAY.. and before twilo got big with all the kiddies, it was a great place to chill for after-hours ONLY.. obviously you are new to the scene and don't know jackshit. listen, maybe you're just not smooth enough to kick it with the asian chickies, and try wearing your visor to a place like Lotus, they wouldn't let you even stand in the line.. discrimination and hypocrisy from both sides.. pathetic. despite people like you being there, i had a great time.. isn't that all that matters anyways?


***********Live with Heart...Play with Heart***********


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Kirin - First read what else I have written, before you comment

Second, don't get offended, please. I do not reserve any rights to say who should or shouldn't be a part of Twilo scene. All I ment is that if you come to a club you should bring in a good vibe, be open to others, that is what clubbing is about. When I go to a club I don't want to see sad faces, I want to give and get good vibe, if you cannot handle it don't spoil it for others.

And this is not only my observation, I've read posts from two weeks ago when somone got busted at the Exit with drugs, and they were complaining about being profiled becouse of their Oriental ethnic origin. And somone made a similar observation to mine - read it, you'll see what I am talking about

My best friend is Asian, I had a Japanese girlfriend, my father traveled to orient so believe me I know a thing or two about Oriental culture. And I have much respect for it. So it is not about the culture, it is about people who live in America - melting pot of different cultures - and choose not to become a part of this experience. All I am saying is OPEN UP.

At last, don't make assumptions about my involvment in the club scene - you just might be wrong.

But most of all I don't even want to get into this childish competition who is a bigger club-head, I go to clubs to have fun, meet people, and HAVE FUN, simple. I do not make it to be my lifes-quest it is my hobby.

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-11-2001).]

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this is not a competition, but you have to expect comments like mine when you sound as if you are dictating who should and should not be @ Twilo.. if you knew anything, and knew about Twilo's past, you would know that it has changed TREMENDOUSLY with kiddies from westchester and jersey... bridge and tunnel.. you know what i mean... shop at bang bang and le chateau.. a friggin nightmare. many people i know heavily into the scene used to love sound factory/twilo (they have one of the most kickass sound systems) but don't frequent the place anymore because of the crowd and only come out for special events. people do not have to be friendly, this is new york for chrissakes!! just because not everyone wants to give you the time of day doesn't make them outcast from the scene. its about the music for most people i know. and if you meet a few interesting people, then even better. but not everyone is out to make new best friends in a club. and you don't have to defend yourself about asians. what you said was true, but like i said.. maybe your approach is all wrong.


***********Live with Heart...Play with Heart***********


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Oh no no no. Listen, quit attacking me. I wasn't looking for new freinds, or starving for attention, I had my people with me and that's enough. I was just making a general observation. Yes I was rolling yesterday and seeing the "unfriendly faces", dirty looks, was effecting me, so that is why I write about this. I saw some people that clearly were not enjoying it or didn't feel the vibe, or for what ever other reason had hard time blending in = simple thing, you don't have to be there, don't bring your sad ass, stock up, attitude to a place that is all about having fun, don't fuck it up for those who wanna have good time.

I don't want to beat this subject to death, I don't know if you have ever been to Europe, Clubbing there is a bit different. It is not about showing off, competition, who has better gear, or whatever, It is more natural, People just go to a club, socialize, want to unwind, it seems there it is less of a showoff scene and more of a get together crowd. (i.e. Love Parade)

You also wrote that this is all about music, for the people you know I say not only. It is a certain type of attitude, style,maybe even philosophy - for example people take E not only to feel the music better, but also to feel the togetherness in the crowed, they become more open to each other, etc. And that is part of the rave/clubber culture too

So please understand that what I wrote was an observation, I understand that there are huge cultural differences between Westrn and Asian culture, fine by me. But manifesting those differences, in a place like NYC it doesn't help your culture, it only creates friction.

One last point: leave the little kids alone, they want to have fun too, so techno become more mainstream - yeah it may be bad, but than again, now others may experience it, too. Little kiddies don't bother me as long as they shake their asses and don't start drama. To me it is all about having fun and good time, By the way look how on one hand you are atacking me for the comment that certain attitudes don't belong in the club.,yet you write about people from jersey, or B&T who fuck up the scene.

Maybe the the problem is that we are getting older?

Ps:Oh yes I heve been to Twilo years before, so let's get of that subject, please.

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Originally posted by allnight23:

When I go to a club I don't want to see sad faces, I want to give and get good vibe, if you cannot handle it don't spoil it for others.

So, you're saying Asians should have a stupid smile on their faces 24/7... gimme a fucking break. Should they kiss your ass too? Maybe you're the one who doesn't know how to talk to people. Seems abundantly clear to me that since you have been on the board... more nonsense spews outta your brain. Sewage for thought, no doubt...


Relax, it was just a dream... you're awake now and your nightmares will begin...


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EZ - Bro I am glad you make a lot of sense all the time. Obviously neither you've got my point, nor have you read all I have written.

I was making an observation, I had an awesome time yesterday, I don't want anybody to kiss my ass, (Don't comment on one sentence out of the whole context).

