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Does anyone have a website that shows some tattoo art. I am looing to get one of the sun and moon in one and i cant find a style that i like. can anyone help me?



...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...


e-mail: chrismakk69@aol.com

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~hey wats up? i dont know any websites...but when i got my tattoo i just told the guy what i wanted and he drew it up and altered it to exactly how i wanted it...so its like original. did you try that?? good luck !





email: clubindiva@aol.com

AcCePt No iMiTaTiOnS...tHeRe iS nO sUbStiTuTe FoR tHe ReAL tHiNg!!

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hey, a good source of line art is to go to a large book store, like barnes and noble or borders... or even the library, and check out the art and crafts section. they have clip art books on different topics -- one that stands out are the celtic collections with their kool knots and whatnot... anyways, photocopy something you like from there. the quality might be better for bringing in to a tattoo artist rather than a printout, and it's cheap to do.




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