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PVD was off the hook, but....

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rad, what implications did i say he was making? and what question did he ask that you're talking about? i could scroll up and figure it out, but i'm finally getting a lil' sleepy. just hurry and post before i go to sleep

allnight23, i actually thought, hey, maybe this guy is cool in person; i just don't like the way he says things online. well, maybe we'll see sometime, if we ever meet up in Twilo or something. maybe you're not the biased idiot you make yourself out to be, and maybe i'm not the anal bitch i make myself out to be. but neither of us should count on anything ;-)


"real fucking high"

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Why? should I be hitting on you?, , I've never seen you before,Are you hot? smile.gif

Relax, I am from Europe we are like that, Straight forward and romantic smile.gif

Anyway you are making such a big secret out of your birthplace that I am prone to assume you are from a different galaxy - Galaxy girl?

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-11-2001).] cwm23.gifcwm23.gif

[This message has been edited by allnight23 (edited 02-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by allnight23:

...what's up with the crowed. I must say that a lot of people seemed like this was not a party for them, no offense but I've noticed that a lot of Asians were not having fun (too put it mildely). A lot of people had fuckin attitude for no reason.

For example I went in 1997 for a Love Parade in Berlin and I must say there was more energy in the crowed there, people were nicer, and ready to party.

I was open to anyone and I met some nice people yestarday, but some people just shouldn't be there, they simply were fucking up a good vibe. Any thoughts on that.

bitch shut the fuck up...


a family full of midgets is not considered kids . . . that's a gang!


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Anybody wants a Mentos?

- the fresh maker biggrin.gif

now put a big smile on your face like in those commercials and STOP fighting - my head hurts cwm10.gif from all your nonsence

WE ARE ALL PEOPLE - or do we need some alien race to take us over to unite?

i repeat -

Peace !!!


and only then Twilo

if you got a racist (or any other judgemental) mind stay out of that place!


Keep On Rollin' cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND



AIM: ZUinc2000

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deanna i like your post, i don't think its the asians at all, or the white people or whatever the hell you are....i just think its that person in general. i mean you can't go to a club and not expect the normal rude people, i apologize to everyones space that i walked into, some people laughed and sed hey its cool some were like yea dick get out of my way....which i was in a few seconds...it happens to everyone!! but i don't think you can point it out on one race...really, i think the asians are the nicest people up there!!! everytime i go i meet someone from there and we always laugh dance and have a blast...i go with people who come from all over the world!! venezuela, tashkin, georgia(the country), holland (haha mp3some/bimerus) and i always have a blast! so i don't think you can point out one race......and yes the crowd was way more "in a pissy mood" than i have ever seen it!! (did not stop me from havin fun tho!!)


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

So, you're saying Asians should have a stupid smile on their faces 24/7... gimme a fucking break. Should they kiss your ass too? Maybe you're the one who doesn't know how to talk to people. Seems abundantly clear to me that since you have been on the board... more nonsense spews outta your brain. Sewage for thought, no doubt...

good point!! i know at the end of the night or when im beat im happy but i can't smile cuz im too exauhsted lol!! so no matter how i look, disgusted or extremely happy at twilo, im always havin a good time....so much fun at twilo!! (im not attacking you allnight, i really don't look for arguments, im just saying that not everyone can smile and "appear" to give a good vibe all the time, even tho they may be)-if that makes sense



"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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Originally posted by Rad_Z:

OMFG, i can't tell why you guys (ezdreamer, and dianna1) are getting so fucking defensive and angry, like you were just insulted or something. You guys should cool off and take a chill pill. Almost everything that allnight actually said in his original post and his follow up responses, were his opinions. He didnt insult you personally and he didnt say that all asians looked "sad". You freaken took it like he was talking about you personally.

He mearly stated his opinion on what he thought of the night and the crowd, and that he expected a little more friendliness in a club such as twilo, on a hyped up night like PVD.

I actually totally agree with him becuase i know that the European scene is kinda different in a positive way and friendlier than NYC scene. (Im generalizing here a little, cuz as you know theres going to be some good and some shitty "atmosphere" or vibe wherever you go)

Ezdreamer: DId allnight ever say that he wanted all aisians to have a smile on their face all the time??? Umm, no. He didnt even imply that, and he wasnt only talking about asians. PPl need to be a little more thorough in reading the posts that they are going to reply too and critisize.

From what i can tell, is that every time allnight posts something, whether it be a off topic poll or a informative/intuitive post(like now), you have to be right there responding to him by ridiculing, critisizing, or just being a plane *asshole*

to him for no apparent reason.

Why are you taking every post by him so personally? A grudge? I didnt see him being offensive toward you or personally attacking you, like you are toward him in every reply.



Ithink you guys should read all the postings not just a first one on the top. I think the above quote explains what I was trying to say. Plesae try to read everything before you open up - and start the drama,

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ok before anyone gets the wrong idea, im not fighting with anyone, so don't take offense to anything i say please, i don't wanna get mixed up in this!!! hey unbound ill take a mentos, mint flavor or fruit?


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81


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Shadowchaser do me a favor if you have nothing to say, stop posting here, I don't care about your opinion about my person, in fact it means exctly shit to me, if you are trying to insult me, you can stop waisting yourself, now. To me you are an idiot with a personal grauge against me, so F you buddy start the drama somwhere else.

Twiloman, no offense, I am not trying to attack Asians, I was stating my opinion based on what I have observed, I think I am the last person to dicriminate against different cultures, as I am not originally from America. I don't want to repeat myself over and over but I think Radz nailed what I was trying to say. Excuse me if did not make my point clear enough.

Also FYI BlackRaven I don't sign my name under mikepntbrsh, comment. I think that was a harsh thing to say.

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Originally posted by allnight23:

Shadowchaser do me a favor if you have nothing to say, stop posting here, I don't care about your opinion about my person, in fact it means exctly shit to me, if you are trying to insult me, you can stop waisting yourself, now. To me you are an idiot with a personal grauge against me, so F you buddy start the drama somwhere else.

i'll post where i want...everyone thinks you're an idiot...


i don't want it...i just need it...to feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive...


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