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TWILO 5:18 close time!!!!!! REVIEW!

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Um......yes. thats all i have to say.

No really....Digweed was incredible. But DT stole the show. For those of you who left early, i feel for you. It was truly one for the record books. As you can see by my typing.....i dont make any sense to myself right now.

Personals for special peeps, and those who stayed!

Cazz....nice to finally meet you. Guess what? found a nice hunk of silver for you wink.gif

Noiseboy.....TWILOFUCKER!....dude, always a pleasure....especially when its singing old john secada songs coming outta phazon....yes. you heard it right folks. That bastard dropped John secada!

Pulsedriver......see sweets...told you you could make it to the bitter end with us! you rock!

Blueskygirl.....sweetie....i knew you would be there with is at the end. always a pleasure.

flippin_e......what up bro.....HELLUV A WELCOME HOME PARTY NO!?!?!?!?!?!

That weird fuckin old dude with the hairy back, striped bootyshorts, and apparent radar mechanism, consisting of a glownecklace and 2 half dead stix.............DUDE...you're a fuckin weirdo. biggrin.gif

favorite parts:

Eurythmics remix of sweet dreams.....Knocked me on my ass.

Jon Secada.....just cause.

all the classics at the end

when those 5,235,235,6234664,623 sweaty shirtless, no respect having bastards finally left....not for nothing.....but they were rude.

seeing John Digweed 3 feet away from me, watching the queenz do there show, under an EXTREAMELY intoxicated state....diggers was...that is. Well he deserved to have his drinks. he kicked our asses.

easter egg hunt! y'all that hung know what i mean wink.gif

when danny reached down with a basket full of easter candy. and shook my hand biggrin.gif

ok...i forgot what i was doing......um.....right. going now.

-Al- "packingabowlthenshoweringthensleepingtilltomorrow."


-----"I am Jack's Mental Disorder. -Ed Norton~Fight Club Trippintrance64sigcopy.jpgringcopy.jpg

AIM: fantom0680

A.RRiezgo@verizon.net <----- NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Um......yes. thats all i have to say.

No really....Digweed was incredible. But DT stole the show. For those of you who left early, i feel for you. It was truly one for the record books. As you can see by my typing.....i dont make any sense to myself right now.

Personals for special peeps, and those who stayed!

Cazz....nice to finally meet you. Guess what? found a nice hunk of silver for you wink.gif

Noiseboy.....TWILOFUCKER!....dude, always a pleasure....especially when its singing old john secada songs coming outta phazon....yes. you heard it right folks. That bastard dropped John secada!

Pulsedriver......see sweets...told you you could make it to the bitter end with us! you rock!

Blueskygirl.....sweetie....i knew you would be there with is at the end. always a pleasure.

flippin_e......what up bro.....HELLUV A WELCOME HOME PARTY NO!?!?!?!?!?!

That weird fuckin old dude with the hairy back, striped bootyshorts, and apparent radar mechanism, consisting of a glownecklace and 2 half dead stix.............DUDE...you're a fuckin weirdo. biggrin.gif

favorite parts:

Eurythmics remix of sweet dreams.....Knocked me on my ass.

Jon Secada.....just cause.

all the classics at the end

when those 5,235,235,6234664,623 sweaty shirtless, no respect having bastards finally left....not for nothing.....but they were rude.

seeing John Digweed 3 feet away from me, watching the queenz do there show, under an EXTREAMELY intoxicated state....diggers was...that is. Well he deserved to have his drinks. he kicked our asses.

easter egg hunt! y'all that hung know what i mean wink.gif

when danny reached down with a basket full of easter candy. and shook my hand biggrin.gif

ok...i forgot what i was doing......um.....right. going now.

-Al- "packingabowlthenshoweringthensleepingtilltomorrow."

...And after 16 hours of blinding insanity inside of Twilo, and lord-knows how many "stimulants," what does Al do when he walks out? He calls my cell phone to check if I am okay b/c I disappeared. My 7am departure was unavoidable, and if I didn't *vanish* I never would have left...but to know that you were thinking of me AFTER a night like that really touched me and meant a lot. Now that's a friend! I love you Al!


"Spontaneity is the key to spice in life"

"Music makes the world go 'round...so keep it spinnin!"

"Happiness is like a butterfly, which when pursued is just out of your grasp, but if you will sit down quietly, it will alight upon you." Walt Whitman

AIM: Jewel44317

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Loved the Jon Secada ... and the fact that we were listening to it in Spanish at first!

The song before that though ... I know it's by Wham but which song again?

To all those peeps that closed out, how amazing was the last few hours? Some memorable moments ...

Danny taking Mikey's glow things and jumping like he does in the booth.

Classics at 3:00 ... Mikey going nuts on one of the songs.

Danny showing us how tribal he can get.

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Such a wonderful time it was indeed!

I am not hurting as bad as I should be for having danced 15 hours straight!

Everyone who was there till the end definately deserves a pat on the back <pat>

Huggs, kisses




Forget the gold I want the pot at the end of the rainbow...

