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Tenaglia Tomorrow


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Does anyone have any sense of how crowded this party's going to be? I've never gone to it at all, but I'm assuming it's not going to be anywhere near as bad (in terms of being packed) as Diggers tonight.... Still, it's the anniversary party. Can anyone help me out here? Just a simple comparison to Twilo on its more packed (S&D or PVD) nights would be helpful. Thanks.

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Originally posted by nes10:

Does anyone have any sense of how crowded this party's going to be? I've never gone to it at all, but I'm assuming it's not going to be anywhere near as bad (in terms of being packed) as Diggers tonight.... Still, it's the anniversary party. Can anyone help me out here? Just a simple comparison to Twilo on its more packed (S&D or PVD) nights would be helpful. Thanks.

UGH! You can't even compare twilo to vinyl, it's a completely different club, vinyl is small and is home to danny's true crowd/followers/fans, etc. I have seen vinyl at its most packed though the past few weeks...more and more people are coming to vinyl each week, so I am sure it will be crowded, but you can't compare it to anything, especially twilo, it's a completely different space.


"Hold on Tight...Enjoy the Ride" -DT

Spilled Milk On The Face Will Not Be Considered Make-Up This Evening!

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Just because two things aren't similar in every aspect, it doesn't follow that you can't isolate one aspect and make a comparison there. I've been to both clubs before and am well aware of their differences. Still, there is an objective answer to this question: Do you think it will be as difficult to move/dance at Vinyl tomorrow as it often is at Twilo's bigger parties?

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there is usually less back and forth cruising traffic at vinyl. At twilo,it seems like everybody on the perimeter is trying to get somewhere. at vinyl, people hunker into a spot on the dnace floor and spend some good quality time there. that's a generalization, don't hold me to it.




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