Also I am glad you are a fuckin genius, an all knowing entity on this board, I am glad everything you post makes sense enjoy it! just don't insult me you stuck up little prick, (unless you would like to tell me something in person)

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i don't read long posts very well. i just kinda skim them. so excuse any inaccuracies i might be addressing. and here is my own long post

allnight23, i wouldn't want to meet people like you in a club. but i do oftentimes. the way you describe asian women as beautiful and exotic sounds like a novel appreciation for art collecting. i don't care if you had/have asian friends and dated asian women. it doesn't make you asian. it makes you a white guy (or whatever you are) with asian friends and who dates asian women. wonderful. and your asian friends are simply asian people with [a] white buddy/[ies]. great. doesn't make them white either

because i don't like people annoying the hell out of me doesn't mean i think i'm superior. why do you believe this? do you have an inferiority complex? is there reason why you think some behavior puts yourself on a "lower level"? maybe i'm just an "equal level" person (whatever that means) or even a "subordinate level" person who just doesn't want to go through the same inane conversation with every damn person in the club. but, in another perspective, there are some people who put in an impressive amount of effort to bug the fuck out of me. when i go from friendly to polite to apathetic to annoyed to cold to rude, and they're still at it, then no doubt i'm going to think they're a fucking idiot. as a superior being (i.e. God), i of course will look down at a dumbass like this

when i go clubbing, it's to do my own thing. i don't (or do my best not to) let anyone else pull me down. so i don't like being bothered by a lot of the same, boring, annoying people, and i don't depend on any one or thing to determine my night. some advice for you: if you really are bothered by the asians giving you dirty looks or whatever you think they're giving you, then either stop rolling to the point you're overly sensitive to everyone, or else stop looking for asian girlies to hit on


"real fucking high"

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Why would you think I was hitting on Asian girls?

I am sorry that everyone who approaches you is a dumb ass - that is also interesting

And exactly what do you mean you wouldn't want to meet people like me - what kind of a person in your opinion am I? bare in mind, you don't even know me.

Why do you so strongly point out that I am a white guy and you are Asian

Quote:allnight23, i wouldn't want to meet people like you in a club. but i do oftentimes. the way you describe asian women as beautiful and exotic sounds like a novel appreciation for art collecting. i don't care if you had/have asian friends and dated asian women. it doesn't make you asian. it makes you a white guy (or whatever you are) with asian friends and who dates asian women. wonderful. and your asian friends are simply asian people with [a] white buddy/[ies]. great. doesn't make them white either

I don't understand your point. I never said I was Asian but in a way, I am familiar with the culture,

Again maybe you did not understand my point i was making a certain observation - don't get all offended, That is what I (and other people) have noticed yesterday. But akso look how you intend to underline the differences - I am a white guy you are Asian. Maybe instead of differences you should start looking at the similarities between us.

By the way were you born here in US?

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OMFG, i can't tell why you guys (ezdreamer, and dianna1) are getting so fucking defensive and angry, like you were just insulted or something. You guys should cool off and take a chill pill. Almost everything that allnight actually said in his original post and his follow up responses, were his opinions. He didnt insult you personally and he didnt say that all asians looked "sad". You freaken took it like he was talking about you personally.

He mearly stated his opinion on what he thought of the night and the crowd, and that he expected a little more friendliness in a club such as twilo, on a hyped up night like PVD.

I actually totally agree with him becuase i know that the European scene is kinda different in a positive way and friendlier than NYC scene. (Im generalizing here a little, cuz as you know theres going to be some good and some shitty "atmosphere" or vibe wherever you go)

Ezdreamer: DId allnight ever say that he wanted all aisians to have a smile on their face all the time??? Umm, no. He didnt even imply that, and he wasnt only talking about asians. PPl need to be a little more thorough in reading the posts that they are going to reply too and critisize.

From what i can tell, is that every time allnight posts something, whether it be a off topic poll or a informative/intuitive post(like now), you have to be right there responding to him by ridiculing, critisizing, or just being a plane *asshole*

to him for no apparent reason.

Why are you taking every post by him so personally? A grudge? I didnt see him being offensive toward you or personally attacking you, like you are toward him in every reply.






[This message has been edited by Rad_Z (edited 02-11-2001).]

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you're right; you never said you were hitting on asian girls. i just got the impression that you pay a lot of attention to asian people. in the same context you talk about people not being as open and reciprocating to others. made it sound to me like you were trying to open some lines of communication with someone(s) (maybe asians) and weren't received well. but i could be wrong; people shouldn't make assumptions with the vague posts of other people. speaking of which, i didn't say you're white. i said, "whatever you are". and i never said i'm asian

when i said you're not asian, i didn't mean it literally. i meant, you will never have full understanding of being asian or anything you aren't

am i born here in the US... are you asking me if i'm an asian FOB? well, i dunno. we don't know if i'm even asian, do we. if i am not born in the US, would "that explains it!" ? explains what. what assumptions would you make of me, in such a case?

don't go to bed yet. i'm bored and my meds aren't kicking in ;-)


"real fucking high"

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radz, i know no one was addressed personally. but allnight23 made generalities. and if i'm generalized (this would be the case if i'm asian), then i'll consider myself addressed

and i spoke of myself and allnight23 in metaphoric terms (i think) in my post. we did not actually meet at PVD (to my knowledge)


"real fucking high"

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well, i might be of service since im still not asleep yet.

Deanna1: why do you think he is implying all of the things you stated above?

Maybe he didnt have anything specific on his mind before he asked a question. Maybe he was just trying to be friendly!

Maybe he just wanted to get to know you better smile.gif

BLAH, maybe your right! woop!





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Rad Z

I got to buy you a drink, one of those days..

I am glad there is at least one person who understands what I was trying to convey.

Thanx for backing me up.

By the way ez-dreamer has a personal grauge with me and can't get over it. What can I say...he has a problem

By the way Deanna maybe you should meet me in person and than find out what I am really about. I would like that, would you?

Rad when you wanna hang?

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-11-2001).]

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