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has anyone been watching this fucked up ass

scary shit on MTV. It's by far some of the scariest shit i've ever seen on TV.

how many of you would actually have the balls to do some of that shit for 5 grand??

not me..

peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!

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yo, that shit is mad scary. i was talking to my friend about that shit and he says that he would do it but i dont think so. a lot of people say that they would do it now but when they get there they would be scared shitless. i would be the last person on that should. its mad scary.

peace out




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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I have seen that shit, and I know exactly what u r talking about. The money is tight and all, but ill be damned if i go on tv to show everyone how much of a pussy i really am. Being in situations like that should only be misfortune not a source of funds. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to that. Hey. . .peoples are crazy, but more power to them.

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I'm not sure it was on at around midnight tonight, but i dont think it's usually on that late prob around 11:00 they have people go into haunted places by them selves with a camera and do fucked up shit. One show was in an abandoned jail where inmates had died.

with absolutely no light other than a flash light. And this jail was huge. I wasn't even there and it scared me.

peace, love, and double stacked zorros!!

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Nah i would do it for $0.5 do those people really think that MTV will allow anything to happen to them?

They all scream like little girls when they fake sounds coming from rooms and make things move on strings.

It's wack.... jesus i would do it for free just to walk round with my head held high not looking in the slightest bit worried.. but i guess that wouldn't make good TV.

$5000 to look scared more like.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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