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I am frustrated, angry, pissed off...

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Why? The reason for my frustration is that stupid research institutes spend million of dollars every fucking year on drug (by drug i mean E, weed, heroin, cocaine....) research instead of inputing that money into cancer, aids, heart diseases research. The government has its priorities all wrong by fucking sponsoring all the useless research on drug effects. I say "who the fuck cares

what it does to my brain, whatever they say will not stop me from using them. The decision to stop them will be made on my own, without the influence of all the stupid findings, anti-drug commercials...." Meanwhile there are millions of peole diying from cancer, aids..etc. FUCKING MORONS!

Another thought, why do people get arrested for using drugs when they dont harm anyone else but themselves? WTF? cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif



"Luna, thank you so much!"

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Originally posted by orchid21:

Why? The reason for my frustration is that stupid research institutes spend million of dollars every fucking year on drug (by drug i mean E, weed, heroin, cocaine....) research instead of inputing that money into cancer, aids, heart diseases research. The government has its priorities all wrong by fucking sponsoring all the useless research on drug effects. I say "who the fuck cares

what it does to my brain, whatever they say will not stop me from using them. The decision to stop them will be made on my own, without the influence of all the stupid findings, anti-drug commercials...." Meanwhile there are millions of peole diying from cancer, aids..etc. FUCKING MORONS!

Another thought, why do people get arrested for using drugs when they dont harm anyone else but themselves? WTF? cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

[/quote KUDOS!! Well put! It's a free country and that gives us the right to make our own choices. Sick people don't get to make that choice.


I am who i am

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we live together, we act on, and react to, one another; but always in all circumstances we are by ourselves.

The martyrs go hand in hand into the arena; they are crucified alone.

Embraced, the lovers desperately try to fuse their insulated ectasies into a single self-transcendence; in vain

By it's very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude

Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies- all these are private and except through symbols and second hand, incommunicable.

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Guest crystalmethodny


Calm down girl!


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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Originally posted by orchid21:

Why? The reason for my frustration is that stupid research institutes spend million of dollars every fucking year on drug (by drug i mean E, weed, heroin, cocaine....) research instead of inputing that money into cancer, aids, heart diseases research. The government has its priorities all wrong by fucking sponsoring all the useless research on drug effects. I say "who the fuck cares

what it does to my brain, whatever they say will not stop me from using them. The decision to stop them will be made on my own, without the influence of all the stupid findings, anti-drug commercials...." Meanwhile there are millions of peole diying from cancer, aids..etc. FUCKING MORONS!

Another thought, why do people get arrested for using drugs when they dont harm anyone else but themselves? WTF? cwm23.gifcwm23.gifcwm23.gif

Actually, if a drug becomes scheduled (such as E did), doesn't that mean that the government will no longer fund research on the affects, etc.? This is why having E scheduled makes it difficult for testing to continue and possibly making it legal again. I don't disagree with the absurdity of the gov't's position and the War on drugs, but I thought that scheduling caused all gov't research funding to cease.

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Originally posted by orchid21:

I cant calm down because i have personal reasons to be so angry!

Awww I'm sorry today's not your day hon!! Does this have to do w/ your research? Well just know that you're out there, making things better cwm38.gif




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I agree with you baby - but how do you prioritize the research - I mean what research is more important - all research is inter-related ... but you are right there's a shit load of wasted money on no-good research in this country ...just like everything else we waste here...oh well frown.gif ... I think the sure for the common cold could wait until we find a cure for cancer and other lethal deceases. Once we know how to cure the more extreme and even rare deceases, I think we'll manage the common cold (which by the way has the most research funding from all these commercial pharmaceutical companies)



AIM: ArthurBrooklyn


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It's good point but very little money is put in to reseaqrch and who says a cure for cancel won't come from one of the drugs you mentioned.

Also ME sufferes and cancer sufferes say that the pain killing effects of Weed benafit them more than the opium based veriety, which are slowly killing them anyway. So some of the research does have it's benafits.

Also in the UK where heathcare is free they need to find out what kind of problem they will have with the E casulties, so there is a valid reason.

And people get arrested for drugs because they do harm other people. I went on at length about this in another thread and wont go through it all again. But in the supply chain there are many people killed and exploited to bring you your role, joint, fix.