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Wow......I'm glad the party got crazy......I only was able to see Digweed and the first 3 hours of Danny but if it wasn't for the vip party, I probably would have left after 1 hour........maybe I was just so tired and beat up from PVD that it wasn't hitting me but I thought the vibe was almost absent when I was there.......during Diggers set, which was tremendous as always, it seemed that people on the dance floor were just talking and waiting around for Danny.......not that Danny isn't something to anticipate but normally when Digweed drops the bombs the place gets nasty......I didn't see much of it all.........I can't put my finger on what was wrong to me but I know I just wasn't feeling the crowd too much when I was there........ smile.gif


"I don't want a piece....I want the whole thing....." - Bob Barker

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That was definitely the best club night I've had in my brief career. Diggers was his usual spectacular self (and his usual drunk self .. I went up and tried to shake his hand around noon on Sunday .. it took him a few seconds to figure out that he had to put the beer bottle to accomodate the handshake .. he accepted my claim that I am his biggest fan, then he grunted something incoherent and sent me on my way).

I'm no Vinyl-head .. I've only seen Danny there once .. but DT on the Phazon is the ultimate club experience. That sound system is made for his style - he just keeps a deep, pounding, tribal baseline going all night (and the next day!) to keep the crowd grooving, and layers all kinds of fucked up tracks on top of it to fit the mood. I didn't think any DJ had a bigger song collection to call on than Diggers, but DT pulls out the strangest and most appropriate shit from his collection. Where does he get this stuff?!

It was great to see so many peeps from the board .. especially the ones who did the full PVD on Friday and came back for more. I would've loved to have stayed for the afternoon hours, but my ancient body gave out on me. A few of my fellow crackheads (and you know who you are) joined me on my couch as we vacantly stared at my TV and wondered what happened to all those brain cells we walked into Twilo with.

But to the chagrin of all the Vinyl-heads who don't want DT to get too popular, I'm afraid the word is getting out. You'll start seeing newbies like me in there on a regular basis in no time. Unless these rumors about DT taking over for Junior are true ...


AIM name: noserotoninleft


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Hiya Al!

Indeed it was a great great pleasure partying and closing the show with you, as always! *And* you were there when he played my fave song of right now "Tracy in My Room" ::drool:: It was an excellent moment; so glad u were there!

I completely agree with everything you said, however, I have to say that I definitely enjoyed the Presidents day more than the anniversary show.

EVERYONE I know was at Presidents day, the rest of the crowd was better, and I thought Danny was even far better than the KILLER show he did this past Saturday.

I got the feeling that since Danny had just spun Twilo not too long ago alot of peeps didn't feel it was a Twilo/Danny emergency or something. Peeps out of town for the holidays notwithstanding, alot of regular closers left early, and many other peeps just seem to have not shown. I guess PVD wore them all out on Friday or sumthin... Digweed was f-ing awesome as well, but not as bangin as 2 weeks ago (and rightly so, since he was an opening act [OMG, can't believe I just got to say that!]).

The night was legendary for sure; I had a freakin blast!! Totally straight, 1am to 5:30pm, well satisfied with all performances, especially you TT64, KingInk (thought you were over at like 3pm but pulled it off, nice work luv!), Noiseboy (*sigh* luv u more all the time, my brother!), Nefpratiti (defining beauty and H-A-R-D-C-O-R-E), Jammy (as always, fab and very hardcore), FlippinE (nice to meet ya, too bad the pizza theory didn't pan out...), am I forgetting anyone? Sorry, even straight a party like that'll leave ya CO'd... smile.gif

Highlights? Jeez, too many to mention... Watching Crommy dance and smile her butt off for hours, pretty much everything Danny played, the classics at the end, Danny in big, fuzzy bunny ears, dancing with Mike to 2 of his favorite songs (and one right after mine at like 3:30pm smile.gif, seeing so many peeps I love having so much fun... I could go on forever.

Hugs 4 all even the early leavers and no-shows,

BSG "goddamineedmoresleepthisweekendstartson wednesday"


Music... is alllll about the groove. Can you feel the groove? Listen...


aolim blueskygirl2001

[This message has been edited by blueskygirl (edited 04-16-2001).]

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This weekend was insane. First, closing out PVD then going to JD/DT...Man, my body really hates me by now...I wish I had the energy to close DT. Unfortunately, by 1:30pm (I think), no amount of modern chemistry could keep me going (roby, thanx for the couch/hospitality). Anyhow, hearing about how plastered JD was would explain why he wasn't as good as usual. Danny was amazing. I hadn't seen him since his D-Tour days...I just realized hom much I missed him.

BTW: For those who wondered, the girl in the Indian headdress (feather hat) really was wearing one (we had someone ask her to see if she was real).



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I was there until closing too.. such a wicked gig! It was very amusing to hear Jon Secada on Phazons tongue.gif, spin spin sugar...and all the rest. Good old old school tunes.

I guess I haven't met peeps mentioned here but definetely saw them sometime in the afternoon (I have a good visual memory tongue.gif

So, what were you wearing, looks??

Peace out..



"newbie" so it says...

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