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Why can't I find a guy that likes to do..

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honestly, i've been thinkin the same thing. i'd like 2 find a chick just 2 take on a "date" to the factory. cuz i don't like pickin chickz up at clubz, even though that iz all i do. i rarely hook-up with them, but i just love 2 hang-out out with them. i don't know why but i just do. none of my friendz like 2 go 2 clubz with me cuz i just ditch them 2 dance with chix. i def want 2 do this some time in the future cuz it would be exciting. but u don't just go up 2 some chick and ask her if she wantz 2 go 2 the factory. fuk moviez and all that other BS, i wanna wild some night and do this shit. but the chick haz 2 be hot cuz otherwise i'll lose interest and probably be a dick and just avoid her the whole night.

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you wanna know what really sucks? for some reason i am probably THE single most picky person in the world. we're talking about one hell of a gauntlet that anyone has to run for me to remain interested. the smallest little thing, and boom, my interest is gone. and when i do become interested, it's always in people who it would never ever work out with.

this is all because of my ex. we loved each other like hell and still do over the 2,000 mile distance. we were close to perfect together (in my mind) and i can't stop looking to reattain that perfection that i felt whenever i was with her.

that's my rant for this valentines day, now do we have any takers? come on, i'm told i can be slightly fun once in a while.


this is mattyparsons. please excuse the smell; sometimes i push too hard and my large intestine blows inside out

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perhaps you all should be screening your prospective mates more carefully. before i go out with someone i always ask what they like to do for fun, what music they listen to...etc. i dated someone who was into the bar/live band thing and thats all she wanted to do.....needles to say that didnt last long!!!

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Originally posted by a691vcc:

honestly, i've been thinkin the same thing. i'd like 2 find a chick just 2 take on a "date" to the factory. cuz i don't like pickin chickz up at clubz, even though that iz all i do. i rarely hook-up with them, but i just love 2 hang-out out with them. i don't know why but i just do. none of my friendz like 2 go 2 clubz with me cuz i just ditch them 2 dance with chix. i def want 2 do this some time in the future cuz it would be exciting. but u don't just go up 2 some chick and ask her if she wantz 2 go 2 the factory. fuk moviez and all that other BS, i wanna wild some night and do this shit. but the chick haz 2 be hot cuz otherwise i'll lose interest and probably be a dick and just avoid her the whole night.

Honestly I think that would be cool if someone was to want to go to on a date to the factory for a wild night instead of the usual dinner and a movie thing that by the time the movie is over what you really thinking is well gee I want to go home and go to sleep now. Someone else wrote about not being able to afford to take themselves and the girl out. I know that it can be very expensive to go out to the city and go to places like SF.(I dropped $180 this sat because one of my friends didn't bring what she thought was enough money) But it's not something that you do everyday and I wasn't saying they have to pay all the time. But it would be nice to be treated to this kind of nights sometimes. The last guy I went on a date with did nothing but talk about himself over dinner and then proceed to ask me well are you into clubs and the music they play and stuff like E and when I said yes his remark to follow was that "I don't listen to that shit. I think it's just a bunch of loud noise in a dark warehouse where people need to do their drugs and dance and look stupid" Needless to say that was our last date.

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Originally posted by bodi:

..."I thought to myself, I'm not married, I don;t have any kids. Once those two things happen I won't be able to go to clubs, bars, etc!

...Not entirely true. If you do get the "special someone" you can still do the things that you enjoyed together, but just in moderation. I am happy to say that I'm married w/ a beautiful baby and my hubby and I do the whole "club" scene on special occasions. OK, so we're not clubbin every weekend...BUT there is more to life than that ANYWAY!

Keep looking Prin.... he'll be out there! cwm11.gif

Chrissy cwm38.gif

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Originally posted by princess0621:

Honestly I think that would be cool if someone was to want to go to on a date to the factory for a wild night instead of the usual dinner and a movie thing that by the time the movie is over what you really thinking is well gee I want to go home and go to sleep now. Someone else wrote about not being able to afford to take themselves and the girl out. I know that it can be very expensive to go out to the city and go to places like SF.(I dropped $180 this sat because one of my friends didn't bring what she thought was enough money) But it's not something that you do everyday and I wasn't saying they have to pay all the time. But it would be nice to be treated to this kind of nights sometimes. The last guy I went on a date with did nothing but talk about himself over dinner and then proceed to ask me well are you into clubs and the music they play and stuff like E and when I said yes his remark to follow was that "I don't listen to that shit. I think it's just a bunch of loud noise in a dark warehouse where people need to do their drugs and dance and look stupid" Needless to say that was our last date.

if i wuz havin a good time i would buy a chick water and some other shit just out of courtesy becuz it iz a date no matter what. the chick would have 2 pay the admission definitely though. I have no problem paying for other thingz cuz it iz a date and i would think nothing of it. But, once people start takin my generosity for granted, I really get pist. That would be a trip if i did do this. cuz if there iz 1 time were i am at my best and most comfortable,it iz at the club. it would add up to good mony spent if it wuz with a hot chick who wuz out 2 party and just have fun. 1

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da best dates are club dates, because that's all i really want to do anyway. but club dates don't really work (imo) unless you're really into your date and want to spend the ENTIRE time with him and don't want to meet other people. somehow, i can't do this. not like i'm running around trying to pick up guys all over the place, but mostly i run around by myself (Mom always lost me in the department store when i was little)


"real fucking high"

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Originally posted by deanna11:

da best dates are club dates, because that's all i really want to do anyway. but club dates don't really work (imo) unless you're really into your date and want to spend the ENTIRE time with him and don't want to meet other people. somehow, i can't do this. not like i'm running around trying to pick up guys all over the place, but mostly i run around by myself (Mom always lost me in the department store when i was little)

thatz totally true, i would expect time where i wuz alone for a bit. i would want that just in case shit wuzn't totally cool. if the person izn't cool it doezn't mean i won't have a good time. i'll have a good time no matter what. it will just possibly make it better. it would be cool to try. i've done alot crazier thingz at clubz than this. but, i'm down to give it give a try. how bad could it be.

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