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Any one ever experience "the walk of shame" after clubbin?

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How bout this: does anyone belong to the cracker club of people who fell asleep on the train and woke up at the final stop somewhere in Coney Island?? HOPEFULLY! one time I fell asleep on the train only to find out that I took the wrong one and woke up somewhere in the Bronx,...I live in Brooklyn. Ohhhh, and every so often you wake up only to find the train crowded with people going to work, all the while you're taking up a whole bench while people are standing. Kinda makes you feel homeless. cwm41.gif




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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Isn't the walk of shame tradionally also when your roomate or neighbors find you sneaking back into your house at 11 am during the week. The catch is you are usually wearing the same outfit you left for dinner and drinks the night before.

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LOL! I actually really enjoy that scenario which you refer to as the walk of shame. For some reason it makes me feel like I'm in a movie. There is nothing better than soaking up some afternoon rays in the park still in full club gear amongst the runners, joggers and walkers...Who needs exercise when there is ecstasy!


"And that is what empower-meant when she said; you'll miss me baby but I'm not going anywhere." - mbd

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Or how about when you lose your buddy in EXIT, she has your coat check ticket so takes your coat home with her, leaving you to take the subway home to Brooklyn at like 10am on a Sunday in NOVEMBER in a mad-slutty sheer black mini-dress, with open sandals, sunglasses and a little evening-purse!?! LOL, thanks Serena... you're the goods!

And while we're on the subject, thanks NB for lending me your naked-lady shirt to wear home over my slutty top after Twilo on Saturday! It was the lesser of two evils, or some such, but it sure did the job... smile.gif

LOL, Walk of Shame, yeah I do it more than I care to admit!




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aolim blueskygirl2001

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hehe. The walk of shame... More like the walk of pride for me. Its just a great feeling taking walking around the city and taking the train back, going to the dining hall for a 12pm lunch followed by plenty of rest. The worst part of clubbing is waking up when its dark about and screwing up your whole weekend schedule. But its worth it!


"1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 ....Mathematics is the language of nature" --BT

AIM: teklord310

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I always smile when I see my dad come to my house on Saturday. I hear him tell my mom that he was up all night. He is smiling and tells me how much he loves me. He is stinky and takes a nap on the couch.

I think that he likes to come get me when he is like that since he does it all the time.



The Littlest Clubber


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Been there, done that..

I have to laugh at myself.

I'll stop in the little convienience store on the corner before I go out and pick up a pack of cigarettes and some gum. I'm lookin good, got the "go get em" gear on, and am ready for the night. biggrin.gif

11am Sunday come home from SF stop back at the little convienience store on the corner, looking like a train wreck, face all pale, mouth all pastey, cookie monster eyes in full effect, and pick up another pack of cigarettes and some gum, and am ready for bed. I can't even imagine what must be running through the guy's minds behind that counter.

It's a vicious cycle... cwm32.gif

[This message has been edited by bionic (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Regardless at what time I come home, my neighbor ALWAYS comes out at that time to walk the dog!!

He always catches me crawling out of my car w/ shoes in hands staggering w/ my keys!



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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