But it's where they attack the problem at the sorce or at the end user. They are now moving across to attacking it at the source. Most people get away when they are cought with weed the first time. An quiet a bit of money is spent making it more economically viable for the farmers in poor contries to grow coffee (which they cannot make much money off because our own society want cheeper and cheeper now adays), rather than coca or opium.

They are even putting money in to chemicals that will destroy poppy (in the case of Opium/Heroin), Weed or Coccain crops.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Originally posted by Unbound:

I think we'll manage the common cold (which by the way has the most research funding from all these commercial pharmaceutical companies)

Why would pharmaceutical companies want to put an end to the common cold? God...to think about all the money some of these companies will lose. Tissues, cough syrup, nose spray, throat losengers (sp??), and all the other over-the-counter medications.

I'm not arguing...just wondering why they would do that.

As for Orchid's frustration, I don't think the government wants to put all it's funds in cancer, heart disease, aids, etc., research because as sad & gruesome as it may sound, we can't have everybody living "forever". Cancer and other terminal illnesses are kinda like natural selection.

Besides, the pharmaceutical companies & hospitals are making a hell of a lot of money when ppl get those kinds of illnesses.

Just my cynical view.



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Originally posted by playboychick:

Why would pharmaceutical companies want to put an end to the common cold? God...to think about all the money some of these companies will lose. Tissues, cough syrup, nose spray, throat losengers (sp??), and all the other over-the-counter medications.

I'm not arguing...just wondering why they would do that.

As for Orchid's frustration, I don't think the government wants to put all it's funds in cancer, heart disease, aids, etc., research because as sad & gruesome as it may sound, we can't have everybody living "forever". Cancer and other terminal illnesses are kinda like natural selection.

Besides, the pharmaceutical companies & hospitals are making a hell of a lot of money when ppl get those kinds of illnesses.

Just my cynical view.

Cancer, AIDS...are TERMINAL illnesses because the research field makes them to be that way. Instead putting money into that they give money for hair loss research or for whitening your teeth... dumb things like that that improve out apperance, but in reality there are people dying and SUFFERING from more serious illnesses.



"Luna, thank you so much!"

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WhoooOOOOAAAaaaaaa. Hold up. Before you all hop on the the bandwagon and agree with the post that started this thread, I must say I disagree. (and agree/expand b2b's argument a bit further).

Originally posted by orchid21:

The reason for my frustration is that stupid research institutes spend million of dollars every fucking year on drug (by drug i mean E, weed, heroin, cocaine....) research instead of inputing that money into cancer, aids, heart diseases research.

o I don't know my stats, but I would think that federal funding and appropriation of research $$ must be substantiated based on severity/population affected/deaths/etc. And I'm pretty damn sure that a far GREATER percentage is spent on cancer research than E research. Call me crazy, but that's just my hunch.

o As alluded to by b2b, do you realize how much the pharmaceutical industry's discoveries/cures/treatments were made serendipitously? Quite a few; research for one thing has sometimes produced a cure/treatment for a totally different ailment.

The government has its priorities all wrong by fucking sponsoring all the useless research on drug effects. I say "who the fuck cares what it does to my brain..."

...why do people get arrested for using drugs when they dont harm anyone else but themselves?

o You are foolishly looking at this in the microcosmic sense of your own existence; i.e. i'd agree that this would be a solid & valid argument *ONLY IF* you harvested/made your own drugs and consumed them within the confines of your own isolated home, with no responsibilities or interactions with anyone else.

o However, the truth of the matter is, drugs is a vertically and horizontally integrated trade, having far-reaching effects/repercussions in it's course of business. Two things off the top of my head: people getting killed JUST to gain ownership of trafficking route; families torn because of abuse by one of its members.

o So unless you grow/make your own drugs, and live a solitary/isolated life, drug use affects MORE than just you.

...whatever they say will not stop me from using them.

The decision to stop them will be made on my own, without the influence of all the stupid findings, anti-drug commercials...."

o Perhaps you're not swayed by the anti-drug propaganda. But you'd be surprised how many kids/people stay away from them because of this awareness. e.g. "hey, I may not buy into it, but I'm sure glad my kids do." It works. So don't knock it.





[This message has been edited by loch (edited 04-13-2001).]

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